
My Marvel Reincarnation.

A man dies a violent death, but his death is just the beginning to a life he could only dream of. With his wishes granted he will rise to the top of his new world and live his life as he sees fit. Marvel Si, Op-Mc.

ScottyTheD · 电影同人
20 Chs

Kicking Ass & A Field-Trip

The final bell of the day rings out and we all pack our shit and head out. As I'm walking with Pete I can't help but think of what's going to happen to his uncle Ben, I definitely have to meet the guy that inspired Spider-Man and save him from his unfair fate, I mean he's still getting shot, just not anywhere vital

Now you may be asking "LEX! Why would you still let him get shot?!" and to that I say, Peter still needs to see "With great power comes great responsibility" in action. So Ben is going to get a bullet somewhere non vital to drive that point home, but he'll live without any permanent injury.

These thoughts have me semi distracted so when some meat head with more bulk than brains gets in my way I walk right into him. "Oof" comes out of my mouth as I look up at him, he's about 6'4 and must be north of 240 (that's 108kg fellow metric system Chads).

"Can I help you big guy?" I ask, knowing what's most likely about to come. "Yeah, you can get your ass outside so I can break your face for what you did to Flash!" He says angrily. Oh good, this will be a strong message to all the jocks and bullies that I'm not someone to fuck with and that their days of picking on the weak smart kids at this school are over.

I mean seriously, it's a school for physically gifted and mentally gifted students, what did they think the jocks would do to the nerds? They have a school full of people smarter than them that they can bully into getting homework done and lunch money from, well fuck that, this big dummy is gonna have to pick his teeth off the side walk when I'm done.

"Okay lead the way tall, dumb and ugly" I reply casually, for such a big guy he's a great impressionist, he looks exactly like an angry tomato right now. "You're a dead man" he threatens, then he turns around and starts leading me out the side door to a more private side of the parking lot.

People in the hall heard the exchange and quickly started following while texting their friends about what was going down. Soon enough there was a crowd following us and when we made our way outside another crowd had already gathered; forming a semi-circle just for me to beat his ass in.

We walk into the center as the crown behind us closes the circle and people started talking excitedly, "Can you believe the new kids gonna fight Brad?!" "Dude, he's gonna get stomped!" "$20 bucks says pretty boy doesn't last 2 minutes". That last one hurt, I'm ruggedly handsome, not pretty.

I grab a thick black hair tie from the pocket of my $500 jeans and tie my hair back, don't need it getting in my eyes mid fight. I'm calm as can be, maybe even excited, in any case I'm getting ready as Peter suddenly asks me "Lex are you sure you wanna do this? Brad's a state champion linebacker."

I assume the "Thinker" pose and act like it's a hard decision before I smile at him and say quietly just so the both of us can hear "Relax man, I'm a fighting prodigy, just sit back and watch the show." I go to walk off before I decide to up the showmanship, "Here hold these" I say as I hand him my beaten brown leather jacket and take off my black V-neck shirt.

To say Peter and everyone else was surprised with how ripped I was, was an understatement. Wish I had a camera to catch all the eyes bulging out and jaws hitting the ground, I'm enjoying the shock when I suddenly hear "Mmm mamma like" in a seductive purr. Oh Felicia, you will be mine. I look over and give her a wink making her blush before heading over to Brad.

"Ready to do this dumb dumb?" I ask casually, I swear if his face scrunches up any further it'll get sucked into his head. "I'm gonna break your face, let's see how pretty you are then" he spits angrily. Oh this is going to be sweet, so I tell him "Take the first swing big guy".

A big looping overhand right comes rocketing towards my head faster than I expected, but still not fast enough, I channel my Lomachenko, lean back a bit and let the punch swing and miss by an inch from my face . "Sloppy, you're not gonna hit anything swinging like that" I taunt.

Thus things went like this for the next few swings, hooks, straights, haymakers, all of them miss and I decide it's time to get everyone's attention. On his next swing, a left hook, I Mike Tyson duck and weave under it and lay a vicious right hook into his left side ribs.

"Gah!" Brad lets out in pain, as he bends towards the impact area, pain evident on his face. "You know Brad, you really fucked up." I state matter of factly, from which point I proceed to pick him apart piece by piece.

The people watching what could only be called a surgical ass whooping were in awe, they'd never seen someone move so fluidly, seeming to know where each hit was going to go before it had been thrown. They knew after I'd knocked a tooth out of his face that Alex Mercer was not someone you wanted to fuck with.

