

Amelie is a young and beautiful businesswoman trying hard to set foot in the industry with her new company, ran with the help of her cousin,Dennis. The events lead to her taking the place of her cousin's fiancè-to-be,Rosè, in an arranged marriage settled by Rosè's family. Her soon husband?None other than the heir of the prestigious Yoxal group, Aiden Yoxal, the temporary ex-boss she had no less than a few months ago. At first, Amelie is thrilled to have her kind ex-boss as a fake husband.It was better than a complete stranger,right?Plus they seemed to get on pretty well together.But his attitude is completely different?He looks at her as if she is his enemy! Soon her husband's indifferent and cold attitude turns Amelie into a cold and indifferent wife. What will happen to these two? Will they finally divorce or will they give this marriage another chance? But it won't be so easy when the world's most stubborn man is against the world's most stubborn woman.

WandererXXII · 现代言情
79 Chs

Chapter 1

The rays of the afternoon sun penetrated the glass window falling on the big round table full of dignified men. Some were old and the rest were around their 50s. Seeing the one sitting at the head of the table bothered by the light. One of the workers standing still, quickly moved and hurriedly closed the blinds.

The men were discussing something important as each had serious expressions and some even raised their voices.

Among the other 50 to 70-something men, there was somebody who stood out contrasting them.

The young man was on the right side of the head of the table sitting straight on the chair, listening intently to the others speaking, sometimes adding a few words. His silky black bangs were hanging on his forehead and parted in the middle, but he didn't look immature at all.His hand was on his chin, rubbing the slight beard when he was thinking, sometimes touching his red lips with the long fingers. His nose was straight and sharp, his eyebrows arched and his deep ocean eyes had also sharpened corners making him look even more serious and intimidating. Even more intimidating than some of the collared middle-aged men.

"Then what about sir Aiden, Mr.President?"

The young man didn't react to his name being suggested and acted as if they weren't talking about him.

"Aiden?" the old man turned his head right and glanced at the young man."You're thinking about him as a candidate to lead the company?"

"Of course Mr.President!Sir Aiden has shown an excellent performance at work and he had been in charge of many important projects in the company, not only that the crisis the company had a few months ago, we managed to pass it because of his meticulous planning turning our complete situation around. Since then our shares have had a significant value growth and he has become the image of our company. Not only that, he is also your grandson that you, yourself, taught Mr.President.With all that, who wouldn't think he is the perfect candidate?"

The old man glanced at his grandson again and nodded.

"It's true he has shown quite the performance."

The other also nodded in agreement.

"But alas, even if he is my grandson I can't be too sure."

Everyone looked at Aiden waiting to see an entertaining reaction from him, but there was none of that. The old man continued."After all, he is still a bit too young for such a big responsibility....but...I'll think about it more. Until the next meeting."

He then got up and the others also got up with him and started telling their goodbyes to each other.

Aiden also greeted them and calmly left the place entering his office alone. After closing the door his mature and calm self crumbled, leaving behind a furious face as he kicked the armchair next to his table.

"You damned old man! I'm too young? Hah! What brilliant idea has that ancient head of his, to refuse to put me in charge? I thought I had this in the bag, but there he goes ruining things!"

Remembering his grandfather's face he felt even more angry. He could see the slyness that glistened in his eyes when he looked at him.

He kicked the armchair again. And grinded his teeth. Suddenly the door opened.

"Speak of the devil."Aiden smiled non-genuinely.

The devil had walked himself in and glanced at the footprints on the armchair.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk and you expect me to hand out the company to you with this attitude of yours."

"Who do you think I got it from? Like you weren't the one who broke the cane dad gifted to you because you refused to walk with it."

The old man ignored him and sat on the other, clean armchair.

"I entered this company like a normal employee to learn better and earn things myself. I basically worked from the bottom to the top. I helped you clean the messes and make this from your least profiting company to the most profitable one, but apparently, I'm too young? I may be 28, but I think I'm more than capable of handling, heck I am handling all this, all I need is that stupid title since I already am this company's image!"

"Listed boy, a company isn't run by just a beautiful pair of bangs."

Aiden's eye twitched. Is this old man f****ing serious? Did he forget everything he had done here?

The old man sighed and gestured to his grandson to sit down.

"Listen here boy, you're still young and unmarried, you have all your life to work and be in charge. Do you think I love going to these boring meetings and meeting those old hags? I can barely wait to pass everything to you and your father and enjoy my life with your grandma as a jobless person. I want you to enjoy your life a little. Go meet some people, get married, have kids I want to see all my grandchildren settle down."

Aiden just rolled his eyes.

"This again."

"It might sound ridiculous to hear it. I was also young like you. I also used to think like you." the man looked out the window with melancholy"But when you're my age all you can do is regret the missed time. I still remember how your father looked when I missed his piano recital in 5th grade. His little head would hang down whenever I was around, he wouldn't speak to me for weeks. Your grandma got angry back then and cried."the old man's eyes got teary remembering his then-young wife crying and yelling at him.

"Work!Work!Work!All you care about is work! I don't care if you miss my birthday or our anniversary, but can't you make at least a bit of time for your children?He would stare at the door the whole night, waiting for you to come! These will be the things he will remember, not some dumb helicopter you bought!"

The old man took a deep breath and looked at his grandson.

"That was an eye-opening experience for me. Since then I made a promise to never let my family down again. Who cares if another zero was added to my account, if it meant losing my family, then who cares! Aiden, I don't want you to regret it like I did. I taught your father like this, I taught your aunt like this. I feel it as an obligation to teach you all too."

The young man only looked down, his dark arched brows, slightly furrowing.

The old man got up and straightened his hat.

"Think about what I said carefully." Then he slowly left the room.

"Like hell, I'm gonna give up this easily!"Aiden's eyes glistened and a fire of determination burned in his eyes.

"You'll see Grandpa, I'll get this company be it with or without your help, you'll see!"