
My Over Powered System

What kind of system do you like? The kind who will give you mission to get stronger? Or let you farm experience from nonstop killing? What if, your system let you increase your strength just by waiting and gave you mission to develop your territory? Eduard was transmigrated on another world where qi and magic exist. When he woke up, he was already in the body of Eduard Chris, the fourth son of the Chris family. At the same time, he was also sent by the clan to manage a territory on the border of human kingdom. Being thrown by his clan on the border, the new Eduard also have a system with him. The system help him to increased his power jus by waiting. [ raising level of host to Tier 2; 2 days] He was shocked to learn that his system increase his strength by just waiting. Moreover, the mission of system can also be done by the help of the people under his command. By getting stronger, he was able to defend and develop his territory. People with an intention to taje his domain never wins. As time goes by, his border territory become a center of trade between the two kingdom. In his his Territory, racial differences was ignored and harmony was developed. He was able to create a City of peace bit with the power that could overthrow the human kingdom. Chris turned into a strong Lord of his territory. People that under him loved him and those who became his enemies was killed without mercy. Follow Chris as he developed his fiefdom to dominate the whole world.

mysterious_ed25 · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter 9: Fox Girl

Digong was on the post of the knight. His given job by Eduard was to assist the knight in looking for any people that appear on the territory, and as a message deliverer, if an intruder had come to invade. It was only passed the Lunch time, he has to accompany one of the knights on duty who assigned as his guardian in training.

Looking from a far, he noticed a carriage that is coming at a fast speed in their direction. He called out the attention of the knight beside him who is facing the opposite side.

"Uncle Eren, Look! A carriage was coming to this direction in a fast speed".

Eren also looked at the direction that Digong was pointing out. A familiar insignia in front of the carriage was visibly hanging in front of the carriage.

' someone from the Chris family', he muttered.

" Digong, immediately look for Captain Martin, inform him that someone from Chris family is coming"

Digong immediately nodded showing that he understood Eren and ride the reserve horse on the post.

Luckily, he easily met Captain Martin who is busy in mapping the surrounding perimeter. He come to his position immediately and tell the information that his uncle Eren told him.

"Okay, I understand. Visit the mansion and tell Linda or Angie about the situation. I will receive the carriage"

Digong complied to Martin order and ride again the horse to the mansion.

Captain Martin also move to see the visitor. "I hope that this people has good intention".

He ride his horse to the direction of entrance.

Looking from a far, Captain Martin stopped the carriage that coming to the territory. Seeing clearly, the coachman of the carriage, he realize that he was familiar to her looks but he do not know her name and whom she worked for, inside the Chris family.

The door of the carriage suddenly opened, the face of Strella appeared.

Martin was stunned to see this woman. He know this woman and her relation to his current Lord. This is the Elder sister of his Lord Eduard.

"Greetings Young Miss Estrella, please pardon me for receiving you poorly " he said while bowing his head to the girl.

Estrella look on the surrounding and finally fell her gaze on Martin, "No need to mind the formal greeting, lead the way to the mansion".

Martin nodded and ride his horse to the direction of Martin house.

Inside the carriage, Estrella was looking at the view outside the window. She was shocked to see the slaves who are happily doing the field work with an energetic action. They have enthusiasm in what they are doing.

Someone familiar also passes her gaze on the field.

' Angie? Why is she on the field and supervising the slaves? Isn't she's my brother personal maid?' she had thought.

Estrella popped his head in front of the carriage to talk to Amella.

"Amella, is the slaves of Chris family that work on the field have that enthusiastic expression usually while ddoing their work?"

Amella can not also easily answered Estrella question. Even she, was also wondering what sort of pill was this people had eaten.

"I'm not quite sure young miss, this people are strange. From what I remember, slaves that work in any nobles family territory has a negative look and somehow no energy to work, that is why, there are supervisor on the fielf who is always monitoring with a whip on their hand".

They did not talk for long, as they reach the most beautiful house in the area. The house outer look was simple. There is no sign of extravagant and only simple design.

At the front door, she saw Linda who is welcoming her with a smile on her face. There is also two children beside her, who are unfamiliar to Estrella.

" I humbly welcome you Young Miss, I'm sorry, if I am the one who welcome you, Young Master is not in the house currently ".

