
Modern Family: I want Freedom

My name doesn't need to be known. I died as someone who didn't enjoy life. I missed everything. Luckily God gave me a second chance in another universe. In that universe I decided not to give a fu*k about the rules. I decided to do what I wanted to do and enjoy life. I was assisted in that as I got a system, which rewarded me with various character templates of people like Neil Caffrey, Sherlock Holmes, Lupin, and many others. Watch me live my life to the fullest as Ethan Alvarez. The main universe will probably be Modern Family with many other TV series or movies mixed in it like Brooklyn 99. You can recommend various movies or series and I will try to build them into the novel. The universe will not be supernatural. If you want it to be supernatural I can try to add it. You can not only choose the TV series or Movies but also recommend various templates for the MC. A little introduction about the MC is in the first chapter. (author here: I really overdid it at the beginning, but it will get better after the first 7 chapters(at least that is what I think and hope))

burakku · 电影同人
70 Chs

Phil and Claires anniversary gone wrong

I was driving along the coast. While driving my phone suddenly rang.

It was Haley calling. I quickly accepted the call. 

"Ethan please pick us up. Please. Please. Please. I beg you", I heard Haley's pleading voice from the other end of the phone.

"Did the present from you guys go wrong or what's up?", I asked her. 

It should have been Claire and Phil's anniversary today.

"We walked into them having sex", I heard Haley saying it in a tone like she was disgusted by it. Which she probably was.

"I feel like throwing up", Haley said.

"me too", I heard Alex saying from the background.

"OK, I will pick you all up in about 20 to 25 minutes", I said to Haley while turning back with a quick U-turn.

I accelerated while enjoying the perfect sound from my exhaust. I or the Dunphy kids were lucky that I was driving my new car.

It was a Mercedes-AMG C63 Black Series. Well not really. It wasn't exactly one. As for why?

A few days ago I heard about the release of an engine for a new car and it would take a while for it to be built. 

I had a crazy idea. I purchased the newest Mercedes-Benz AMG S65. It had a crazy interior and had a pretty good, but not excellent performance.

I bought the newest engine and all the new car additions from Mercedes.

I went to an official Mercedes workshop and let them add everything. 

They reduced most unnecessary things that weren't much needed for luxury and built in the engine and everything. 

I also let them tune it to their heart's content.

It cost way too much, but the car is worth it.

I now have one of the best luxury cars, which would probably outperform some not-so-good racing cars.

I will make a comparison with another car to make you better outline this fucking car.

The 2004 released Mercedes-Maybach Exelero had a top speed of 218 mph. 

Crazy right? Of course, that's crazy. That car is the only one of its kind and was built to test Fulda's tires. 

My car originally wouldn't come near it, but due to the new crazy engine and some official tuning of Mercedes, it is comparable to or even better than that car, which was built only for performance.

The fucking car I got back could run up to 220 mph.

Remember it was originally a luxury car.

The best thing about this car was its sound. After straight-piping the exhaust the sound was pretty loud. It wasn't the kind of annoying sound. It was enjoyable to listen to it. You could feel your adrenaline soaring.

The only other thing that could come near it was another crazy car from my collection.

It was a 1998 Mercedes Benz S600 with a V12 Engine. I too tuned that one. Well, not as crazy. Mostly the exhaust.

The car sounded like a Formula One car but wasn't quick.

I like to describe it as"You can hear and see it long".

And nonetheless, I liked the sound of the newer one way more.

With that, I quickly drove towards the Dunphys.

I was driving into the street and saw Gloria and Jay's car a few hundred meters in front of me.

What I didn't know was that the two were currently discussing what was making such a sound.

"What is that?", Jay asked.

"I don't know. It seems like a car, but I don't see one", Gloria said while looking out the window.

"Now I see one", she said seeing my black AMG.

"Anyway. Quickly go in and delete that mail", Jay told Gloria while stepping out with her.

Inside the house, another scene was playing.

Claire and Phil were still thinking about what to tell their kids while the three of Haley waited outside the window for me to come.


After hearing the sound Haley immediately knew it was probably me.

"It's probably Ethan. Come on lets go out"

"How do you know it's him?", Alex asked curiously.

"He always drives these types of cars", Haley was quick to answer.

I didn't know of these conversations and drove towards the Dunphys. I parked behind Jay's car and saw them standing at the door. They were currently looking at me.

I stepped out of the car and greeted them.

"Hi, Jay. Hey Gloria. What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be on the way to Vegas?", I asked them knowing they shouldn't be here. I couldn't remember much about the episode besides the surprise the kids got. I didn't even know that it would happen this year before Haley called me about the little surprise they found.

"Olla Ethan. We are dele-. Em. We are making a surprise visit for Claire and Phil. And what are you doing here?", Gloria said almost spilling the real reason they were here.

"Haley called me", I told them.

Shortly after I saw the three kids coming out and greeting their grandparents.

Haley came to me and hugged me while the others stepped into the car.

"What a cool car. There are even computers in here", Luke said excitedly touching everything.

"These are mini com-", Alex was ready to educate her little brother but he was right.

Luke may be dumb, but he was still pretty proficient in terms of Computers.

There were little computers in there, but you could only see the monitors.

I soon started the car and asked them the most important question.

"Where do you wanna go guys?"

"Just drive"x2, I heard both Haley and Alex say, while Luke was still playing with the monitor.

I began driving like they said and the car accelerated like crazy.

"Then where do you guys wanna drive?", I asked again wanting a clear answer.

"Somewhere we can think", Alex said.

"Ok. I know a good place", I told them.

I started to drive towards the Highway I previously came from. If you drove a few miles more than I did before you would come to a beautiful scenic spot, from which you could look at the ocean. There were quite a few benches to sit on.

It took about 35 minutes as Alex and Haley hated how fast I drove. Due to that, I needed to drive slower.

After arriving there we quickly sat down on one of the many free benches.

"What's going on now guys. Why did you want to leave home?", I asked them.

"I don't know. Our parents are so irresponsible. They never seem to care that much", Alex started.

"Like they opened the baby fence on top of the stairs when we were kids. The result is someone like Luke", Alex continued.

"At least they don't fight", Haley said.

"Well, Haley is right. If you were a parent Alex you probably would think of everything. You would be smart enough to balance all that and remember it. But normal people like Phil and Claire often make mistakes like that. As for the fighting part. Look at the divorce rates here in the U.S. They are crazy high. You and I too are lucky to have parents who are happy together. Think of you guys walking in on them as a symbol of their happy marriage", I tried to help them to not think of Phil and Claire having sex.

"Speaking of which. Where the fuck are your parents? I have never seen them and you never mention them", Alex asked.

"You don't see them because they are at work the whole time. As for me not mentioning them. Why should I?", I said with a laugh.

What I myself didn't notice was that my eyes were flickering for a second after telling them that my parents were never at home due to work.

After that, I drove them home.

From what I heard of Haley they seemed to have gotten "THAT" talk.

It seemed that my words helped and the three of them didn't seem as absent-minded the next time I saw them.

As little compensation due to the late chapters I made this one have 1350 words

burakkucreators' thoughts