
Make It Perfect

I will get the ending I want.

quiverycacti · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 7 - Pain

"Cha Eunji, why aren't you touching your food?" I questioned Cha Eunji

"Oh, I just wasn't feeling hungry that's all." She replied.

"You know if you're having trouble with something we could help." Assured Suho. I mean I won't be able to do much but Honja would be able to help."

"Thanks for the concern Lee and Suho but I really am not hungry." She clarified.

"Whatever you say so" Suho said.

Anyone with a working brain would know that somethings wrong.

She should've gotten a letter on her desk this morning that's why she's acting like this.

According to my memories the letter basically said to meet behind the school after school.

Definitely feels like a confession letter but since she is observant, she recognizes the handwriting of the person who has been sending letters to her apartment.

That's why she's acting like this and why I am going to secretly follow her after school.

I mean the reason why this is hard is because the stalker has a weapon ready.

Problem is I don't know what weapon it is because the MC in typical MC fashion, one hit the stalker and knocked him out and the novel didn't specify what type of weapon it is.

I would like to report this to the teachers but I don't have evidence nor do I know who is the stalker.

I'll just deal with this with my own hands since in the novel it didn't really seem like the stalker was good in using a weapon anyways.


*Ding Dong* the bell has rang and it's time to put my plan in action.

Lee Honja immediately ran outside and hid inside a locker that should be in line of sight of where the even would take place.

Then he waited.

He didn't wait for too long since the stalker has arrived and Cha Eunji arrived not so long after.

If anything goes wrong I'll go out the locker and knock him out with the frying pan I borrowed from the canteen staff.

It took a lot of lying and convincing in order to get this.

Oh wait they already started talking, I should listen in.

"-unji please go out with me! Us both have been destined to be with each other!" The stalker said ecstatically.

Seems like someone is delusional as fuck.

"I'm sorry but I will turn you down" Cha Eunji said while she bowed down. "Also please don't come near me or send letters to my house again or else I will call the police."

I swear to god if the stalker says something along the lines of 'If I can't have you then no one can!' and rushes to her with a knife then I would just be disappointed from the predictability.

"If I can't have you..." The stalker slowly pulls out a knife.

Holy shit!

He actually said it!

He's pulling out a knife!

I need to intervene!

I sneakily got out of the locker and rushed to knock him out with the frying pan.

"Then no one ca-" The stalker stopped

Huh? Why'd he stop?

Then as Honja was about to hit him, the stalker dodged.

Wait... Did he just dodge that?

The stalker went towards the side and disarmed Lee Honja of his weapon.

Wait wait wait wait, he can actually fight?

The stalker then swept Honja's feet and got him in an ankle lock and broke one of his leg.


But I didn't really scream since I can tolerate pain.

I didn't know that the stalker was good at combat!

Because the MC one-shotted him, I underestimated him!

"Oh my god! Lee Honja are you okay?!" Cha Eunji said with an anguished face.

"Who are you to interrupt my alone time with Cha Eunji?" The stalker said.

I looked at the stalker and noticed that he was the one who tried to hit on Cha Eunji a week ago!

"Nothing much, just trying to fix your delusional mind with my frying pan" I shakily answered him while trying to hide the pain. "Honestly, I thought you would be better than this but I think you need to get your head che-"

The stalker stabbed Honja's right palm.



I want to scream but I don't have the energy to do so.

The pain was nullified a bit because of the adrenaline but this is really gonna hurt later.

When the stalker stabbed Lee Honja's palm, Cha Eunji shrunk down with tears running down her face, unable to scream due to the fear.

"The next time you speak nonsense, I will stab you somewhere else" The stalker threatened

"The only nonsense that has been said was from your mou-" 

The stalker stabbed Lee Honja's right shoulder

"AGGGGGGGGH FUCK!" I screamed but it wasn't loud.

"Try that again and next time this will be going through your heart" said by the stalker clearly outraged by what I said.

Shit what do I do know.

Ah I can do that.

"Hey! Over here!" I yelled while look behind the stalker

The stalker then turned around and Lee Honja hit the stalker with the frying pan.

Phew, good thing the frying pan landed near my left hand.

I turned around to look at Cha Eunji "Everything's fine now" I assured her with a smile.

"Lee Honja behind you!" she screamed as her eyes widened.

"Huh?" I turned around and then.

The stalker has stabbed Lee Honja.