
Make It Perfect

I will get the ending I want.

quiverycacti · 奇幻
9 Chs

Chapter 8 - Blood

"Lee Honja behind you!" she screamed as her eyes widened.

"Huh?" I turned around and then.

The stalker has stabbed Lee Honja.




He didn't get knocked out?

That should have at least fractured his skull!

How is he not knocked out!

Lee Honja looked down to see where he was stabbed.



I got stabbed in the heart...

"I told you I would this would be going through your heart." The stalker furious by what I had done.

"I still got you go-"

Lee Honja vomited out blood. 

Well shit.

You play dumb games, you win dumb prizes.

The stalker pulled out the knife and Lee Honja fell down.

Lee Honja was losing a large amount of blood.


Lee Honja looks at Cha Eunji's petrified look.

Don't cry.

Don't worry.

I'll fix this.

Lee Honja's consciousness was fading away as he took his last breath, he heard someone calling out his name.



"Honja!" Suho yelled.

Lee Honja sprung out from the sudden noise.

"Honja, why're you so pale so suddenly?" question Suho.

I restarted after I died.

I feel sick to the stomach.

Why is the checkpoint here, I just ate lunch!

"W-Wait a minute, I need to go to the bathroom real quick." Honja replied.

Lee Honja then ran towards the bathroom.

"Huh. Weird, he isn't usually like that" Suho remarked.


Ah fuck, I just ate and I just died.

The shock of dying isn't really that much since I prepared myself anyways.

But I just ate so I got sick to my stomach.


After Lee Honja puked out what he ate for lunch, he cleaned himself at the sink.

Man, I mean I was going to test to see if I restarted when I die but I didn't think it was this soon.

With this valuable piece of information, I can get the ending that I want more perfectly.

Although I still don't know whether there is a limit to these loops but that's a problem for future me.

Now that I'm done puking I should go back to them since I abruptly just left.


"Honja! What happened? You looked like you saw a ghost." Suho said teasingly.

"Maybe..." Lee Honja replied.

"What?" Suho clearly confused by my statement.

"Hey, Kang Suho where did Cha Eunji go?" Lee Honja asked.

"She said she forgot something in the classroom" Kang Suho answered.


No no no no no no...

Shit! What happened?!

Is it because I abruptly went to the bathroom?!

In the game, if the player ever leaves her alone during lunch and the stalker event is happening, she goes to the classroom.

But when she goes there the stalker abducts her!

What am I even doing thinking about this?!

I've already wasted 3 seconds!

Lee Honja immediately ran towards their classroom in order for the event to not happen.

But when he arrived, he was too late.

There were no signs of Cha Eunji and it seems like someone already abducted her.

Then someone snuck up behind him.