From Orphan to Performing Magician, Ace thought his entire world was just that. However, a run in with an organization bent on keeping the world safe by any means necessary sent him running into a world he could've only dreamed of!
Ace was already away from Hogwarts. He was in Asgard, learning with Frigga while keeping an eye on the Earth. Ace showed Frigga the Time Turner and she was impressed by Earth's artifacts.
Although she commented that other than what Ace used it for, it was mostly useless. Mainly because it was a paradox item. You would have already used it in the future for the events of the past to happen again, therefore unless you used it for extra time everyday like Ace and Hermione did, it didn't really matter what else you did with it.
This was true because Ace remembered seeing 2 sets of Hermione and Harry a few years ago. He was living in the present time while the other set was in the future time but they were still in the present because the group had to cycle back over and over again.
It was very complicated but basically, there was a Harry and Hermione that were perpetually redoing that day over and over again for eternity.
Ace used it to study more! Frigga also split herself in 2 teaching both of him at the same time!
Twice the effect, half the time!
Laws of Time and Space hate him!
Get yours today!
Months passed without incident. Asgard wasn't attacked by darkish but less dark than Dark Elves, and Earth didn't have any cataclysmic events. Even the Avengers were just relaxing at the moment.
Fury set up a mini SHIELD that was hidden and continued operations through Maria Hill. Nothing was out of place, it was peaceful.
After studying for a few months with Frigga, he went to visit Sharon and spend a month with her, following her around as a cat as she went on jobs and worked in the office. He basically spent every waking moment with her.
And thanks to his studying with Frigga, he could now talk in his cat form! Among other things of course, but the talking was fun!
Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end and Ace had to return to Hogwarts again. He estimated that this would be his last year, potentially. He had finished practically all the books in the library and most of the Ministry's.
There was almost no need to stay anymore, other than staying with Hermione.
Minerva's research was finished and Ace was much more free than he was before. He was almost bored!
Sharon and Ace separated and he returned to Hogwarts for the 6th time.
Ace was once again sitting in the Great Hall, reading a book. It seemed that he was always seated next to the new teachers!
As he came to know, the man next to him was Horace Slughorn. Of course, on his other side, Snape was sitting.
Curiously, Snape and Horace sort of swapped roles. Snape was teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts and Slughorn was teaching Potions. Apparently, he was a grandmaster!
Ace put the book down and looked at Slughorn asking "Hello! I was wondering if I could ask you some questions?" Slughorn sipped his drink and turned to him, saying "Oh dear boy, ask away! Haha."
Ace's eyes sparkled and he pulled out a thick notebook, making a thud on the table as he flipped the pages, reading with his glasses.
The teachers looked over and Flickwick swallowed, muttering "Quite extensive…" Hagrid laughed, "That's fer sure! I remember when Ace came askin' me questions! What a day! Hahaha! I reckon we talked for 8 hours!"
Ace stopped and said "Nova Pagina." as a new page appeared in between two old ones. He turned to Slughorn and asked "I was wondering, when you create an Everlasting Elixir, is it possible to change the body composition? For example, create an Everlasting Elixir of Wolfsbane for a body immune to the Werewolf affliction."
Slughorn hummed to himself as Snape turned his head to Ace, frowning in surprise. He hadn't ever thought of that before.
Slughorn mused for a moment before replying "Well you see, the trouble with Everlasting Elixirs is that they are incredibly difficult to create. Not only for existing recipes but new ones even more so!" he frowned and paused for a moment before continuing "In addition, the potion does not simply change the body's composition, no, I'm afraid the magic of the potion continuously invades the organs and flesh, making the potion always 'active'."
He smiled at Ace and continued "For example, if I were to give you an Antidote Potion of the Everlasting Elixir variety, then poisoned you, you would still be poisoned. However! The Antidote will slowly do its job and expel the poison, but you are not immune in a sense."
