
My Over Powered System

What kind of system do you like? The kind who will give you mission to get stronger? Or let you farm experience from nonstop killing? What if, your system let you increase your strength just by waiting and gave you mission to develop your territory? Eduard was transmigrated on another world where qi and magic exist. When he woke up, he was already in the body of Eduard Chris, the fourth son of the Chris family. At the same time, he was also sent by the clan to manage a territory on the border of human kingdom. Being thrown by his clan on the border, the new Eduard also have a system with him. The system help him to increased his power jus by waiting. [ raising level of host to Tier 2; 2 days] He was shocked to learn that his system increase his strength by just waiting. Moreover, the mission of system can also be done by the help of the people under his command. By getting stronger, he was able to defend and develop his territory. People with an intention to taje his domain never wins. As time goes by, his border territory become a center of trade between the two kingdom. In his his Territory, racial differences was ignored and harmony was developed. He was able to create a City of peace bit with the power that could overthrow the human kingdom. Chris turned into a strong Lord of his territory. People that under him loved him and those who became his enemies was killed without mercy. Follow Chris as he developed his fiefdom to dominate the whole world.

mysterious_ed25 · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter 7: Knights Training

Reaching the location near the forest, Captain Martin immediately come to Eduard, " My Lord, we have caught a Horned Board. Please give us the instruction ".

Eduard eyes wandered on the surrounding Knights before he face Martin, " Captain, is there any casualties on the knights?".

" You don't have tio worry my lord, the Boar just manage to enter the rank of Iron level, so the knights easily killed it. ". Martin said with assurance.

Eduard was thankful that nobody was injured, since they have only limited supply of medicine if anybody was grievously wounded.

Eduard walk near the boar and observe the look of the beast. He was shocked to see that the boar was thrice the size of regular boar on earth.

' this boar just enter the rank of iron level with this size, how much larger the other beast that on the higher level rank?' he thought.

This his first time seeing an actual beast of this world. The chicken that he requested to be bought before was pretty abnormal too. But the difference of this and that, was the later is domesticated and safe to keep. Moreover, the other one has the normal strength, to the point that even ordinary people without cultivation can subdue them.

Being out of his curiosity, he tried to touch the skin of the beast. The skin was hard and the same as thetexture of a tree bark. There is a small horn in its forehead that almost the same as a goat horn. The difference only is when he tried to slice it with a dagger, the dagger only left a thin slice in the surface of the horn.

There is a clean cut on the lower part of its neck, indicating that the sword had pass through here and the boar immediately died.

After Eduard was done, he stand up and look for Martin.

" Captain here is the instruction, assigned the most skilled knights in dismantling, he will dismantle the boar. The skin is useful as outer casing of armor, so please avoid ruining the skin as much as possible ". Eduard look again at the boar estimating the usefulness of its raw material.

" You don't have to worry my lord, I have experience in dismantling work. I will make sure that I can take care of the useful materials. How about the meat my Lord?" Martin asked. He was already waiting for order on distribution of the boar meat. Because the meat of beast that enter the Level of Iron rank was a good nourishment for them.

"Okay, half of meat will goes to the knight. Captain you should distribute it equally based on the contribution of everyone. I'll keep the other half to use as ingredients in cooking lunch for the slave".

Captain Martin was shocked to their portion. He was only expecting to receive around 10% of the meat. He immediately protest to Eduard.

" Lord, we are satisfied in receiving a fifth of the meat. You should keep the other portion for yourself my Lord"

Eduard gave a smile to Captain Martin. " Captain you don't have to be polite. Just take it as a reward for your hardwork. Beside, tomorrow you should take your knights on the mansion, I have something to give you".

"We thank you, my Lord" everybody said with a sincere smile. Still they are excited to also know what their Lord wanted to give them.

Eduard on the other hand was happy to the attitude of this Knights. Everyone have an uncomfortable look when he declared that they will be getting half of the whole share. He knows that even if the other knights was offered by him of half the meat, they will surely respond on how Captain Martin responded to him.


Early in the next day. Every knight was sitting on the field. Even Captain Martin, was having a hard time in catching his breath. They were all sweating a lot. They didn't even to the ray of sun taht directed to them.