"C'mon chief, don't give up so soon" I taunt Brad with a smirk, he'd decided that since I was picking him apart on my feet and hit like a mule that he'd use his size and tried tackling me to the ground, BIG mistake. I channeled all my Ufc grappling knowledge and sprawled as he came in, we ended up in North South position, basically he was on his knees with his head near the ground, almost like a Muslim person during prayer.

With my weight spread across his shoulders via my chest, I quickly channel Khabib Nurmagomedov and decide to ground and pound this pussy into unconsciousness. I maneuver him onto his left side, tie his legs up with mine, grab his left wrist so he can't try to posture up and proceed to lay vicious right hands into his face and body.

This happened so quickly and fluidly people couldn't believe what they were seeing, punch after punch landed on Brad until finally he tried moving his head back and away towards his left shoulder, trying to get away from the beating and I capitalized. I smashed him right across his jaw, snapping his head to the left, the side he was trying to turn to.

Brad went limp under me and I immediately knew he was out. I let him go and got up, with not even a drop of sweat on my body. This was too easy, you know when people say "It's like (insert pro fighter) fought a toddler", well this is what they're talking about. I do a good old hand dusting and say "Not even a challenge, what a letdown" before I head over to Peter and put my shirt and jacket back on.

I hear some awe's from the girls when I put my shirt back on and smile. Turning around I look at the grouping of jocks and cheerleaders in the surrounding circle, none of them could believe what they just saw. Brad Williams, state champion linebacker, just had his ass kicked in a brutal and spectacular way. They regretted egging him on to pick this fight on Flash's behalf.

I walk in front of them and say "The next one of you that tries this shit isn't just getting a light beating and knocked out like Brad here." They looked shocked at what I considered light, "No no no, your football career will be over, because I'll snap your knee 90 degrees in the wrong fucking direction."

The look they saw on my face let them know it wasn't just an idle threat, it was a promise. Before I started heading over to my car I decided to do something for Peter and all the kids like him, so I turned back to them and said "Oh and if I hear any kid in this school is getting bullied like my friend Pete here was" I put my arm around his shoulders and grabbed the far one like an old friend would do in a photo as I continue, "Then you're getting an ass kicking, I hate bullies and love beating the shit out of over privileged douchebags who think just because they have physical or financial advantages they can do whatever they want".

I knew what I said was a bit hypocritical but there were some sayings that came to my mind, "The strong devour the weak", "The law of the jungle" and "Might makes right". But my favorite by far was; "Do as I say, not as I do", it's a great cop-out.

A lot of the jocks and cheerleaders looked like they swallowed something bitter, I guess they just lost their good grades and pocket money. Man teenagers can be assholes, anyway I drag Peter over to my car as I'd already promised to drive him home.

When we get to the car there is a certain curvy, flirty blond leaning against it. Jesus Felicia looks good in that mini skirt and tight sweater vest, naughty catholic school girl outfit is all I can think. "Hey there handsome, care to take a girl for a ride?" she asks, heavy seduction in her voice.

Now's the time I predicted was coming and my pants started feeling awfully tight, it should be illegal for someone to exude as much sex as Felicia does… Well she's 16 so it kind of is. With great self-control I walk up to her with a small smile and say "Sorry beautiful, I promised Pete I'd give him a ride home, you can join us if you'd like".

Felicia looked surprised I said that but recovered quickly, her seductive smirk back in full force as she said huskily "Aww that's too bad, I really wanted you to take me for a ride". My brain was short fusing, my pants were too tight, I felt a bead of sweat go down the middle of my back, dear god this woman is gonna kill me.

I make my own quick recovery walk close to her and lean down to whisper in her ear "Don't worry gorgeous, I'll take you for a ride real soon". Felicia visibly shivered as her cheeks turned red, "I'll hold you to that handsome" she says before kissing my cheek and walk past me, running her hand across my chest and right shoulder as she does.

I watch her walk away with the most captivating hip swing I might have ever seen, my eyes were glued to that ass until I lost her in the crowd. "I'm in trouble" I say out loud to myself. Peter chuckled as he walked up to my side and put his hand on my shoulder saying "Yeah Cats always been like that, she's never actually dated anyone tho, most of us just thought she was a chronic flirter."

"Cat huh? It suites her" I say with a smirk "Okay Peter let's get you home so I can go take a cold shower". Peter laughs as I unlock the car and we get in. The V8 engine roars to life as 50 Cents Window Shopper starts blaring, attracting more envious attention from those still around the parking lot, god I love this car, god I love my life.