Estrella who is trying to look inside the house stop looking and ask Linda.

"Where did my brother go? Is he on the farming field?"

A conflicted look suddenly appeared on Linda's face, she don't know how will Estrella react if she learn that Eduard was on the east forest. But she had no choice but to anwer her question.

" Young master is on the east forest right now. He will hunt down wild beast together with the knights to clear the danger nearby his territory" she weakly replied.

"Whattttt!!!" Estrella would have an heart attack hearing the statement of Linda.


In the deep side of the forest,

A man and a girl was running. They disregard the stem of trees that blocking their way and just continue to run.

The man was at his mid 30's with an ears of a fox on top of his head. His face had a look of tiredness and his body look so frail.

The girl with him was also the same. Her features are the same as a 15 year old girl with a small stature. Her skin was white like a milk and her fiery red eyes make her looks more beautiful, in addition to the fox ears on his head.

At behind them, Two beast man that looks like a mercenary was catching to them. Their faces have a look of excitement and Lust.

"Vic, we should enjoy the girl before we handed her to the slave trader, I quite angry of what happened before. Ihave to teach her a lesson" One of the guy said.

The other guy looked at him with an annoyed expression." You fool, is your other head in your pants was the only one that thinking for you? Look, the price of the goods will be half if you tried touch her. Beside, it's all your fault that we are currently running until the human territory, just to catch that girl".

The other beast man was disappointed to the words of Vic.

This two mercenary was Vic and Marlon, a beast man with a cultivation level at iron tier level.

They were hunting beast on the forest nearby the Gago kingdom border, to sold their materials for money.

While the two was looking for beast to kill, they encounter this father and daughter foxes.

Observing the two, they were shocked to see that the beautiful girl was from the popular beast man race, the fox race.

The fox race were known for their beautiful faces that comparable to the elves. Specially the female from their tribe.

They were used to be hunted and kept by the big races in Beast man tribe for sex pleasure. So they are quite rare to see around and freely walking.

Vic attack the fox man and left the catching of the fox girl to Marlon. Vic didn't expect that the fox man that look so weak was stronger as it seem, leaving him to tied on holding him.

While Vic was busy in holding down the father, Marlon had already locked down the fox girl. He shamelessly started to pull down his pants, trying to have a taste of the fox girl.

Unexpectedly, Marlon was kicked by the fox girl on his private part. He rolled on the ground with his face turning red from the pain.

Vic who was busy on fighting the man was suddenly caught by the voice of Marlon. He saw Marlon was already rolling on the ground while the fox girl was running away.

Loosing his attention to the fight, the fox man suddenly throw pebbles into his eyes. The small pieces of sand enter his pupils stunning him to hold his eyes.

The fox man turned around to follow the girl to the human border direction, leaving them hanging on the forest.

" Huff, huff, Roxy I can't run anymore, my legs felt weak already. I will hold them down to take time for you ". The man said weakly, he was already breathing heavily and sweating a lot.

"Father don't do that, I won't leave you. I will carry you if you can't run anymore". The girl replied. Her eyes was already moist when she heard he father.

Roxy and her father was already running away to the two for almost an hour. Her father was already weak and hungry before they encountered them. Right now hos body was falling out due to tiredness.

Roxy was pushed by her making her momentum faster. Her father stop running to face the two mercenary.

"No, father" roxy shouted.

Her father was smiling at her saying, "you have to live on, don't stop running".

Tears continuously fall down on roxy face. She didn't stop to run to the direction of human territory. She was hoping that someone could help her on the way.

While she was running she heard a growl of a beast in pain. She stopped her tracks and turn her running direction to the source of sound.


Eduard was currently fighting a red eyed wolf. He was having a hard time to pinned down the wolf because of its speed.

Luckily, he was able to slice a wound on its leg when he parry its claw using his sword.

The red eyed wolf right now was pulling his injured legs while trying to runaway to Eduard location. Sadly, Eduard easily catch to it, slicing its neck in one swoop of his sword. The wolf head left rolling on the ground.

Eduard fell on the ground, wiping his sweat after he killed the wolf. He checked his mission progress from the system.

[ Mission: Hunt a hundred Iron Level Beast 10/100 ]