
Marvel : Strongest Siblings

Max Ryder, an ordinary teenager with dreams of adventure, finds himself facing an unexpected twist of fate when he dies in a tragic accident. However, instead of fading into oblivion, Max awakens in the perilous world of Marvel, where superheroes and villains clash in epic battles. Alongside him is his younger sister, Lumia Ryder, a bright and resourceful girl who holds her own untapped potential. **** Intro is weak, try it and you will love it. Harem : Check OP : Check Fun : Check Hero : Check Powerful allies : Check

Boring_World · 电影同人
27 Chs

Marvel 10

Max and Peter stepped off the plane and into the warm, bustling air of Mexico. The sun hung high in the sky, casting long shadows over the crowded streets. Max adjusted the strap of his backpack, looking out over the city as Peter followed close behind, glancing around curiously.

"Well, here we are," Max said with a sunny smile. "Mexico."

Peter stretched his arms, feeling the dry warmth. "Feels good. But where exactly are we meeting Thor?"

"I mean did your foresight told you where is he staying?" Peter asked , as Max has told him and others, he has future sight along with his summoning powers, which activates irregularly giving him glimpse of future, shielding his knowledge of future .

Max glanced at his phone, scrolling through some news feed. "You know there's a trend going on here in Mexico."

"What trend?" Peter asked, curious.

"King Arthur's hammer," Max chuckled as he said it.

"Hmm, I've heard of King Arthur's sword, but what's this about a hammer?" Peter asked, wondering what it was all about.

"Well, Thor's hammer is somewhere in the middle of nowhere, and people have been trying to lift it but failed. So now, they've connected it with the myth of King Arthur's sword—the one that can only be lifted by someone worthy. They're calling it 'King Arthur's hammer,'" Max explained as he showed the news article to Peter.

"So, it's true?" Peter asked, looking at Max with raised eyebrows.

"I mean, that only the worthy can wield it?" Peter clarified.

"Don't know. It might be a godly weapon that can only be lifted by Thor, or maybe Thor doing it for attention," Max replied as he found his car.

"anyway , lets go and meet Thor" Max said as he went towards the car.

Peter nodded but couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. He still wasn't entirely used to this—going from being a regular guy to rubbing shoulders with gods and vampires. He instinctively reached for Riler's shadow, feeling the comforting presence of the creature lurking just out of sight.

They found their way to a small car Max had arranged, and as they drove out of the city, the vibrant streets gave way to more isolated roads, lined with cacti and dry stone formations. Peter leaned against the window, watching the landscape shift.

"Are we really meeting the Thor?" Peter asked again, still wrapping his mind around it. "I mean, after everything, it's not like I'm doubting you, but..."

Max chuckled. "You'll see soon enough. You'll know when you meet him."

As they got closer to their destination,they found along line of cars.

Max parked the car, and they stepped out, feeling the intense shift in the air. Peter glanced at the plethora of people around ashe mumbled " Maybe he is definitely doing it for attention" he said seeing the crowd.

"Let's go. Maybe Thor is near his hammer," Max said as he began walking toward the center. But before they could move further...

"If you're here for the hammer, the line's over there," a man said, pointing behind them. Max and Peter turned to look and saw a massive line of people, stretching far beyond the lines of parked cars.

"It'll take days just to reach the hammer," Peter said with a sigh.

"Nope, we won't even get that far," Max replied as he spotted a line of black cars approaching.

Peter looked at the cars and nodded. "Seems we're late. The authorities are already here," Peter said as both he and Max returned to their own car.

"Now what?" Peter asked.

"Well, we wait," Max said, as black mist started to swirl around him, and soon their car was enveloped, vanishing from normal sight.

"What are we waiting for?" Peter asked, relaxing as he realized it was going to be a long wait.

"For Thor, obviously," Max replied, leaning back in a relaxed position.

[You can use your UP to track Thor's location, you know,] Yue suggested suddenly.

'No, I'm good. I just want to see Thor's face when he tries to lift the hammer but fails,' Max replied with a smirk as he settled into the car, munching on chips and sipping a cold drink. They decided to wait until night, knowing that was the time when Thor would arrive to retrieve his hammer.

"they sure works fast" peter said as he glanced at the White tents erected within half an hour after the authorities came and dismissed everyone from the site.

"well, obviously or how do you think they keep tight lid on all informations like this" Max replied glancing at them curiously too.

As night fell, the atmosphere around the site grew charged with anticipation. Max and Peter sat quietly in their car, the black mist providing them with concealment while the moon cast an eerie glow on the scene outside. Suddenly, the sound of a car engine echoed, and Max and Peter both looked at the incoming van.

Soon, they saw someone get out and march toward the site, which was now heavily secured as if a state secret were hidden there.

"Is he... Thor?" Peter asked, a speechless look on his face.

"Yes, what did you expect?" Max laughed and replied.

"Maybe entry while basking in lightning," Peter said, still speechless.

"Just take your phone and go back to caveman times, and show them your flashlights. You'll be the 'God of Light' etched in history," Max shook his head and said.

Peter looked at him, finding this example plausible. "So, is it magic like yours, or does it work on science?" Peter asked as they both stepped out of the car, still engulfed in mist.

"What do you think?" Max asked, walking ahead.

"Second, or how he couldn't use his lighting without his hammer" Peter replied.

"I mean, maybe his hammer is the real source of lightning. And if I could get it, we can find a way to gain powers. That would probably get me my superpowers," Peter said, enthusiasm creeping into his voice.

"No, I definitely didn't see you covering lightning or Asgardian clock for that," Max shot back.

"Then what? Tell me what sort of powers I could get?" Peter asked with a sigh, as Max replied, "What's the fun in that?"

Peter sighed in frustration as he followed after Max.


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