With a big smile I get the address and make my way to Peters house, I'd read and memorized a complete map of the state of New York and it's up to date road system before I got here. My family had moved here from our Palatial Estate in California to a Penthouse/Mansion my mother had had built years ago overlooking Central Park, being the son of billionaires is fucking awesome.

We make it to Peter's house in record time and he invites me inside, it's a regular house in a regular Queens neighborhood, it looks simple yet inviting. Going inside we're greeted by a 40 something milf who I quickly deduce is Peters Aunt May, guess god decided to go with the hottest version of everyone in this universe.

May, as I was told to call her, was an amazing woman. She's funny, smart, a fucking brilliant cook, and that's coming from the guy that has Michelin star meals every day. In short, she quickly became Aunt May to me too, she smiled when I called her as such and thanked her for the homemade pie with homemade vanilla whipped cream; my mouth is watering again just thinking about it. I was disappointed when she turned down a million dollar a year offer to become my personal chef, this woman loves her nursing work.

As I was about to take my leave Ben walked in the front door and wouldn't you know it, it was Jon fucking Hamm! I mean he looked and sounded like him at least. Best. Casting. Ever. I send my props to god for that one and greet Ben.

"Hi I'm Alex Mercer, but everyone calls me Lex. I'm Peter's new friend, you must be Uncle Ben." I stick out my hand for a handshake which Ben immediately takes, as we shake hands Ben smiles and says "It's nice to finally meet a friend of Pete's, I've been telling him to bring one home for a while now."

Peter looks embarrassed; I guess he hasn't really had any friends in this universe, besides a pseudo-intellectual, awkwardly flirty friendship he had with Gwen, there was no Ned here. It must be isolating being as smart as Peter is and not really being able to connect with others. God I wish he and Gwen would just get together already, she'd be so good for the shy dork.

We have a quick chat after which I say my goodbyes and go to head home. However as I'm making my way to my car I hear what can only be described as a stereotypical abusive father cursing out his daughter. Mary Jane, I remember versions of her story where her dad was a real piece of shit.

Turns out in this universe he was the verbally abusive kind, which is shit cause I can't beat a guy half to death for yelling shit, that is until I hear a slap and see Mary Jane run out of her front door crying and holding her cheek.

Without thinking I walk over to her on the side walk, she sees me coming and runs into my arms. I guess seeing me beat the shit out of Brad and hearing how I hate bullies made her think of me as someone that would keep her safe, which I fully intended to do.

I give her a hug and tell her to go stay at the Parker's while I sort things out, she looks like she wants to argue with me but I just give her a look that says "no arguments". She nods and heads up the stairs to Peters house as I make my way to her still open front door.

A fat, slightly balding man with messy stubble stands there looking angry and drunk, he smells like booze, shit and cigarettes and I know for a fact this guy is going to the ICU. "Wadda you want?" he slurs as I walk up.

"Did you just hit your daughter you fat sack of shit?" I ask right to his face. "Fuck that whore and fuck you ya little prick!" he yells at me, his breath stinks even more of cigarettes and shit. I'd heard enough and before he could say or do anything else I was on him.

I grabbed the wrist of the hand that was still holding on to a bottle of what looked to be extremely cheap whisky and make him smash it over his own head. The bottle explodes on the right side of his head and I'm not done yet, not by a long shot, anyone that would abuse their own kid deserves what he's about to get.


When the ambulance finally got there the paramedics asked what happened and all anyone would say is that he fell down the concrete steps at the front of his home. They didn't necessarily believe us but when his own daughter told them that that's what happened they stopped asking questions and carted him off.

I found out later by hacking into the hospitals computer network that he had a skull fracture, a broken jaw in 3 places, a dislocated shoulder, a shattered right hand (the one he'd hit her with), a cracked sternum and a completely mangled left knee. He'd be in the hospital for the next 3 - 5 months recovering and would be walking with a cane the rest of his life.

I started to feel little guilty until I hacked the police and found his record, let's just say if domestic abuse was an Olympic sport then this guy would Michael Phelps it. That quickly eliminated any minor feelings of guilt i may have possibly felt.

Anyway with all that unpleasantness out of the way, I made sure MJ was okay, her Aunt was staying at their house and she was a lovely woman who was Mays bff and absolutely adored MJ. I felt relief that she had at least one good person in her family and she wouldn't be alone.

As we said our goodbyes, MJ, she told me to call her that instead of Mary Jane all the time, buried her face in my chest and tried to hug the life out of me, it was nice. I smiled and returned her hug, telling her if she ever needed anything to just call me, we'd exchanged numbers earlier.

