


Coralline's pov

I woke up quite early since I slept early. I recalled what Damon said last night, the pain I felt was worse than the one I felt when I caught John cheating on me. I felt like crying all over again. I went to the bathroom and took my bath. I went to the closet and saw different female wears and they were all new. I took the one that would fit me best and wore it.

I went to the living room and met Damon dressed already. 'Good morning' I said

'Morning, you're awake already. I've been waiting so you so we would eat together' he said

'I'm not hungry. I'd just eat when I get to work'

'But you didn't eat anything last night. At least eat a little' he pleaded

'No, thanks' I said coldly

'ok, let me give you a ride then'

'I'll just take a taxi' I said and left immediately

Thankfully saw a taxi after I left the house. I stopped it and entered inside the taxi. I told the driver my destination and he drove off. It started raining heavily while I was still inside the taxi. We were already at the roundabout when a car came at us by the side with full speed.

'Watch out' I screamed at the driver but it was already late. The car crashed right unto ours. Right then I was images flashed before my eyes, I saw a little boy, little me and two couples laughing inside a car. Then everything went black.

Damon's pov

I watched as she left sadly. We were doing so well yesterday until she started acting cold. I had my breakfast and was about to leave the house when I got a call from the guard I asked to watch over Charlotte. 'what's wrong' I asked him

'Ms Scott was involved in a car accident' he said panicked. Conniption gripped me immediately

'Where's she?' o asked him

'I took her to NY city hospital, he said

I rushed to my car and drove with high speed to the hospital. Thank God no patrol was around because I ignored many traffic lights.

I arrived at the hospital safely, I ran inside and saw the guard waiting at the lobby. I dragged him by the collar and punched him

'I gave you just one single task and you couldn't even do it. If anything happens to Charlotte, you'd be sorry' I said.

Some doctors tried to separate me from the idiot but a glare from me made them retreat, cowards. 'Take me to where she is' I told him and he led me to her ward. I stood outside and watched them perform their duties on her. When they were done, I entered inside the room and asked the doctor how she was.

'She's fine, thankfully she sustained only minor injuries and was brought here in time. She only fainted due to the shock she felt so she would be awake in a few hours' he said and left. I sat down on the chair next to her bed and held her hands.

I can't believe I almost lost you today Charlotte. You must have been so scared, I'm never gonna let you out of my sight again. I think I should just tell you everything so I can trigger your memories. Yes, that's what I'd do.

Coralline's pov

I woke up at the side of a cliff. I heard screams and I ran towards the direction. I saw a car hanging at the edge of the cliff. The booth of the car opened and two little children crawled out, a boy and a girl.

The girl was bleeding on her head and looked like she would faint any moment. Just when the other people in the car wanted to crawl out, the car became unstable and fell down the cliff.

'MOM DAD' the children screamed The little girl collapsed and everything became black.