
Marvel : Strongest Siblings

Max Ryder, an ordinary teenager with dreams of adventure, finds himself facing an unexpected twist of fate when he dies in a tragic accident. However, instead of fading into oblivion, Max awakens in the perilous world of Marvel, where superheroes and villains clash in epic battles. Alongside him is his younger sister, Lumia Ryder, a bright and resourceful girl who holds her own untapped potential. **** Intro is weak, try it and you will love it. Harem : Check OP : Check Fun : Check Hero : Check Powerful allies : Check

Boring_World · 电影同人
27 Chs

marvel 22

MJ and the others stared at Flash, trying to imagine if his powers really would involve something as simple as glowing like a light bulb.

"No! I don't end up as a light bulb! Anything but a light bulb!" Flash shouted, grabbing his hair in frustration, nearly pulling it out in disbelief and annoyance.

The group couldn't help but chuckle at his dramatic reaction.

"Let's go check out your powers inside," Max said as they began entering the central building. The structure was circular, with a serene, park-like area in the middle, resembling a donut shape when viewed from above.

"By the way, did you and Peter build all of this?" MJ asked, curious as she looked around at the impressive architecture.

"No, I just helped with the tech. The rest is his powers," Peter replied modestly, scratching the back of his head.

"Don't listen to him," Max interjected with a grin. "Peter did the tech work for all the small gadgets, surveillance systems, and all that smart stuff. I just handled the buildings and security. But yeah, all the real brains? That's Peter."

Everyone turned to look at Peter, impressed by his intelligence. Gwen, who was also known for her sharp mind, asked him with a smile and cute pout. "You could've asked for my help, you know?"

Gwen's intelligence often matched, and sometimes even surpassed, Peter's. She glared at Max, still a bit annoyed. "I get it, Peter was always going to end up as a superhero in the end, but what about the rest of us? You could've included us earlier. And now you're keeping all this from us?"

Max sighed, knowing her frustration was justified. "I didn't want to risk exposing any of your superhero identities. That's why I kept it under wraps."

Gwen, while still upset, understood where Max was coming from, especially after his earlier warning about villains targeting their loved ones. It didn't make it any easier, though, and the tension lingered.

"I'll make it up to you by teaching you myself," Max said with a confident grin. Gwen huffed but nodded in agreement.

"And what about us?" Flash asked, voicing what was on everyone's mind.

Everyone looked to Max, awaiting answers. Max gestured toward Rize, who walked gracefully beside him. "Rize will handle all your training. She'll help you master your powers."

All eyes shifted to Rize, remembering the deadly blood blade she had wielded earlier.

"So, her power is that red blade?" MJ asked, watching Rize with a mix of curiosity and awe. She couldn't help but notice how stunning Rize looked, like a supermodel straight out of a magazine.

Rize glanced back at them, her voice smooth but dark. "I might accidentally kill them," she said with a sly smile.

Flash and the others took an instinctive step back, unsettled by her casual tone.

"I'll let you drink my blood again," Max said calmly. Rize's eyes gleamed with interest, and a mischievous smile curled on her lips. "Just kidding... of course, I'll train them properly," she added, though her tone left a lingering sense of danger.

Everyone noticed the way Rize looked at Max, and they could tell she was thinking about the pleasure of drinking his blood. Max was now even stronger than before, making his blood a rare delicacy to her. He allowed her to drink it once a week, but every time was an ecstatic experience for Rize, something she almost moaned over in satisfaction.

"What the hell are they talking about?" Gwen asked, clearly frustrated, her eyes narrowing at Max and Rize.

Though Gwen had to admit Rize was unbelievably beautiful, she couldn't help but feel protective. After all, Max was her boyfriend!

"Oh, that!" Peter jumped in to explain. "Rize is a vampire. And according to her, the stronger someone is, the tastier their blood. For her, Max's blood is like a gourmet meal from a five-star restaurant, while ours might be, uh... more like street food."

MJ, Harry, and Flash stared wide-eyed at Peter, stunned by the revelation. Even Gwen was speechless for a moment, her mouth open in disbelief as she looked at Peter for more clarification.

"Like a vampire? You know, the fanged, coffin-sleeper, blood-sucker type?" Gwen asked excitedly, leaning in toward Peter with shining eyes.

Peter, caught off guard by her sudden enthusiasm, blinked and nodded. "Yeah, that type. The blood-sucking kind," he confirmed, watching her reaction as her eyes sparkled like stars.

Max, noticing Gwen's excitement, raised an eyebrow. Does she have an interest in vampires or something? he thought, puzzled by how animated she had become.

Maybe that's why she even named herself Ghost Spider, he mused, considering how the name couldn't relate to her powers or perhaps her hidden fascination with the supernatural.

"She's really a vampire? No wonder she's so hot," Harry mumbled to himself, his gaze drifting toward Rize's back. But just as his eyes were about to wander lower...

"Go any further, and you won't have any eyes left," a cold, menacing voice warned, causing Harry to freeze in place. His face paled, and he quickly snapped his head back up, staring straight ahead, pretending to focus on the ceiling.

Sweat began to trickle down his forehead as he gulped nervously. Holy crap, I almost saw my dead mother waving at me, he thought, feeling as though he had just narrowly escaped death.

Rize glanced over her shoulder, her eyes briefly glowing crimson before she turned away, smirking. The tension in the air was palpable as Harry tried to keep his cool, failing miserably.

Max chuckled at the scene, "I warned you guys. Rize might look sweet, but she doesn't play around. Just stay on her good side."

Flash, who had been silent since the blood comment, spoke up, his voice shaky. "S-So... training with her... means what, exactly? We're not gonna be... dinner, right?"

Rize turned to him, her eyes narrowing playfully. "Only if you disappoint me, Flash," she teased, her tone light, though the underlying threat was clear. "But don't worry. I'll make sure you all survive... probably."

MJ nudged Peter, whispering, "Are we sure this is safe? I mean, training with a bloodthirsty vampire?"


Do check out my original : Strongest Extra Survival, while waiting for New chap


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It's 22 chaps ahead