

Amelie is a young and beautiful businesswoman trying hard to set foot in the industry with her new company, ran with the help of her cousin,Dennis. The events lead to her taking the place of her cousin's fiancè-to-be,Rosè, in an arranged marriage settled by Rosè's family. Her soon husband?None other than the heir of the prestigious Yoxal group, Aiden Yoxal, the temporary ex-boss she had no less than a few months ago. At first, Amelie is thrilled to have her kind ex-boss as a fake husband.It was better than a complete stranger,right?Plus they seemed to get on pretty well together.But his attitude is completely different?He looks at her as if she is his enemy! Soon her husband's indifferent and cold attitude turns Amelie into a cold and indifferent wife. What will happen to these two? Will they finally divorce or will they give this marriage another chance? But it won't be so easy when the world's most stubborn man is against the world's most stubborn woman.

WandererXXII · Urban
Not enough ratings
77 Chs

Chapter 2

In a certain small foreign country.

A black sports car stopped and was skillfully parked.The people around turned their heads,looking at the car with tranced eyes.Were they impressed by the car or by the skillful driving,they couldn't decide.

The girls got exited at the shining black car near them and wouldn't take their eyes off,waiting for the owner to come down.The boys pretended that they didn't care,but they also were looking with the corner of their eyes,expecting the impressive bro to come down.

The door opened and a black sandal stepped on the hard concrete and a beautiful small framed girl came out.

The girl adjusted her black sunglasses that covered almost half of her small face.Her nose was small and slightly cute,while her reddish lips were plump,with a sharp cupid bow shape giving her apperance an air full of elegance and finnese.

She wore a long black suit jacked with not so long sleeves,with a black skirt that hugged her thighs,almost covered by the long suit.The suit was tight on her waist,emphasising its thinness and curve,compared to her torso and shoulders.

She walked as she locked the car,her face cold and prideful,making her look unapproachable and untouchable.

The boys didn't wheather to look or turn their heads before she noticed.The girls were impressed,but also dissapointed that a handsome 6' gentleman didn't step out of the car,and sighed as they looked away,while the young girl casually flipped her straight long,ginger hair with her hand,her actions completely natural and arrogant.

She went in the coffee shop and looked around looking for someone.A handsome tall guy gestured to her and excitedly waved full of smiles.His hair was back and messy,his eyes were brown and charming,while his pearly white teeth revealed.He had a slight beard and olive skin,together with his broad shoulders and tall frame,he looked captivating and alluring.

The boys were dejected when they saw the girl happily hugging the man and kissing his cheeks.

They had lost before they could shoot their chance.

"Danny,it's been so long!!"the girl spoke excitedly as she bumped their fists after kissing his cheeks like a bro."That vacation did you a lot of favour!You're literally glowing!"

"Thanks,Ame!"Dennis spoke with a smooth,deep voice."You don't look half bad yourself!"

"Oh,sssstop!"Amelie extended the s as if she were a snake while making an exaggeratedly shy face."How have you been?How's life going?"

"Very good!"Dennis's face was full of happiness and bliss"And you?"

"Oh,you know the usual."then she sighed dejected "Work."

"Why don't you take a break too?"

"Nah,I still have many things to wrap up,we can't have the boss missing without the company being fully established yet."

"Since my break is over,I can take care of things in place of you."

"No,it's okay.I can handle it since I don't have a packed private life like yourself."then she grinned and winked at him.Dennis slightly blushed,usually he didn't seem very emotive,but in actuality he was very shy.

"So,how's Clover been doing?"

"She's great,you know,dealing with motherhood."

"How's you little niece been doing?Seeing from the pics that little cutie seems quite the handful."

"Clover says she's been quite more fussy lately since her teeth are starting to grow.I can't wait to eat her little cheeks when I meet her again."

"Leave some for me uncle!" Then they both laughed.Suddenly Amelie's face had a hint of teasing and deviousness.

"So,how's your wife doing?"

Though they weren't married he didn't deny the title.

"Very good,she's enjoying herself with her work."

"Oh,really?Her business has been going good?"

"Yeah.She was so excited to work that I barely convinced her to go in this trip together.Now she's almost at the end,she only has to give a few light touches here and there.The resort will probably open this summer."

"Great,great!Another success!"

Amelie was also excited since this had been her idea and she was also partaking in this project,though her contribution wasn't as big monetarily.

Dennis's girlfriend,Rosè wasn't from their country,but foreign.She had been coming in their country for solo travelling and had fallen in love with here,visiting quite often.Eventually she met Dennis in a skiing resort a few years ago as his skiing instructor,a side job she had taken for fun.Three days of lessons,led to exchanging numbers,then to meetings,dates and finally a strong,stable relationship.

Since Rosè liked living here a lot she had finally decided to settle down by taking a stable job.She was free spirited and in love with nature so her own business suited her.

When Amelie and her had met,she had first been very surprised hearing a foreign person speak their language so fluently and well.Even they who were born there struggled hard with grammar.Soon both had been hitting it off well and the topic had derived to plans or dreams for the future.Amelie had mentioned how she wanted to turn her ancestors village into a resort that represented the local culture,gastronomy and shared the beautiful hidden scenery.The place was basically untouched,but Amelie feared that if it kept being hidden and untouched,it would eventually fall into the hands of the goverment,which would completely destroy it.

Rosè's family seemed to have a lot of experience with resorts and hoteliery and she was quite knowledgeable at it.She had wanted to open a business related to that,but she wasn't sure where and when she heard Amelie,she was immediately inspired and asked her if she could make her dream come true.

Amelie had been stunned at the younger girl's eyes glistening with excitement and determination.

"I mean if you'll like the place?I can help you around with the land and the information about the locals.Both my parents origin is from there and they,especially my mother is very informed,plus my nana used to live with us when she was alive and she had plenty of stories to tell and my dad can also help in getting the land,after all his cousins own quite a bit of land there."

And that's how a roadtrip with the three of them had been decided.

Amelie who had been to that place only twice, had returned again after 20 something years and she would mock Dennis who didn't remember even a single thing from back then.Who could blame him?He had only been 3 when he had been here?But how could an older cousin miss the chance to bully her younger cousin?Even though she was just a year older.

Rosè had been sold with only 2 km in the place.She would walk around excitedly,asa little adventurer while the unathletic Amelie who had completely dropped out of the gym these last few months was following with her two short legs,these two athletic giants.

"Tsk!" She clicked her tounge at this younger couple who one was more than 6' and the other was about 5'8",while her 5'2" self would look at their long legs full of envy.Something tasted like disrespect when someone younger was taller than you and Amelie had tasted that disrespect countless of times in her life.

"This place is so beautiful!I can already have a vision for this place!" Rosè spoke excitedly.

"Very good!I've talked with my parents too and they would be glad to help."

"No,no,I heard they retired early and want to rest!I can't possibly bother them!"

Amelie reached her hand to Rosè's shoulder.

"Rosè,my dear you have no idea what workaholics my parents are,they can barely wait for an opportunity to work and relieve their boredom."Rosè was still hesitating,but seeing Amelie reassuring her she was finally convinced.

"Very well then!"

"Atta girl!" Amelie smiled as she patted her shoulder.