Just as we were disengaging the hug she got up on her tip toes and gave me a quick, chaste kiss on the lips and said "Thanks tiger". She blushed then quickly made her way into her house; her Aunt Anna gave me a smile and closed the door behind her.

I was taken aback by this kiss and floored by her calling me tiger, but at the same time I couldn't help but smile. It had only been 1 day and I'd kicked 3 guys' asses and gotten the attention of 2 of the most beautiful women I'd ever seen. I really hope I don't screw this up I think as I make my way home.


The next week and a half wasn't as slow and dragging as I thought it would be, I mean it only took me 1 day and the next I had a group to hang out with at lunch and between classes. It was Peter and Gwen, who I kept subtly pushing together, then Felecia, MJ and I, and wouldn't you know it; I always ended up seated in-between them.

Friday that week I brought a duffel bag full of old clothes that wouldn't fit me, but would just fit Peter, to school with me and dragged him into the bathroom. I made him change into the outfit I picked for him, which was a little loose on his frame as I knew all the clothes would be, but they would fit perfectly after the spider bite.

He tried to not accept them but I just told him to think of them as hand me downs since they didn't fit me anymore, he begrudgingly accepted after I hinted Gwen would appreciate the clothes on him, which she did, I held my nose in the air and looked extremely smug when she complimented him on his new look.

In any case if he thought a duffel bag was too much then he'd be really surprised after he gets home and sees that I'd had all his clothes replaced with my old ones. I made sure to thank Aunt May, my co-conspirator, for facilitating the wardrobe coup.

She loved the dresses and various other clothing articles my mother donated as well, I expected her to argue like Peter and Ben would but she just thanked me and gave me a big hug before squealing and diving into all the bags that had been brought over for her. Gucci, Prada, Chanel and Versace were among the many name brands in the bags, and on the bags, May was a very happy lady and that made me happy. Ben got a new wardrobe as well, I felt like Oprah.

Anyway the week went quickly, the only hiccup was that Brads parents tried getting lawyers involved after our fight was posted online, scratch that, I meant after his ass kicking was posted online. Unfortunately my family's team of lawyers was world class and they crushed the attempted legal battle before it began, paying for his nose and teeth to be fixed by plastic surgeons helped as well.

It was true what people say, if you have enough money you can be above the law, I would add you could only be above the law within reason. I couldn't beat someone to death in broad daylight with 150 witnesses for no reason and get away with it, but I could avoid life in prison without parole if I did.


Finally the day had arrived, the day that would change Peter's life forever. Making our way into Oz Corp I had to say the level of tech on display was impressive, not Tony Stark impressive but impressive none the less.

I'd done some research on this universes Norman and discovered he'd shipped Harry off to a prestigious boarding school in Europe as soon as he could; check one off for him being a bad, emotionally retarded father and another one off for him being a massive dick.

The tour drags on a bit until we make our way into a room that immediately gets my attention. In the middle of the almost sterile white lab was what can only be described as a cylindrical tower sitting on a waist high circular bench made of hard plastic cubes, each one with a spider in it.

When I get within 20 feet of the tower I feel a sudden influx of power, it was intoxicating. My muscles felt like they were constantly compacting, expanding and then compacting again, giving me untold strength. I felt my ligaments and tendons thicken and become harder than steel yet at the same time feel as flexible as a piece of string, try bending and twisting string, that's what I feel like I could do with every joint in my body without anything breaking, tearing or even feeling uncomfortable.

I feel more, 1 bone claw growing in the underside of each of my forearms, my body's natural bioelectric field felt like it'd been plugged into a nuclear reactor, my vision lets me pinpoint a dust particle on the wall on the other side of the room. My senses feel like they all ramp up not to 11 but 20, I quickly master myself and turn them back down to manageable levels. My left hand starts to blend into my jeans, appearing almost invisible, I quickly shove it in my pocket and wait for the various other changes to take place.

As we walk forward I catch movement out of the corner of my eye, a tiny red and blue spider had just dropped onto peters shoulder, here it comes I think to myself. Sure enough 10 seconds later Peter sucks a sharp breath in through his teeth, and slaps the back of his neck, he'd been bitten.


And that's another chapter down, I'm really enjoying writing this but don't expect daily releases forever, lol. That being said I don't think I'll be stopping or going on Hiatus anytime soon.

As always, please leave comments and reviews, let me know how you're liking things and what you think I could improve on, peace.