
MCU: The Heavenly Yaksha (A Non-Harem FanFic)

Tom was your normal average unemployed guy, whose life completely changed due to a sudden survey. Watch as he rises as a great man known as The Heavenly Yaksha in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. |-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_| -This is my 3rd book so please be gentle with me. -English is not my first language. -Leave some honest reviews, please. -There will be some random movies added in that won't interfere too much on the MCU plot, so beware. My update schedule will be 5 chapters a week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Tags: -NoHarem -SlightlyStrongMC -SlightRomance -SlowPaced You can visit my Patreon to read 10 advance chapters and if you want to support me. www.patreon.com/SlimeSage *Cover is not mine, I just found it in Pinterest.* *I only own my OC*

SlimeSage · 电影同人
158 Chs

Ch. 136 - Coronation

[This chapter is full of advice about life and such so y'all could just skim through the rest of the chapter.]


"Please, welcome. New Queen of Asgard, Hela... Donquixote!" After a moment of hesitation, the guard finally finished his sentence.

He wonders why the supposed daughter of Odin has a different surname. However, he's merely just a guard, so he won't make a complaint or something. He knows better than to go against the Gods.

As soon as the announcement was made, it turned silent for a few moments except for one.


"That's my wife!" Increasing the size of his hand and making clones of himself to make the clap louder, Doflamingo's figure stands out.

Behind the curtain, Hela happily fiddled with her fingers.

On her side, Thor and Frigga were worriedly looking at Odin, who was sitting on his throne. And the reason for their worry was because Odin looks like he's going to die nay second now and they know that he's forcing himself just to attend Hela's crown ceremony.

Following Doflamingo, a round of applause resounded across the halls as both nobles and commoners were clapping their hands. Though some were slightly hesitant but as if sensing Odin's glare at them, the rest started clapping their hands.

As soon as the clapping starts, Hela is already out of the curtain and is making her way towards the throne where Odin sat.

As she arrived in front of Odin, she just nodded her head instead of kneeling like how it was supposed to be. Although Odin ignored this as he doesn't even care about it anymore however, the same can't be said to the watchers as they angrily glared at Hela's direction.

Although they heard about Hela's backstory and how she was supposed to be Odin's eldest child and the reason why Asgard stood at the top, that doesn't mean that they would revere her the same as they do to Odin.

Sensing the tension, Doflamingo flared his Conqueror's Haki knocking out most of the audience.

Sweat filled their backs and they can't help but gulp in fear.

"Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed warriors, and cherished citizens of Asgard, Today, we celebrate a momentous occasion, filled with boundless optimism and infinite possibilities. With great pride, I pass the mantle of leadership to Hela, our rightful heir. Her extraordinary strength and indomitable spirit hold the promise of a new era for Asgard." Odin loudly announced, making sure that his voice will be heard by the citizens.

"Let us unite behind our new queen, embracing a future of harmony and prosperity. Together, we shall forge a path shining brighter than the sun, casting away shadows that dare to obstruct our destiny. With Hela's enlightened rule, Asgard will flourish, bringing hope to all who yearn for a better tomorrow. For Asgard, now and forever, let us embrace this glorious new era with unwavering optimism and unbreakable unity!" With one final shout, Odin slammed his Gungnir on the ground, signifying the new change of ruler.

The crowd erupts in thunderous applause, hoping that their show of support would make Doflamingo forget about their glare to Hela earlier.

Unfortunately for them, Doflamingo has already set his sights on those who dare to glare at his wife.

Back to the coronation, Odin first glanced at Thor and Frigga, even his son, Loki who was supposed to be in prison, was allowed to attend the crown ceremony.

After the glance, Odin turned his attention back on Hela and saw the excitement and determination in her eyes, Odin sighed and finally gave his Gungnir to Hela before stepping aside and joining the row where Thor and Frigga stood.

Both Thor and Frigga hugged him while Loki just looked at this with complicated eyes.

No one knows what's going on in his mind but perhaps only he knows.


Seeing that the audience has finally arrived at the dining halls where the feast begins, Doflamingo saw that Hela was being congratulated by several nobles and even gave her some gifts. Though Doflamingo could see that the gifts are nothing more than just some golden statues and some clothes made from expensive furs or strong beasts.

After all the nobles stopped, it was finally Doflamingo's turn to approach Hela.

"My Queen." Doflamingo bowed his head slightly before finally presenting his gift.

