
MHA : True Power of Telekinesis

A random dude died and got reincarnated into the world of MHA by the name of Izaya Kurogami, his quirk is telekinesis and find out how Izaya uses the true potential of his quirk to become the strongest, but will he become a hero or a villain Author's note:- this story is just my take on showing the limitless potential telekinesis have, I think MHA has not used the true potential of telekinesis in MHA world this ability is rarely used and is very weak, the MC will be OP, he will train and became OP, MC will use his previous life's knowledge to increase his powers, so please enjoy this fanfic Also I do not own My hero academia or any of it's characters

Omega200 · Anime & Comics
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55 Chs

Sports Festival Part-3

"And in second place! Someone completely unexpected! Izuku Midoriya!!" present mic screamed as the crowd cheered louder.

'So I'll be the target this time huh.' Izaya thought to himself as he recalled how canon Izuku was targeted in the second round because he placed first in this race.

"You may have won the first round, but you definitely won't win the second." Bakugo said to Izaya as he walked by him, Izaya wasn't bothered by it, he knew how Bakugo is

"And they're all finishing the race one by one! Good job kids! Go take a breather and get checked up if you have to. We'll be posting the results once everyone is finished." Present Mic yelled out into the mic.

"Congratulations Izuku! You got second!" Ochako said to the green-haired boy who was trying not to blush at her praise.

"You too Izaya! Congratulations on first!" She said with a big smile.


"Man, that was amazing! I never knew that you can use your fire that way, it was so manly" Kirishima said as she came up to him with other classmates.

"Yeah! Who knew it was so destructive!" Kaminari said.

Before Izaya could reply back, Midnight announced something to the crowd and contestants. "The first round is finally over! Let's look at the results!"

The screen behind her lit up to show the results and rankings. Next, she revealed the next course being a Calvary battle and explained how it would work, as well as revealing that the person who's in the first place is worth 10 million points.

Everyone looked towards Izaya when that was revealed, but he just looked back at the hungry eyes of most of the contestants. They can come after him if they wanted to, but in the end, it will be him who comes out on top.

"That's right, it's survival to the fittest for this course! A chance for those at the bottom to rise to the top!" Midnight said as she looked at Izaya, but all he did was let out a grin. Almost as if he was inviting the others to go after him.

Afterward, Midnight started explaining the rules and when she was finished talking, she gave the students fifteen minutes to form their teams

And as anyone would expect, no one wanted to form a team with Izaya, the only reason being that he had the biggest target on his back

"Hey there first place"

A voice called to Izaya from behind, looking back he saw Mei Hatsume calling out to him.

"Form a team with me, with you scoring the first place all eyes will be on you and so everyone will notice my babies as well," She said stating her true intentions.

"Sure, glad to have you on my team" Izaya replied

Soon the fifteen minutes passed and Izaya had only Hatsume on his team.

"Alright, so here's the plan, I will be the horse and you will hold the headband, just don't worry about the headbands because I won't let anyone take that away" Izaya said to Hatsume who simply nodded, she didn't care about winning anyway, all she wanted was to advertise her products.

"Are you all ready?" Midnight asked every student to take their position


The moment midnight said that almost all of the teams present there dashed towards Izaya and Hatsume, some of the teams decided to not attack Izaya but rather gain points from other teams who are busy attacking Izaya but the majority decided to attack Izaya.

"Here they come" Izaya said as he activated Hatsume's jet and lept higher jumping above the other teams.

Once he landed he found out a particular team that was waiting for him, it was Todoroki's team which consisted of Todoroki, Momo, Kaminari, and Iida.

'Momo must have told him to wait here rather than charging blindly like Bakugo and the others' Izaya thought and his guess was correct, Momo anticipated this outcome by seeing the gear on Izaya and so she told everyone to wait for him separate from others.

Izaya tried to activate the gear given by Hatsume once again to jump but suddenly the ground started freezing, Todoroki froze Izaya's feet along with a large portion of the ground, then pillars of Ice started erupting from the ground and covered Izaya and Hatsume like an Ice prison.


Once the Ice prison was completed Kaminari channeled his lightning to shoot a lightning shot at them. Izaya understanding their full planning smirked.

After Kaminari's lightning Iida charged towards them from the opposite side with Momo holding an iron pole in her hand.

"Clever move, but it won't work" Izaya said as the Ice around him shattered into tiny pieces, the lightning that was supposed to hit Izaya reflected back to Kaminari, and the Izaya changed the Vector of the Ice shards to approach Iida causing him to change his direction, Momo threw the iron pole to avoid the lightning attack.

"What just happened" Denki asked in confusion

"He probably applied his telekinetic pressure on the ice to break free from it and then used his telekinesis to throw it towards us, what I can't understand is how he redirected the lightning attack, but it's probably because he also has control over lightning" Momo explained

Izaya could have done all that she said but he actually applied Vector manipulation rather than simple telekinesis, he reflected the lightning vector towards Kaminari, and as for shattering the ice prison, it wasn't just simple telekinetic pressure but he was breaking the crystalline structure of the ice itself on a molecular level.

While Todoroki's team was recovering from the shock the other teams were towards Izaya and Hatsume.

"DIE" Bakugo jumped forward to blast Izaya but suddenly a blue barrier surrounded them to protect them from Bakugo's blast.


Bakugo was about to fall but Sero caught him with his tape, Izaya noticed everyone approaching decided to jump again.

"Hatsume, I'm going to jump" Izaya warned her and in return, she just smiled and nodded.

Izaya prepared the gear and jumped, but in mid-air, he sensed a bullet of compressed air approaching him, the source of the approaching attack is none other than Izuku, he used OFA and flicked his fingers in the direction of Izaya to attack him.

'Should I reflect this attack using vector manipulation or take it head-on with a barrier' contrary to Izuku's thinking that Izaya needed to dodge it he was thinking of whether to reflect this attack or tank it.

While he was thinking that he stopped himself with Hatsume in mid air and created another barrier around him to tank that attack.

The audience who never knew the true quirk of Izaya assumed his quirk to be a fire type let out shocked noises after seeing the telekinesis and barrier ability

"Woah! Who knew he had such an ability!"

"Isn't that cheating?!"

"No, you idiot! It obviously isn't since they allowed it, and it is a part of whatever bizarre quirk he has!"

"I think that he's winning this calvary battle...no, this whole event!"

"No way! I'm still betting for Endeavor's son. he just used his Ice till now, and besides he was trained by the number 2 hero"

"Is your brain working? Didn't you see the destructive ability of his fire?"

"So what? endeavor's son also has fire, not to mention he has Ice as well?"

"Tell that to the huge robots that were easily obliterated!"

The crowd discussed amongst themselves at the new development. It was certainly surprising as no one expected this whatsoever. Most people started to wonder just what his quirk was, others even argued amongst themselves, and finally, the discussion went to the point where the audience argued whose fire is stronger, Todoroki's or Izaya's.

Naturally, everyone believed Todoroki's fire is stronger since he is the son of the strongest fire quirk user but they actually had no way of knowing that the fire Izaya used wasn't normal fire but it's called cosmic fire.

(AN:- You can search about cosmic fire at superpower wiki)

All in all, most of the attention was truly on Izaya now.

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