
Modern Family: I want Freedom

My name doesn't need to be known. I died as someone who didn't enjoy life. I missed everything. Luckily God gave me a second chance in another universe. In that universe I decided not to give a fu*k about the rules. I decided to do what I wanted to do and enjoy life. I was assisted in that as I got a system, which rewarded me with various character templates of people like Neil Caffrey, Sherlock Holmes, Lupin, and many others. Watch me live my life to the fullest as Ethan Alvarez. The main universe will probably be Modern Family with many other TV series or movies mixed in it like Brooklyn 99. You can recommend various movies or series and I will try to build them into the novel. The universe will not be supernatural. If you want it to be supernatural I can try to add it. You can not only choose the TV series or Movies but also recommend various templates for the MC. A little introduction about the MC is in the first chapter. (author here: I really overdid it at the beginning, but it will get better after the first 7 chapters(at least that is what I think and hope))

burakku · Movies
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70 Chs

With Haley on vacation(and the rest of the family)

I am currently in one of my family's vacation houses with Haley. Well. And the rest of the family.

The whole process wasn't really complicated.

Today it is Valentine's Day and I made this present to Haley. Of course, Haley couldn't come alone. Due to this I also let Claire and Phil come with us, as well as the kids. Then I just gave the rest of the family. Mitchell, Cam, Manny, Gloria and Jay invitations too. It didn't really matter as the house we would stay in was pretty big.

It was located in Bali.

We were currently here and one of the housekeepers gave me the keys.

"Wow, this house is really huge", Cam said.

"Ethan do you know where we can get a massage?", Mitchell asked.

"You don't need to go anywhere. You just need to call the number that is written on your bedroom door on your telephone and they will come here", I answered him. My family of course had staff arranged here.

"Would you know where I can meet the fine Indonesian ladies of Bali Ethan?", Manny asked.

"You just need to go to the cities nearby, but you will need to have an adult as a companion", I told him.

"Thanks again for inviting us Ethan", Gloria said in her typical Spanish/Columbian accent.

"Thanks Ethan", the rest of the family said in chorus.

"No problem guys. Come here. I will show you around the villa", I was a little bit embarrassed and tried to switch the topic.

"I am already excited about the sea I have read about", Claire said from the background.

"Let us start with the entrance. First of all this villa is built in a modernist style of architecture. We first start by the corridor. We can go along this and see quite a few rooms, but these are mostly storage ones."

"Then here we split into three. The left option is to go outside. It will start with a beautiful garden. 

In the middle it is the living room and 

on the right side are the living areas"

"We will go down in the middle area as it doesn't matter where we start. We can go from each one of them towards the bedrooms or the garden."

"This here is the living area, with a TV screen on the left side and the right side. If you look outside you can see the beautiful ocean. If you want to watch TV and the ocean at the same time you can use the huge TV screen in the middle. I said while pressing one of the buttons on a remote"

"This TV is actually made up of about 20 small monitors plastered seamlessly together."

"The couch from which you will watch TV is a Vendôme couch from Christopher Guy with the best material. As you already noticed it is huge"

"The living room is a completely open area with the kitchen on a closed side room. In there, a 5-star cook will be cooking for us every day."

"That was the most important in the living area"

"Now let us go to the garden.", I said as I went outside.

"This villa was built on huge cliffs"

"If you want to go down to the bath you can go down with the elevator a few hundred meters in front. It is after the pavilion"

"As for the pavilion. It is built to look like it is floating with only a minimal part anchored on the rocks of the cliffs. You can have a perfect smell and touch of the ocean from there"

"Here are a few lounge chairs to sunbathe and right in front of us is the huge infinity pool. It is built entirely with glass. If you swim to the front it will feel like you fall down every second"

"As for the depth. It can be regulated", I said with a smile taking the remote from the chair beside the pool.

"It can be as low as a few centimeters or as deep as 5 meters."

"The water will be vacuum sucked into a special storage where it will be filtered and cleaned."

"If you accidentally clicked on a few centimeters. You don't need to wait for the water to filter as it has an extra heated storage tank for the water"

"Before we go to the bedroom I still want to show you another cool feature of this villa", I said while taking off my trousers and shirt to only be there in my bathing pants. 

I jumped into the pool.

"See this button here?", I asked them.

They all nodded.

"Watch this", I said as I pressed the button.

A small stream of about a meter in width suddenly opened into the villa.

"Go inside the living room again", I told them.

They went inside.

After seeing them inside I started swimming.

I was now under the villa swimming under everyone. I waved at them. They saw me and waved back.

I quickly dived up into a small pool beside the couch.

"The pool wasn't there when we came in, was it?", Phil asked confused.

"Yes, the pool drove up with the button I pressed. The glass out there was there the whole time but you couldn't see it as it looked exactly the same as the floor. After switching the button it changed to its original color."

"There is the same feature but for above"

"Look up", I told them.

It was one of the favorite villas of my siblings and me as there was so much high-tech there.

"Now let us look at the core. The bedrooms.", I told them as I put on a towel and went towards the right and then upstairs.

"There are 9 bedrooms all of similar size, besides 1 higher up, but that one doesn't matter"

That was the one my parents usually used.

I went into one and showed them it.

"Every room or well they are actually small houses are 100 square meters in size. There is one big bathroom as well as a small living room with the newest tech. As for the beds."

"They are 4 meters wide and three meters long with the best mattresses currently available. As for the blankets and pillows. Also the best"

"With this remote here you can pull down a TV in which you can watch television. Almost every streaming app and channel is available on it"

"If you worry about the internet. Don't think about it. Best internet currently available with a Laptop to use on the balcony."

"As for the balcony"

"Look for yourself. There is even a bed to sleep outside. You don't need to worry about any insects as they can't come here"

"You can also let this TV drive up with the remote. With it, you could also watch TV. However, you should probably press this button as it will drive up protective glass around it. It will insulate most of the sound."

"As for little Lily. I let some people bring in the best cradle available on the market", I said to Cam and Mitchell as I played with Lily's nose, who was sitting in a small baby carriage.

"Thanks, Ethan", Both Mitchell and Cam said.

"If you want to bath from your room it is also possible. You just need to open this small side gate and go down or jump down.", I said as I opened a small glass door that opened up to a spiral staircase that led to another pool downstairs.

"This pool is connected to every room here. This means Luke could swim to Claire and Phil. If you want privacy you can press this button on the remote here to darken your glass and lock the door"

"That was mostly it of the villa. As for the beach under the cliff. You can explore yourself. And before I forget it. There is a huge waterpark a few miles away from here. Luke could go there"

"WOW" x10, ten people simultaneously let out a WOW.

Everyone besides little Lily, who couldn't talk yet let out a WOW.

Suddenly Lily started to clap.

"Hahahahaha", this drew to everyone laughing happily at the cute little Lily.

The other chapter.

This time 1377 words. Hope this is enough compensation.

I am really sorry for uploading this late, but I wasn't at home the whole time.

burakkucreators' thoughts