
Progenitor of Those to Come

{A/N: Thank you all for the power stones. Wasn't expecting them but since you all reached over 100, I'll reward you all with a chap.

I was thinking of adding different elements into this story to make it a bit more realistic but also adding a sort of anime/wuxia theme to the fights as well.

Should I create a book log auxiliary of sorts on updates for the story or just about anything? Or should I keep these just for quick explanations? Comment only after reading the chap.}


"Hello, Hercules," Horus replies. No shred of fear is present in his eyes.

Suddenly, a pressure befalls Horus and the surrounding area of 20ft. The terrifying aura forms a circular depression around Hercules and Horus that goes a foot deep into the ground.

The ground is seemingly flat but abruptly turns into a reverse dome.

As if unaffected, the ground beneath Horus's and Hercules's feet is completely unscathed. The stone underneath circumferences their feet a few inches away. Barely a finger's length of space between the heel of their shoes and the cut-off earth.

A bit surprised, Hercules responds, "You aren't afflicted by my Dominator's Aura. I can feel that you are weaker than me, but it has no effect?"

"Of course, it doesn't affect me. How can you hope to dominate someone superior to yourself?" Horus replies in the most arrogant tone he could muster.

Seemingly ignorant of Horus's tone, Hercules questions, "Do you not know who stands before you? The person you dare to challenge? Who are you to be so arrogant toward me, the Hydra Slayer, Hercules?"

Lifting his hands above his head, Hercules shouts that last part as he pumps his fists in the air. This action gets the men on the walls and even the soldiers inside of the wall riled up and bolstered with tumultuous excitement.

"Lord Hercules" is known for providing a boost of morale to his soldiers whenever he struck the battlefield.

Something about the way he speaks makes those lesser than he become restless and ready to fight.

Waiting for them to calm down, Horus just stands there staring at them. About 20 seconds later, the hooting and shooting are over.

"Quite the men you have there, Hydra Slayer. You all must have gone through many battles to have formed this sort of behavioral dynamic. It's a shame you all will die together," says Horus, his tone sounding a bit melancholic at the thought of losing these men.

"Haha, bold words for an unknown man. Tell me, what kingdom do you hail from? I know you received the message I sent out." Not taking this mortal man seriously, Hercules just converses with him. Under the surface of things, something is changing inside Horus.

That something began building up fighting him after his reckless move to punch a hole in the 100ft high, 50ft thick wall of the Moroccan kingdom's capital city. He wasn't sure what this feeling was.

Horus has an inkling about what this could be, but this feeling is different from EVO evolution. Though, he can't make any concrete answers because he was unconscious during the last revolution.

"Commit this to memory, as you will die today. I am the 69th Call of Duty League World Champion. The Shield of Wakanda…," as Horus says these first few titles, his appearance begins to change from a human's to that of an animal's. A bird to be exact.

His clothing begins to brighten as light descends upon his frame. The light is so bright, Hercules takes two giant steps back and puts a hand up over his face to shield himself. Horus's height also begins to increase.

"I am the Murderer of Kushep. The Bane of Iniquities. Prince of Justice. The Beloved Son of $&$&?.

I AM HORUS PRIME, PROGENITOR OF THOSE TO COME AND THOSE THAT ARE!!!" The second last line of his Entitlement was awe-inspiring, to say the least.


{A/N: This new concept of "Entitlement" is the existence of a god being recognized within himself and also by the universe he's in.

Call it an awakening/level up from his existence as essentially a mortal being to an official god. (Thor/Odin vs the regular Asgardians with no divinities). His divinities have also leveled from "Divinity" to "Authority".}



(In Another Universe)

Somewhere at an unknown location, a woman sits on the stars gazing into the distance.

But, that did not mean her figure was distorted. A figure that puts shame on the word "feminine", the woman's figure is the embodiment of Yin. Soft and curvaceous. Gentle and fluid-like. Cold and pure. Her figure makes men's blood boil but cools their hearts.

A black hole spins atop her left index finger. Lights, resembling stars, speckled her body; flashing every so often. Long and willowy light-blue hair flowed down her back as she sits on a throne mounted atop an entire universe.

Purple. Submission.

That is what she is.

The aura emanating from her demands respect. Thoughts of impurity leave the minds of those in her presence.

Her facial features are distorted beyond human understanding, and two sets of wrinkles appear on the left and right sides of her face. Indicating that the woman figure is smiling.

Looking closely, a star could be seen falling down her face and trailing past her mouth where it rolls off her chin. One can infer that it is indeed a tear that has fallen.

"Oh, my baby Prime has finally awakened. Even if it's been a few billion years, your father would be proud."

Sighing in happiness and relief, the woman looks up at something in front of her.

"It's you again, Black Man?" she asks, not at all surprised to find the same man above her life existence observing her while taking notes.

Then, the author cuts the scene.



(Universe 616, Horus 3rd POV)

Every utterance of his voice is as deep and vast as the expanse above. A chant-like chorus of voices shouting and singing harmonized to create a symphony of a god descending into the mortal world.