This morning when they were wondering on what would they received from Eduard. Eduard meet them at the front of the house, he loudly announced that he will give them a way to improve their cultivation. What they have only to offer is to cooperate with his arrangement.

Everyone was enthusiastic since it was their dream to improve their cultivation. They were sent here by the Arch Duke Family because their talent was mediocre and some of them was stuck in their tiers and realm for a long time. In short, they are the weakest in the Knights of the family except for Captain Martin.

Captain Martin was assign here to accompany the Lord because p he had a conflict with one of the knight that was favored by the Chris family.

Even Captain Martin was excited to Eduard announcement. They were all expecting that Eduard will gave them a cultivation method to improve or even treasures that will assist them to breakthrough.

But their dreams crumbled when Eduard announce the training routine.

" I think everyone was agreeing to participate in the training". Eduard said to assure that everyone has no alms.

" Now here is your task for today, everyone had to run 10 laps in the field, then you have to perform a hundred push ups and last is rock climbing in the cliff near the river".

Everyone excitement died down and switched with question marks.

Where is the cultivation method/manual? the assisting treasure that they Imagine?

The routine that Eduard gave them was too simple. To the point that they can easily accomplish it. They wonder how can it help them to improve. If they know that there is a method like this, they have done it before just to breakthrough.

" I will supervise the training to ensure that everyone follows, and by the way I will introduce this three kids to you. This three is Digong, Manny and Isko. They will train together with you to be a knights. I hope that you will assist them in their training".

The three kids walk in line with the knights. The knights look also at the three , they are excited to train this little ones.

" Okay, Lets start the training. Each of you will get the boulder that I prepare for everyone, the largest is for the one with the highest cultivation and the smaller is for the one with lower cultivation. Everybody start to move when you get your own boulder".

Everyone has a look of disbelief, the boulder that Eduard pertaining has a weight of around 200 pounds for the smallest and 300 pounds for the largest.

Everyone has a bitter smile on the face. They have no choice but to follow the order and fetch this rocks.

The kids also was given a boulder but its only around 10 pounds and they only have to run for 5 laps.

After everyone finish running, they heard again the voice of Eduard.

" Now that you take your breather, you can now start to position yourself for push ups." everyone immediately move on their Push up position.

Suddenly, something heavy was put on their backs.

"Everyone you can now start. Let me remind you that the one who will let the boulder fall from their backs will receive an additional 5 push ups".

Everyone face turn green, hearing the reminder of Eduard. It was like a death sentence from hell.

Eduard was like an army demonic commander that training his subordinates until they are half dead.

This leads them to their current situation.

" This is hell " voiced out by one of the knights.

"Yes, definitely. I will eat a lot of my beast meat share tonight because of this" the other one said.

Eduard hear their conversation from a far. He was glad that he did not hear that somebody wants to give up.

The three kids on his side was also breathing heavily. But they have determination in their eyes to get stronger.

"Everyone, gather!" Eduard shouted.

Everybody immediately move and form two lines in front of him.

" This routine will be repeatedly performed daily so you have to be prepared. Now for your last assign task. You will form three teams to hunt down beast twice a week to the East forest everyone should move before noon and back before night. The target are only the Iron level beast, if you encounter Silver Level beast, you are free to run if you are not sure to take it down. Abandon the mission if it is needed. This will start 3 days from now" .

Everybody was shocked to the task given by Eduard. Nobody refute him due to the effects of Ruler's Command.

" This task is to minimize the threat on our side as well as serve as your cooperation training. You will have to regroup every week to get used to everyone".

All the knights nodded to his arrangement. Only the kids was exempted to this since they haven't even entered the iron level of Knights. He will assign them as a messenger for the Knights post to report to him, if someone wants to invade or a unexpected visitor came.

" I am glad that nobody quit to the training. I will now distribute a Qi Cultivation Method for everyone. Everyone of you should work hard to raise your level. I want everyone to reach silver level within 3 months time. " he authoritatively said.

" Yes, Lord " everyone gratefully responded to Eduard. Each of them have a determination in their eyes. They were thankful to Eduard treatment to them. This is 10 times more better when they are inside the Chris household. They have sense of accomplishment and have a better treatment in here.

The only that they could do for their lord is to make themselves stronger to defend his territory.