
Marvel: Kaiju System

Ever wondered what would happen if a human got the chance to create their own Kaiju. Yeah we know what would happen, but what if it put them in to the marvel universe, then what if Tony Stark were to find an unknown egg producing radiation. Shall we see what will happen? __ Covers not mine if the orginal owner wants me to change it let me know

SkyRexx · 电影同人
8 Chs


I was in a white room, there was nothing when I say I mean nothing, I have been here for what I think is around 6 days but I'm not sure.

Let me tell you how I got here, well there is not much to say how I got here I just got hit by the classic Truck-kun, uhh yeah I got hit by Truck-kun I was expecting to get reincarnated, this happened because I was sitting in a nearby alleyway wait to save someone from a crash because if I want to reincarnate I have to save someone from a truck, then I saw it a young girl was running across the street with a truck speeding down the road I dived straight toward the young girl and pushed her across the street just to get hit by the truck, exactly as planned now for reincarnation.

Thats how I ended up in this white room, now what should I do, I decided to lay down and get some sleep. When I woke up I looked around realising that the white room was gone replaced with a black one instead but now I couldn't move nor see my body, [Ding] 'huh' I heard a ding but couldn't figure out what it was 'System?' I thought, and tried to figure out what is happening, then I saw a blue screen appear in front of me,

[Welcome to the Kaiju System]

[Please Pick Species Type]


1. Reptile

2. Insectoid

3. Mammal

4. Plant

5. Fish

6. Avian

7. Mecha


'uhh, I'll pick reptile' I replied

[Reptile Chosen]

[Pick the sub-species]


1. Reptile

2. Insectoid

3. Mammal

4. Plant

5. Fish

6. Avian

7. Mecha


'What sub-species' I was considering how that would work then I heard the system reply [sub-species are species that your form will be able to take characteristics from to form your Kaiju, the restrictions on the sub-species would be no more than 40% of your DNA and characteristics would be able to take that form]

'Hey system would there be a downside to taking all of the subspecies' I decided to question the system,

[Yes host there are downsides which would be loss of abilities or gaining instincts you would not want, the system may suppress most of the instincts that are unimportant but the system can not suppress them all, the most sub-species the system could suppress on top of your current species would be 4]

'Hey system what do you recommend?'

[According to previous hosts mammal and avian are not recommend due to compatibility issues later down the line, fish is not recommended due to the similarities to the reptile species, that is all knowledge system can provide to host]

'That would leave plant, mecha, and insectoid, hmm what should I choose?'

'You know what screw it, Hey system choose plant, mecha, and insectoid'

[Are you sure?]

'Hell yeah why not!'

[Selection chosen]

[Please create your race]

In front of me appeared a screen that looked like ms paint I'm not even gonna lie about it

'Umm system how do I draw without hands?'

[Just think about drawing]

So then began my masterpiece, not.