"This is my gift for you." Doflamingo smiled and kneeled while taking out an expensive looking box and after opening it, a shining golden ring showed itself with a diamond on the top. Although diamonds might not seem to be enough, it's the thought that counts.

Hela's eyes widened. She knew that is the meaning of this and she can't help but squeal in happiness.

The squeal attracted the attention of everyone as they showed their confused gazes.

"Oh! I watched that! It's a marriage proposal!" Thor yelled loudly, informing those who didn't know such tradition.

And when they finally did, they didn't hesitate to drop whatever they were holding and clapped their hands, especially those who are on Doflamingo's 'kill list'.

"Will you, Hela, be my wife." Doflamingo wanted to be a bit different so instead of saying the standard 'Will you marry me' he changed it a little to fit his style.

"Yes!" As soon as Hela gave her answer, Doflamingo inserted the ring on her ring finger before being engulfed in a hug from Hela.

"I love you!" Hela can't help but utter the words.

"...I love you too." Feeling the sense of love, this was the first time Doflamingo felt this and he can't help but feel grateful that he met Hela. Their adventures, fights and cuddling, all of this resurfaced on his mind which removes any regrets that he has made for proposing to Hela.

Actually, Doflamingo has been planning this a long time ago, it is just that he hasn't found any courage to do it yet as he's afraid that he would be a failure or something like that, after all, he hasn't experienced marriage yet and worse, being a father.

So, during those days, he kept contemplating to himself.

Will he be a good father figure to his future child? Will he be able to fully satisfy all of Hela's needs since it is his job as her husband and such thoughts.

Fortunately, his mother Nemesis, noticed his problems so she gave him her advice. It turns out, Nemesis is actually a very wise person.



"What's troubling you, dear?" While sitting behind Doflamingo and styling his hair since she read that it's what mothers do to their children, Nemesis asked.

"It's.... Do you think I would be a good husband and father? You know, I'm just lost in this kind of thing." After a moment of hesitation, Doflamingo finally revealed his problem.

"Doubting oneself is a natural part of the journey. But remember, just as the seed doubts its ability to become a mighty tree, it possesses the potential within. To be a good husband and father, you must embrace the path of self-discovery and growth." Doflamingo was shocked when he heard such indifferent words coming from Nemesis's mouth.

'She's actually this wise?!' Doflamingo suddenly felt pain in his head and when he turned to look, he saw his mother pouting at him.

"Your mother is a very wise person! There is just no opportunity to show it to you, until now." Nemesis said before going back to her advice.

"Sigh, my advice for you is first, have faith in your heart. Believe in the power of love, compassion, and understanding. The strength of a family lies not only in your actions but also in the intentions behind them. Nurture these qualities within yourself and let them guide your interactions with your loved ones." As she was speaking, Doflamingo nodded his head slowly, as if slowly understanding her words.

She then continued, "Second, remember that being a good husband and father is not about perfection but about growth and learning. Mistakes are inevitable, but it is through acknowledging them and striving to do better that true growth occurs. Embrace humility and recognize that wisdom often comes from experiences, both successes, and failures.

Third, be present. In the rush of life, it is easy to become preoccupied with the future or dwell on the past. However, true connection is forged in the present moment. Give your undivided attention to your wife and listen to her words, and observe her actions. By being fully present, you will create a space for trust, support, and love to flourish.

Fourth, be patient and understanding. Each person has their own unique journey, and it is essential to respect their individual growth. Nurture a culture of open communication, where all members of the family feel safe to express their thoughts and emotions. Patience allows for understanding, and understanding fosters deep connections.

Lastly, remember to take care of yourself. To be the best husband and father, you must also nourish your own well-being. You must prioritize taking care of yourself, find balance in life, and pursue activities that bring you joy and fulfillment. By taking care of yourself, you will be better equipped to support and guide your loved ones." With great love in her eyes, Nemesis finally ended her speech with a last sentence.

"That is my advice for you, my son. Always remember that your mother will always be here with you. Right here." Nemesis said while pointing her finger at Doflamingo's heart.

Doflamingo stopped moving as Nemesis's words have given him enlightenment. His doubts vanished and were replaced by confidence.


[Thanks to Chat Gpt helping me out about the advice so I don't want you all to give me the credit of being a wise person because I'm anything but wise. Though I also added some of my opinions and words in the advice.]

You can visit my p@treon to read 10 advance chapters and if you want to support me. (www.p@treon.com/SlimeSage) don't forget to change @ to a.