
MCU: The Heavenly Yaksha (A Non-Harem FanFic)

Tom was your normal average unemployed guy, whose life completely changed due to a sudden survey. Watch as he rises as a great man known as The Heavenly Yaksha in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. |-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_| -This is my 3rd book so please be gentle with me. -English is not my first language. -Leave some honest reviews, please. -There will be some random movies added in that won't interfere too much on the MCU plot, so beware. My update schedule will be 5 chapters a week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Tags: -NoHarem -SlightlyStrongMC -SlightRomance -SlowPaced You can visit my Patreon to read 10 advance chapters and if you want to support me. www.patreon.com/SlimeSage *Cover is not mine, I just found it in Pinterest.* *I only own my OC*

SlimeSage · 电影同人
158 Chs

Ch. 41 - Timeskip

"H-Hero?" Matilda was flabbergasted when she heard Doflamingo mention if she wanted to become a superhero.

She didn't expect Doflamingo would say that, but not that he said it, Matilda imagined herself as a superhero, saving civilians from bad guys and becoming a figure that gives hope to those who are in need.

"So, are you interested?" Doflamingo's words snapped her out of her thoughts as Matilda replied.

"You want me to become a hero? But, I don't think I'm qualified to be one." Matilda said, downing herself.

"Don't have the qualities? Have your tried yet?"

"N-no." Matilda responded.

"Then go and try it, if you did a good job then that's when you'll know that you're qualified." Doflamingo's words seemed to have encouraged her as Matilda nodded her head and replied.

"You're right, how can I know if I haven't tried it yet? But, how about my suit? Superheros have awesome and cool suits, right?"

"Don't worry about that. I'll handle your suit. Just go and practice more of your skills and then I'll give you your suit." Doflamingo said as Matilda excitedly agreed and said her farewells so she could start training herself.


Meanwhile, Doflamingo was planning on giving her, her suit when he masters runic spells so he could enhance her suit with various spells that would save her life in different situations. Of course, his outfit would also be included in this.

'Now, let's start training first and I'll think about the design of her superhero suit later.' Doflamingo thought to himself as he sat on the bed and picked up a book on his side table and started reading.

Unknown to Doflamingo, the Ancient One heard his conversation with Matilda and she only has one thought inside her mind.

'You are changing the course of the timeline but I can't do anything to stop you. So, I'll let you be and do my part as the protector of earth.' She thought as she was meditating.

Ever since Doflamingo came at her doorstep, only then she noticed that she can't view perceive the future from the Time Stone anymore.

And the center of this is Doflamingo.


Time flies like a butterfly and a year has passed.

Doflamingo's progress in magic has thrived greatly, not only his skill in magic has increased, but he also invented a few moves that he would like to keep hidden for now.

Of course, Doflamingo didn't let his Haki and Devil Fruit stay idle.

Although there is no significant change in his Haki, but their combat effectiveness has increased.

Meanwhile, his Devil Fruit has the most gains during the year. Doflamingo could feel that his devil fruit is almost awakening and it just needed a small push to achieve awakening.

So far, Doflamingo has become the best student in the entire Kamar-Taj. Even Kaecilius, who is the future enemy of Dr. Strange is no match for him.

Surprisingly, Kaecilius became the student of the Ancient One herself.

At first, Doflamingo was confused the Ancient One should've seen that Kaecilius will betray Kamar-Taj in the future but remembering that in the movie, Kaecilius managed to kill the Ancient One which is impossible as even Dormammu himself can't beat her. Doflamingo guessed that she's training Kaecilius to become the stepping stone of Dr. Strange when he takes her mantle in the future.

'As expected of the Ancient One.' Was what Doflamingo said to himself when he realized the Ancient One's plan.

'Dr. Strange is so lucky, the Ancient One has already prepared and planned everything for him so he could become the next Sorcerer Supreme, however, he still failed to protect the Earth from Thanos's invasion.' Doflamingo shook his head.

Putting that aside, his relationship with Natalya can be said to have grown to the point where she'll definitely take a bullet for him.

Meaning, she already sees him as someone very important in her life, which is good as Doflamingo has easily persuaded her to join his family.

However, although she agreed to join, Natalya first wanted to finish her 'bucket list' in which the first one is achieving perfect control over her Chaos Energy so it won't randomly go out of control.

Her second list is to meet her children and hopes that she would tell them the truth.

She has many other bucket list things to finish but he won't mention them as it isn't that important to him.

Putting Natalya aside, Matilda surprisingly improved her telekinesis and telepathy skills.

