
MHA : True Power of Telekinesis

A random dude died and got reincarnated into the world of MHA by the name of Izaya Kurogami, his quirk is telekinesis and find out how Izaya uses the true potential of his quirk to become the strongest, but will he become a hero or a villain Author's note:- this story is just my take on showing the limitless potential telekinesis have, I think MHA has not used the true potential of telekinesis in MHA world this ability is rarely used and is very weak, the MC will be OP, he will train and became OP, MC will use his previous life's knowledge to increase his powers, so please enjoy this fanfic Also I do not own My hero academia or any of it's characters

Omega200 · 漫画同人
55 Chs

Sports Festival Part-2

<General POV>


Everyone rushed towards the narrow tunnel, doing their all to make it out. They started bumping and shoving others back just so they could move forward.

Suddenly, everyone felt the air turn cold and seconds later, a huge burst of ice came out of the tunnel, freezing the feet of most of the students and allowing Shoto to successfully take the lead.

Most of the students were frozen but some managed to release themselves, like Mina with her acid quirk and Bakugo with his Explosion

Currently, Todoroki is in the lead while Bakugo is trailing Shoto who was running on his ice.

"Bastard!" Bakugo yelled as he increased the intensity of his explosions just to pass Todoroki.

'I need to go faster' Todoroki thought to himself as he saw the fiercely approaching Bakugo

All of the students were so focused on getting the first place that they forgot about the student they were most worried about.

Izaya was still standing on the frozen floor, his legs of fire, his clothes had a blue glow, and his body also radiated the same glow, soon the temperature in the tunnel started increasing and the ice started melting, however, no one was inside the tunnel to experience this change.

As everyone came out of the tunnel they caught sight of many large robots ahead, just waiting to attack.


Todoroki used his ice to freeze the robots and slid past them, Bakugo propelled himself through the robots.

"HUH, WHERE IS IZAYA" Present Mic asked

It was at this point everyone remembered that they haven't seen him competing, soon the camera shifted to the tunnel and there they saw him standing with flames erupting from his legs and his body radiating a blue aura.

"WHAT IS HE DOING" Present Mic asked

"Who knows, knowing him we are all in for a surprise" Aizawa answered who is sitting beside Present Mic

"I guess it's time," Izaya said as he took a running stance "Adolla Burst"

It was what everyone heard when Izaya disappeared from his spot, and in the next instant the ground shook and rumbled and all the giant robots attacking the students got destroyed, a warm wind blew past all the examinees and a hot trail of flames appeared on the obstacle course.

"WHERE DID HE GO" Present mic broke the silence by asking the obvious question, even the participants stopped just to look at what happened, and no one could see Izaya in their sight.

"Look at the finish line" Aizawa Answered, and just as he said, at the finished line stood Izaya


"NO," Aizawa said "He just went at a very high speed, look at the burned tracks, that wouldn't have happened if he were to teleport" Aizawa explained to Present Mic and the general public as well.

Izaya could actually teleport but he decided to move faster than light instead, normally a human can't move at a speed faster than light but Izaya was able to pull that off because he merged with his internal energy for a moment making him more of an entity than a human, an entity who can perceive things faster than light

(AN:- this is the logic from Psyren, and it actually makes sense so I decided to use it here)

'I was shocked to see that he could use fire.....but this is just insane' Todoroki thought as he begin to imagine how much firepower one would need to cover all this distance in less than a second

"What the hell! That bastard!" Bakugo yelled as he started to blast himself above

"So this is a hero course student." A random student said

'Izaya-san always shows something surprising. This is definitely a surprise, but there's still a chance for me to secure second place' Izuku thought as he took a piece of one of the destroyed robots and ran ahead into an opening.

Izaya stood at the finish line waiting for the others and listening to the commentary of Present Mic.

Minutes later, Izaya was able to hear a huge explosion and another few moments later, Izuku Midoriya walked out of the tunnel.


After Midoriya came Todoroki and in fourth place came Bakugo. And soon the rest of the students started entering the arena as well until all the passing students remained.

The audience cheered loudly for them, especially for the first place student, Izaya Kurogami.

"Did you see that? His fire ability reminds me of Endeavor, I can already see him picking up that boy as an intern."

"Yeah, who is he? Even Endeavor's son wasn't able to beat him!"

"Exactly, he was also able to finish the race so easily, and did you see those tracks, how fast could he have been"

"I wonder what his quirk is, what was the blue aura that radiated from him"

The people amongst the crowd were discussing Izaya's actions on this obstacle course. Most thought Shoto would come in first considering he's the son of the number 2 hero, but they certainly didn't expect someone unknown.

Everyone was shocked by Izaya's performance, Heroes, and civilians alike

"his quirk is quite destructive being able to completely destroy the robots." A Pro hero said

"He also has great control over it"

"He's most likely winning this then. What he's shown looks like it takes a lot of power to do, but he doesn't even look winded whatsoever!"

In a dark room currently, a blue-haired male was sitting down in a dark room staring at his laptop screen with hints of rage in his eyes.

"Sensei! Are you watching? Did you see that, that's him! The boy who defeated the Nomu..." Tomura said as he scratched his neck.

"I see...it's just like you said. His quirk truly is strong." A voice came out of Tomura's phone.

"Kurogiri, what have you found on this kid," AFO asked the bartender

"He lives with his two parents, he is the only child of his parents, his father works a normal job and he is just from a middle-class family however his father is related to Akira Kurogami" Kurogiri explained

"Hm, Interesting, this boy just keeps getting more interesting, watch closely Tomura, you need to learn your opponent's every move before making a counterattack" AFO said from behind the screen.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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