
Make It Perfect

I will get the ending I want.

quiverycacti · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 9 - Shovel

But when Cha Eunji arrived, he was too late.

There were no signs of Cha Eunji and it seems like someone already abducted her.

Then someone snuck up behind him. 

"Hey, Lee Honja what are you doing?" Cha Eunji curiously asked.

Lee Honja turned around and exhaled a sigh of relief.

"Phew, thank god." Lee Honja said as he put his hands on her shoulders and lowered his head.

"W-What's wrong?" Cha Eunji shakily said while surprised he suddenly touched her.

Lee Honja lifted his head and saw the stalker just a few feet away at the corner.

I was early.

Also I need to know the name of the stalker because always saying 'the stalker' is becoming redundant now.

"Nothing." Lee Honja replied as he lifted his arms.

"O-Oh ok" 

W-W-What was that?! 

Why did her suddenly touch me?

I was so caught off guard.

Hopefully he didn't see me blush since I am weak to sudden touch.

She did in fact blush but due to Lee Honja's relieved state, he did not notice.

"I heard from Suho you were gonna get something from our classroom."

"Yeah I was going to get my math notebook since I still haven't finished my assignment."

*Ding dong* The bell rang.

"Well lunch is over, we are already at the classroom so I can help you with your math assignment" said Lee Honja.

"Really?" Cha Eunji asked with excitement.

"Well yeah I mean our next subject is math so..."

"W-What!? We have to do this quick! Go sit down and help me!" Cha Eunji frantically said while sat down to the nearest chair.

"Hey that's my cha-"

"No time! Tell me how to do number six!"


With that, I still haven't finished the stalker event but I did get to dodge the way worse scenario.


*Ding Dong* The bell has rang for school has ended.

I have thought of a way to deal with this event without anyone getting harmed.

Lee Honja walked up to Cha Eunji who is flocked with students trying to get close.

"Cha Eunji-ssi, Ms. Park Jung-ah wants to speak to you in the teacher's lounge." Lee Honja said to her.

"Okay then, well everyone let's continue this conversation another time." She said with a smile.

"Sure!" said student A

"Let's hangout some other time!" said student B

"Too bad, well good luck!" said student C

Phase 1 is done.

Now according to my memory there should be someone in the gardening club walking by right now.

As Lee Honja said, someone from the gardening club is walking by their classroom carrying a shovel.

Lee Honja walked up to the guy and asked "Choi Woo you need help with that?"

"Oh yeah! Can you put this at the locker behind the school?" Choi Woo said.

"Sure! No problem!"

Choi Woo gave the shovel to Lee Honja.

"Yo Honja, want to go to a pc ca-"

"Not now!" Lee Honja said to Kang Suho.

"O-Oh okay."

Phase 2 is complete.

Now all that's left is to deal with the stalker.


Tch, where's Cha Eunji?

I've been waiting for her for over three minutes now!

As the stalker was getting impatient, he saw a shadow coming towards him.

There she is!

As the figure went around the corner, the stalker was confused.

"Lee Honja? What are you doing here? Where's Cha Eunji?" He asked the stalker.

As he said that he got his guard up since the stranger was holding a shovel.

"Oh Cha Eunji? She was called in by a teacher." answered Lee Honja.

"As to what I am doing here, I was supposed to put the shovel in the locker behind you but you interrupted me."

"O-Oh sorry about that." The stalker replied.

It looks like Cha Eunji wouldn't be able to come here.

I should head home.

The stalker was walking up to the school gate and was stopped by a guard.

"Hey you! Yeah you! Can you come here real quick?" asked the guard.

The stalker confused as to what's happening, went towards the guard.

"Let me search your body for weapons real quick since someone has reported that 'a man with a black hoodie had brought a weapon to school'."


He'll see the knife I brought!

But how could this be?

No one should've seen me entering the school with the knife since I put it in my bag!

The guard had began patting him starting from the shoulders, then the back.

The next is his hips and waist.

"U-Uhm, can I go to the bathroom real quick? I've been holding my piss for quite sometime and it seems like it's about to burst" The stalker said.

"It's about to be finished, just wait for a few seconds."

The stalker ran towards the opposite direction while saying "I'm sorry but I really gotta go!"

He was running and then he tripped on someone foot.

The stalker looked up and saw Lee Honja looking down on him.

The knife also slipped away from the pocket of his hoodie.


"You know it's bad to bring weapons to school right?" questioned Lee Honja

"You did have a weapon! Hands behind your back! We are going to the police!" said the guard.

No no no no!

Just when I was about to start a life with Cha Eunji!

I need to get up and run away!

The stalker got up and when he was about to run away, he tripped.

The stalker face planted on the floor.

He looked up again and saw Lee Honja with a smirk.

Him again! Lee Honja!

I would want to kill him but I first need to run away!

The stalker tried to get up again but the guard already caught up and was trying to detain him.

This damn guard!

I'm confident in my strength so I could easily overpower him!

The stalker tried to overpower the guard but to no avail.

He tried again but the guard didn't budge.

When was this guy this strong!?

He looked so weak that I thought I could've easily snapped him like a twig!

Little did he know, the long sleeved uniform that the guard had was hiding his build.

The guard then handcuffed his wrists and ankles and left him on the floor.

The guard then looked at Lee Honja.

"Thanks to you, I was able to know someone had a weapon and was able to catch the assailant."

"No problem!" Lee Honja said enthusiastically. 


Lee Honja knew I had a weapon?


He wasn't near me when I was going to school.

So then how!?

Is probably what that stalker bastard is thinking.

Well my answer to that is to just die once and restart to your checkpoint.

Easy enough right?

I was right by telling the guard about this before I went to meet him.

Also his name was supposedly Jang Tae.

I remember that in the webtoon that he was classmates with Cha Eunji back in the first year of high school.

He thought she liked him because she was always smiling.

Good grief.

This is why you should never be delusional enough to the point of stalking.

"Nice save you had back there." Kang Suho said as he walks up to Lee Honja. "You usually are a bystander during these types of situations."

"I mean he had a knife around school so I just thought I had to do something." Lee Honja replied.

"So... Still want to go to a PC cafe?"


"Wait!" Someone yelled.

"I heard you guys were going to a PC cafe. Would you mind if I joined" Cha Eunji asked.

I forgot she hasn't went into a PC cafe yet since she was busy with her being a model and such.

If she can go and hang out with us then she has nothing to do.

Lee Honja... Common sense please?

"Sure." replied Lee Honja.