
MCU: The Heavenly Yaksha (A Non-Harem FanFic)

Tom was your normal average unemployed guy, whose life completely changed due to a sudden survey. Watch as he rises as a great man known as The Heavenly Yaksha in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. |-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_| -This is my 3rd book so please be gentle with me. -English is not my first language. -Leave some honest reviews, please. -There will be some random movies added in that won't interfere too much on the MCU plot, so beware. My update schedule will be 5 chapters a week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Tags: -NoHarem -SlightlyStrongMC -SlightRomance -SlowPaced You can visit my Patreon to read 10 advance chapters and if you want to support me. www.patreon.com/SlimeSage *Cover is not mine, I just found it in Pinterest.* *I only own my OC*

SlimeSage · 电影同人
158 Chs

Ch. 24 - Future family member

Meanwhile, while all of this was happening, John Wick was inside his car as if he was waiting for someone.

*Knock* *Knock*

Someone then knocked his window and when he saw who it was, he revealed a warm smile and unlocked the doors.

"Hey, John. I'm sorry I was late, my boss just extended my shift today. So, are we going?" A beautiful woman then entered the passenger's seat and closed the door.

They both hugged each other and John replied to her.

"Yes, I uh, prepared for this day."

"Don't be nervous. This is our first date, after all." The woman smiled warmly before continuing.

"Shall we go?"

John nodded his head before starting the engine of the car and drove away from the parking lot of a mall.


While John was on a date with his girlfriend, Doflamingo walked out of the building as a car stopped right in front of him.

Soon, a teen came out of the car followed by a man with a huge build, clearly guarding the teen.

"What the fuck is going on?" The teen cursed as he saw the corpses of his father's bodyguards laying on the ground, dead.

Meanwhile, the man behind the teen immediately stepped forward and used his huge body to guard the teen.

"So, you are Viggo's son." Doflamingo grinned as the teen in front of him was the reason why John Wick came back from being retired.

"Yeah, that's right. Who the fuck are you?" Without any fear on the man in front of him, Iosef Tasarov, Viggo's son, asked him without an ounce of fear.

"You are educated badly by your father. Tell me, in the future if you see a fancy car that you liked but the owner won't sell it to you, what will you do?" He asked.

"The fuck are you talking about? Of course I'll fuck that owner up, nobody messes with me." Iosef spitted on the ground as he answered with pride.

"Sigh. Some things really don't change." Doflamingo shook his head in disappointment.

"The fuck?" Not only Iosef, but even his bodyguard was confused at this man in front of them, acting like a weirdo.

Doflamingo didn't bother to talk anymore and pointed his finger gun at the both of them.




Both Iosef and the bodyguard fell on the ground with a thud as Doflamingo left the scene as if nothing happened.

"You know, watching you kill someone makes me a bit uncomfortable. Should we really kill people? What about their families?" Matilda stated her concerns through the earpiece as Doflamingo stopped in his tracks.

"We have already talked about this. What I'm doing is for the greater good of this world, and besides, unlike any other kids, you adapt to situations like this very quickly." Doflamingo spoke in a way that will make a certain Old wizard, proud.

"Don't worry, you'll get used to it. By the way, earlier you told me that your mother is visiting New York, I hope you won't tell her about our business, is that okay?" Doflamingo changed the subject deliberately.

"Oh, I think she would be here by next week or so. As for your second question, obviously, I'll keep this a secret, after all, I don't want to be scolder by her and besides, I'm already enjoying my job."

"That's good to hear. How about Mr. Phil, your father? Is he also gonna come?"

"Well, you know him. FBI business or something." Doflamingo could tell that Matilda just shrugged her shoulders.

"You didn't know yet?" Doflamingo raised his eyebrows. He thought that ever since Matilda became an excellent hacker, she would check the background of her father or something and discover that he was a Shield Agent instead of FBI.

"Is there something I should know?" As expected, Matilda indeed didn't searched his background. Well, Doflamingo could not blame her, after all, she must've trusted him fully.

"Nothing. I suggest you take a look at his background, specifically about his real job, you might discover something amazing." Since it was already out of the bag, Doflamingo suggested to her for two reasons.

One, is because he wanted to gather more respect from her for not hiding anything from her and lastly, he wanted to know how would she fare when it comes to the security of SHIELD.

Would she be unable to get in to get information and got caught? Or would she be able to get in and steal any information he needed to know more everything about this world.

After all, he has already met two fictional characters that doesn't belong to the MCU universe, first is Matilda and finally, John McClane, from Die Hard.

"Okayyy." Although it would seem pretty unnecessary for her to check his background but from what Doflamingo just said made her very curious and she doesn't want to let herself hanging.

"Alright, I'm going home now. Did you do what I asked you to do?" Doflamingo then continued to walk composedly as he asked.

"Yeah, there are currently 258 abandoned or empty warehouses throughout the entirety of New York that we could use as our secret base." Matilda stated.

"Find the warehouse that wouldn't be easily be seen or found by anyone including the Government and also, make sure that it is really empty, I don't want to know that the warehouse you pick turns out to be some kind of secret base of the military or something."

"Don't worry, trust me. I know what I'm doing." Matilda rolled her eyes as she replied.