The world's energies gathered around Horus. Shrouding him in a cocoon of red, grey, golden, and cyan light. Horus bathing in its warm light.

The sun had shone brighter, and the winds picked up and began to make great gusts. The ground quakes and cracks. The grass withers and grows back more lush and green. Lightning crackles above.

Almost being struck, Hercules puts up a red aura of <Power> to cover himself. When the lightning hit, he takes another step back. Showcasing this isn't just regular lighting.

{A/N: Decided to give Hercules a boost in power and also make him a rare case of demigods awakening a divinity. His is Power. He power, energy-based and physical, as the fight progresses. He's a great match for Horus.}

As quickly as the world phenomena occurred, it quickly left.

During the rest of his title naming, Horus finishes his transformation. The light that descended fades away to reveal a new being floating where he once stood.

Now, at a giant height of 8ft tall, Horus is a gleaming monstrosity of a falcon. Glowing golden and silver, the feathers on his body pulsate with energy.

The biceps on his arms ripple with explosiveness. The talons on his feet shredded the ground even as he made no moves. His lips and nose are now an elongated hardened beak.

The once golden eyes of Horus are now blue and red; left and right respectively. The fingertips on his hands extended to three-inch claws.

Standing right now, Horus is what the mortal people would call a god. However, young, his presence still demands the attention it deserves. The gleaming armor of his transformation oozes divine might.

On Hercules's front, when the light faded, he knew immediately what he had to face. A pure-blooded, bonafide god.

The divine might come from Horus making it harder for him to breathe. This was just the gap between being a half-god and mortal. His mortal side is shaking to run!

He activates his <Power> divinity to negate the pressure caused by the gap in their life presence (Tier of being).

One thing Hercules knows is that if Horus underestimates him, he could end up gaining equal footing.

As his divinity allows him to progressively get stronger, Hercules would just need to survive long enough. It also grows much faster depending on how much stronger the opponent is.

He was even the training partner of his father, Zeus, at one time. Able to even fight equally against him after almost a day of fighting.

Thinking this, Hercules could not cower in fear. Lest he is humiliated in front of his men.

"This will be the first time I fight a god aside from my father. Today, I will destroy you, Horus Prime." Hercules says, boosting his and the mortal men around him morale.

Turning away from Horus, Hercules spreads his arms and looks above at the skies, and declares, "Call it my thirteenth and final labor. With his defeat, father, you will increase my life presence as a reward."

The skies above did not indicate that it received this proclamation. This is because Horus has activated <Absolute Secrecy> to cover an area in the span of 500km. No one on the earth nor anyone in the universe can spectate this battle.

And even if they did, Horus now has the Authority over the skies. Even though he just unlocked the ability, he can still manage to subdue Zeus's sphere of control.

Where there's a battle in the family mansion and yet, outside, it looks calm and peaceful.

Confused at not seeing the signs of confirmation from Zeus, Hercules circulated his <Power> throughout his entire body. Satisfied after a second of this, he charges at Horus in the blink of an eye.

With a suppressive left uppercut, Hercules grabs Horus midair, then throws him at the wall where Horus forms a human-shaped crater.

Not giving him a chance for a reprieve, Hercules punches with another uppercut with his right hand. The uppercut sends Horus flying up and past the 100ft wall.

In his wake, the hard limestones that made up the wall completely crumpled under the suffocating force of the blow; it left a trench 5ft deep.

Soaring 10ft past the wall, Horus hangs in the air…stunned. As if teleporting, Hercules delivers a downward punch to Horus's right jaw that sends him sprawling down to the wall.

Hercules then heavily lands on the smashed top of the wall where Horus sits, seemingly dazed.

Standing 5ft in front of Horus, Hercules sports a goofy smile. He's smiling as though he just beat his big brother at a game his brother let him win.

Behind him, the sun begins to shine bright. Hercules looks back for a split second when he feels movement come from Horus.

A fist is what he is met with. Placing his arms up to block it, Hercules slides back on the wall. His feet left a deep trail. Not feeling anything, Hercules begins to laugh.

That soon stops as he becomes short of breath and his arms numb. The upper region of his body is wracked with pain.

He falls to the ground, panting.

"Huh? What's wrong? Did you find a gold coin on the ground?" Horus asks, sarcastically. He may want one himself.

"Haha!! You Africans are just too much fun. We should have invaded this place long ago," Hercules stated, laughing joyfully.

He then smashes his fists together. Sparkly lines flow over his hands as the shape of silver, lion-headed gauntlets form over his fists.

Cocking his brow, Horus speaks in a melancholic tone.

"And there it is revealed. The great Hercules is a racist. You will forever be known as Racistules.

I should have known. Who else in your pantheon feels this way? Zeus? I know that bitter old woman Hera does. I'll find out eventually when I visit your realm."

Getting up, Horus stands at Frieza attention.

"Let's see if you can keep up."