Ace nodded and wrote down, asking again "Is this the same for time limit potions? Like Strengthening Potions? I've read and experienced different results." Slughorn asked curiously "Whatever do you mean, my boy?" Ace stood up and said "Hagrid, how much do you weigh?"
Hagrid was startled and patted his stomach, saying "Oh you know, lost a few pounds… I'd say 950-1000… Why?" Ace put down his book and walked over. He squatted and grabbed the chair Hagrid was sitting on and grunted as he lifted Hagrid in the air!
Slughorn's eyes shone and he said "Merlin's Beard! How have you done it!?" Ace lifted Hagrid over his head before putting him down and let out a breath, Snape was stunned silly and Minerva shouted "Ace! For Merlin's sake!"
Hagrid himself was stunned and asked "When did you get so strong, Ace?!" Ace cleared his throat and replied "It's a potion…" he rubbed his shoulder and added, "Though, goddamn it hurts… Fuck."
He rubbed his shoulder and sat back down as the students stared at him in shock.
Dumbledore cleared his throat and smiled "Continue everyone. Professor Brand is very impressive, yes. Perhaps in the future you too can achieve such a feat with a Strength Potion, hm?" The students exploded into murmurs as Ace turned to Slughorn, saying "You see, an Everlasting Strengthening Potion raised my physical levels by 1000%"
Slughorn asked quickly "My dear boy, are you saying all your levels have this increase?!" Ace nodded and took half his shirt off, revealing his perfect muscles, explaining "Endurance, Strength, etc… However, my speed has not directly increased by 1000%, although I can run faster and longer, I cannot match a train."
Slughorn chuckled, "Well of course there must be side effects." as he looked at Ace's body with curiosity, prodding him with his wand, adding with marvel "Incredible! Your muscle mass has increased naturally!"
Snape pulled on Ace's shirt, pinching his trap muscle, frowning "This shouldn't be possible, unless…" Slughorn nodded, "Unless, he used Dragon Heartstring and Thestral bones!" Snape looked at Slughorn retorting "These materials are very experimental, not to mention extremely dangerous. One wrong move and poof, you would disintegrate."
Slughorn nodded, replying with wonder "Truly. It is quite the miracle that you have created such a potion in the first place! Not to mention that it succeeded! I think perhaps, you are the first to create such a potion, my boy."
Ace was stunned and Slughorn explained "An Everlasting Elixir may work 'everlasting' as advertised, however they are more likely to only last a very, very long time. However, for potions that would enhance the drinker, they do not work like this. How long did you say you've had this?"
Ace replied "Over a year." Slughorn and Snape were stunned silly, Ace scratched his cheek, replying "Is that bad?" Slughorn slapped his shoulder, saying "Dear god! You've created a new form of Everlasting Elixir! How have you done it!? Do you think perhaps I could have the recipe? For academic purposes, of course!"
Ace blinked and Snape commented, "I must admit, even I am impressed. It seems you are not just an insufferable annoyance after all." Ace smiled happily, patting Snape's shoulder as he said "You're really coming around!"
Snape squinted at him and waved his arm, saying "Watch yourself, Ace. I merely complimented you once." Ace chuckled and turned to Slughorn saying "I'd be more than willing to share, perhaps we could chat more later?"
Slughorn nodded enthusiastically, "Of course, my dear boy! I would've proposed a more in depth discussion should you not have! When are you free?" Ace replied "Any time, really. I only start study sessions after a month."
Minerva shook her head and turned to Dumbledore, who smiled happily.
Ace and Slughorn continued talking as Ace took notes, expanding his potions section in his Infinity Notebook, or as Ace called it 'Arcana Compendium'.
It had all his notes and theories, everything he had learned was in this book!
Of course he also had spares of everything in separate notebooks, however the issue was he needed an entire separate space bag for all the books. Currently, he had 2 bags. One for his notebooks and another for his general things.
The night passed and school resumed as per usual.