Now, the range of her telekinesis has greatly enhanced and she could now reached out up to 2 whole kilometers, as long as her eye sight could still reach the object she wanted to control.

Meanwhile, her telepathy has grown to the point where she developed her own 6th sense by manipulating both her telepathy and telekinesis by forming a bound field around her where everything she perceives on there would be sent throughout her whole body, including her brain using her telepathic skills.

It's kinda cool as she could now sense if there's danger coming close to her and she could react in time by using her telekinetic control over her bound field to stop the impending danger.

Many other things has also happened during the year, like the Hydra's assassination attempt on Howard once again, thankfully Dofllamingo already knew when they will attempt it, so he managed to protect Howard's life once again.

Surprisingly, Hydra didn't send the Winter Soldier to assassinate Howard, but they only sent a couple assassins.

Soon after that attempt, Howard knew that his life would always be in danger, so he immediately declared his son, Tony as the new owner of Stark Industries and gave him all of his shares.

Meanwhile, as a 'thank you' for saving his life, Howard gifted Doflamingo 15% of his share, so now, Doflamingo won't have to worry on having no money.

Aside that, the underworld has taken for a surprising change as the sellings of drugs plummeted and the new law of Doflamingo where human trafficking would be stopped was also implemented, although this damaged Doflamingo's reputation but it quickly recovered when the mafias established several underground fighting arenas and bars which quickly gave the mafias some quick money.

Meanwhile, this wasn't enough, so Doflamingo offered a help to the mafias to build their own casino by using his current wealth to help establish the casino.

Of course, Doflamingo won't just let them gain the upperhand, so in exchange for his help, Doflamingo became the major shareholder of the casino.

As for the name of the casino?

It's Rain Dinners, which Doflamingo came up with the reference if Crocodile's casino in one piece.

Although Crocodile's plan to conquer a country is indeed good, but it's not enough and Doflamingo is still the best at conquering a country.

Putting the Mafia matters aside, let's not focus on Doflamingo's overall progress.

Aside from his haki and devil fruit, his progress on Runic spell has already achieved to the point where he is satisfied.

So now, he's inputting runes on his Kamar-Taj robe and so far, the runes that he is putting in aren't that difficult.

Just an increase of durability, anti-water so it won't get wet whenever he sweats and finally, self-clean.

Out of all the three, Self-clean is the most easiest to implement as the self-clean would just remove the dirt and stains on the shirt unlike the increase of durability where the cloth itself would be enhanced to what it could handle and the anti-water is the hardest to implement as it would absorb the air from the surroundings to 'fan' the air but in a faster scale.

There are still many other runic spells that he could implement but it would take too much time and Doflamingo would rather spend that time to create Matilda's superhero costume and input the other runic spells on it.

"Have you thought of a design?" Because of Doflamingo's poor imagination on creating a suit for Matilda, he decided to ask the person herself, after all, she'll be the one wearing it so she knows what's best for her looks.

"I already did." Matilda stood from the chair and picked up a piece of paper before giving it to Doflamingo who was sitting on the bed.

Currently, they're on the security room, watching over the Amusement Park since Doflamingo asked for another day off so he could make Matilda's superhero suit.

However, the moment Doflamingo saw her costume, his eyes widened in surprise as the costume was familiar to himself.

Seeing Doflamingo's wide eyes, Matilda chuckled nervously.

"Is it bad?"

"Matilda, are you sure you came up with this costume?" Doflamingo asked wanting to confirm something.

"Yeah, sigh. I knew it was bad, I'll just change it." Matilda sighed and was about to take the paper back from Doflamingo when he stopped her.

"No, actually, it's good. I was just shocked since it looked a bit familiar to me." Doflamingo shook his head and complimented her taste.

The reason why it shocked him was because the costume resembles Jean Grey's costume in the comics.

The major color of the entire costume is green, except for her golden hands that reached up to her elbows and the same goes to her feet which is also gold from her feet up to her legs. There are also a golden cloth attached to her waist that falls down to her knee.

The only thing that is different from Jean Grey's attire is that instead of a phoenix as her symbol, instead it was a huge letter M.

And also, unlike Jean Grey's costume where her head is exposed, Matilda has a mask on her face that looks similar to DC Robin's face mask on his eye but instead of black, it was gold.

"So, you think you can create it?" Matilda fumbled her fingers while she asked, as if she was a child asking her father for a playstation.

"Don't worry, this is easy for me. Just give me a few hours." Doflamingo nodded his head and gave her a thumbs-up.


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