"Alright." Doflamingo chuckled at her behavior before finally realizing that he was back on his super duper secret base, though temporarily since this is just an abandoned unit that he found during one of his night activities.

"I'm getting hungry, I can't rely on Matilda to cook since all she knows to cook is a pancake." Doflamingo started changing his bloodied suit and pink coat.

"I heard that, you know?" Matilda grumbled.

"I know, which is why I said it out loud." Doflamingo replied as he finally zipped his zipper out after changing suits.

Instead of his 'Doflamingo' suit, he's now wearing a normal black shirt and pants, looking more like a normal civilians, minus the handsomeness.

"Time to buy some food." Doflamingo muttered before stepping out of the unit and went back to the streets.

As he was walking on the streets, something was nagging Doflamingo as he felt as if something bad is gonna happen to day.

Doflamingo used his observation Haki to sensed anything unsual around him.

However, unlike what his feeling is telling him, his observation Haki didn't picked up anything unusual or dangerous.

'Is it just my feeling?' At this point, Doflamingo wanted to trust his guts, rather than what he see or sense.

"Matilda, do you mind searching around the area for anything unusual." Doflamingo muttered as his guts started ringing more loudly.

"Alright...Uhm, nothing so far. Why? Did so-." After Matilda searched, she didn't see anything unusual and was about to ask if Doflamingo was just being overcautious when she was suddenly interrupted by a sound of a whistling bullet.

Doflamingo's eyes widened as he is very fastidious about his surroundings so he already saw the bullet a few kilometers away from him, but it was so unexpected and so fast for him to react.

Fortunately, he still managed to move his body to dodged but was still hit by the bullet right through his shoulder.

"Arrgghh!" Doflamingo fell on the ground as his blood splashed everywhere which shocked the nearby civilians and causing them to run away in panic.

"Doffy! What's going on?! Answer me!" Matilda expressed her worries when she heard the whistling sound of a bullet and hearing Doffy's scream of pain.

"I'm fine. 'Tis but a scratch." Doffy, realizing that he escaped death, was very happy that he even found some time to make a joke.

"This is not a joke! If my calculations is right, then another bullet should be coming at you, right now." Just like what Matilda said, another bullet indeed rushed towards Doflamingo's head but this time, he was prepared and despite his injury, he still moved in quick speeds and immediately hid behind a wall.

"Fuck. Matilda, I thought there weren't anything weird in my surroundings?" Doflamingo cursed.

"There really isn't! I searched everywhere around you and I found nothing unusual. Unless that sniper is a mile away from you which is theoretically impossible." As she elucidated about the happenings, Doflamingo was deep in his thought, especially when he heard Matilda state that the sniper could be a mile away from him which is indeed impossible but in this world, the word impossible will be the least of your concerns.

'Is it someone from the MCU? Or perhaps another Movie mixed in? But if it is, then which one?' Doflamingo closed his eyes and ignored his surroundings as he searched through his memories about a sniper that could snipe someone from a mile away.

Soon, Doflamingo's eyes widened as he recalled one of the movies that he watched. A movie where the killers could fucking curve bullets.

'Wanted.' Doflamingo stated the title.

In the movie, main character, which is Wesley Gibson managed to kill Sloan, which used to be his boss in some kind of organization of assassins from a very far location.

"Matilda, could you search the name Gibson on the internet? Especially the name Fraternity, which should be a organization made up of assassins." As soon as Doflamingo said that, he didn't wait for her reply and immediately run out of the wall which almost crumbles due to repeated strikes of the sniper bullet.

As he was running away from the bullets which is following him as he run, Doflamingo found that there were no more civilians around him, which he sighs in relief.

Although he isn't a good guy, that doesn't mean that he's a bad guy that shows no remorse about the innocents being killed because of him.

"I think I found it. Fraternity, an organization composed of professional assassins, know for their capabilities to curve a bullet which defies logic. The most notable assassin among them is Cross, who is known as the Best Assassin amongst the Fraternity members. Unfortunately, he seemed to have defected from the Fraternity and is now taking up some random bounties from different employers. The most famous about him is the fact that he could kill someone in a sniper without even revealing his location. Out of all the assassins in the Fraternity, I think this guy is your killer." The more Matilda explained, the wider Doflamingo's grin is.

As for the reason?

He'll be having a new capable family member. He's not talking about Cross, after all, a man like him is impossible to convince to join his family.

However, there's still his son, Wesley Gibson, who also inherited his talent in assassination, but right now, he should be a child and living with his mom.

He remembered in the movie that he seems to be living a very frugal life. At that point of time is the best time for him to swoop in and save him from that kind of life.

But first, he needed to remove a variable.

Which is his father. After all, in the movie, he doesn't know about his father until he became an assassin under the Fraternity.

So, he has two new goals now. Remove Sloan and his Fraternity from existence, and then kill his father, Cross.

By then, Wesley wouldn't know about his father and anything related to him. He could just make Matilda create a fake identity for his father.

A drunkard and a drug addict father who died in jail should be enough.


You can visit my p@treon to read 10 advance chapters and if you want to support me. (www.p@treon.com/SlimeSage) don't forget to change @ to a.