
Love Is a Constant Survival

Hello, everyone, my name is Mercury Van Anguish, and to make things short I am reincarnated person yea... that right you heard me correctly jealous right hahah of course, you are who wouldn't. After all, I am a summoned hero destined to fight the demon lord, save the world, get the girl, and have a happy ending. Or that is what I would love to say you see my reincarnation was very special and very dangerous to me in more ways than one hahah... as a matter of fact please send help or maybe an SOS. You see I got the opportunity to reincarnate under the condition of being entertainment for Multiple ROBS In a way, this would have been good I might have gone to a different world with the proper and cliche setting but nope these ROB want a change of pace so what did they do. Well, it's simple they reincarnated me into a world as an offering to the strongest Evil Goddess of Mayhem Lilith an entity that is by no means good at all and has committed so many horrible crimes within this world just because she enjoys it and sees it as fun, in short, she sadistic and fuck up in the head. Well, this is my job make Lilith mine at all cost and complete all 100 hundred romantic tasks given to me by the Robs, and let me tell you this would have been easy if my wife isn't trying to kill me, discipline me, torture me and assassinate me. All because that is her nature and she enjoys doing it, my suffering is her enjoyment, and If I fail and let her leave the seal before a year is finished, she will destroy the world. So, yea this is a story of how I met your mother or die trying to meet her. "Merrrrrrrcury darling where are you?" "Shit she is coming and my leg isn't healed yet well later guys I got to think of a way out of this or be killed right here and now by my wife." "Awww... darling there you are it is time to say hello to Angel-Chan early today". "Shit, shit, shit, shit Shiiiiiiit!"

Retro_Senpai · 奇幻
43 Chs

Escape the Pen [Part 3 Finale]

(A/N): This chapter will be a long chapter since it a finale chapter cant wait to write another one hope you enjoy it

The bright light of the moon flashes in Mercury's face blinding him as he walks up the giant tree trunk going towards the surface or the outside world.

Mercury finally reaches the end of the tree as he stands on a branch while looking up at the giant hole above him, apparently, the tree was slowly falling in the hole, so from here on out, he would have to jump and climb his way out.

But the only thing that is stopping him from doing it was because he was trying to observe how he was going to jump as the above exit out of this hole was at least 60 meters up.

"Phwee... wow that a height and half and to make things worse the hole is too steep to even think of climbing up."

Mercury keeps observing the surroundings to see what would be the best viable option to take from here, but he didn't have much time as he began hearing a cracking sound from behind him, along with the prudent smell of sulfur lingering in the air.

And right before he was going to turn around to see what was behind him his danger awareness started to go off as he jumps straight back on the giant tree trunk as his body move on its own due to his inhumane reflexes.

And when Mercury landed safely a loud explosion was heard as the same branch he was standing on was set ablaze by an explosive burst of firepower.


Mercury watches as a blinding hot beam was fired at him, and when he turned around he saw the lesser Cerebus was behind him with smoke coming out its mouth.

The giant dog then began to shriek at Mercury as he also began hearing a weird and cynical voice from the Cerebus as its words were broken and distorted almost like a beast that had some shred of intelligence as the Cerebrus keep saying four words over and over.

"K-kill, burn, kill burn, eat, and destroy."

"Eat, destroy, burn, and kill."

Mercury could only think at that moment.

"I see so this is one of Cel's racial abilities which made her understand the feelings and language of all animals and animal-like entities how interesting."

The distorted voice began ringing off in his head in a constant motion as the voice became more heavier and angry it was almost like the beast held a great grudge against Mercury.

Well, he did kill its two companions and drop an entire floor on its ass, so he could see why it was mad, but never the less Mercury wasn't going to let this oversize Mut take him lightly.

As he began charging up another attack from one of his most destructive attacks Lucifer.




Mercury fire another lightning beam toward the oversize mut, but this time a lot weaker than before to keep the damage at a minimum.

Lucifer charge straight towards the oversize muts with a raging fury as it engulf him, but to Mercury surprised it went right through the Mut as its image began to fade from existence.

Lucifer ends up hitting a part of the giant tree instantly vaporizing it as the giant tree was blown in half by the share force of Lucifer as its thick trunk split in two with relative ease.


The tree began to fall down, but luckily it fell vertically getting a grip of both the edges and hold itself in place.

"Woah... Jesus Christ the god-damn mouth use an illusion to trick me the sligh fucker."

Mercury was holding on to dare life as he watches the tree split in half, he was left with no choice but to grip on to the tree trunk very tightly.

But as he was gripping on his danger senses started to go off yet again this time from above

Mercury instantly look up as he saw the shadow of the giant Cerebus was over him, as its giant eyes widen releasing a weird pressure that made him stay in place as the fear and madness started to overwhelm him.

"Shit, what is this impending feeling of doom."

"Wait snap out of it Mercury."


Mercury slap his self hard right in the face to wake himself up from the fear and madness that was overwhelming him.

And luckily he did it in time as he began hearing charging sounds from above as the Cerberus began charging another combustion breath and fired it right toward Mercury.


The hot beam came straight toward Mercury, he didn't even have time to dodge, so in the last moment he counter it with Lucifer



A mighty bolt of red lightning was fired at extremely fast speed toward the Cerebus combustion breath and what happen next shock even Mercury.

The attack that was fired from high in the air was completely overwhelmed as the combustion breath literally start to fade from existence almost like Lucifer vaporize the attack itself making it completely irrelevant in the first place.

And right after the attack was destroyed it went straight towards the oversized Mut and just like the first victim that fell to this ability the oversized Mut would experience a fate similar to his.

The lesser Cerebus watches as the red lightning came to claim its life, the only salvation for him was the fact he died instantly as he was completely vaporized into nothing as Lucifer rid its existence from this world, not even its regeneration skill could have helped him from the devastating destructive power of Lucifer.

And after the fall of the Lesser Cerebus Mercury drop back in relief as he said.

"Thank the Lord I finally rid that stupid Mut from this world, now all that is left is to find a way to the surface."

Mercury began taking a seat trying to figure a way to get up to the surface as he was left with no choice but to experiment with something that might not even work, as he was going to do something he saw in a movie once, but the chances of it working were not set in stone.

Mercury looks at Igdril with an uncertain face as he doesn't know if his plan is going to work, you see his great half-ass idea was the fact he was going jump as high as his physical strength permits him to, and after he jumps as high as he could he is going to blast himself up as much as he can with Igdril in attempt to reach the surface.

"Well let see how this half-assed plan of mines plays out."

After deciding what he was going to do Mercury began using Mana circulation to circulate all the mana in his body as Igdril began absorbing the Mana in great quantity.

The gauntlet began to glow a bright blue as it began eating away at Mercury Mana at a rapid rate, and when Mercury think it was enough he decides to take off, and start running to build momentum from there he jumps using all the physical strength he could muster within himself as he jumps extremely high in the air.

Propelling himself off the tree trunk, this task became a lot harder to do due to the fact it fell at least another 60 meters down after Lucifer blast the tree in half.

Now he had to jump as far as he could while using Igrdril to propel himself upward to reach the surface as quick as possible, and after take off.

Mercury was traveling in the sky at a very fast speed reaching heights of 10 meters then 20 meters then 40 meters and after he reaches a total of 45 meters which was the limit of his physical strength he began to release the power Igdril mana cannon to propel himself even further in the sky in order for him to reach the surface.

At this point and time, Igdril began to glow a bright radiant blue as Mercury was losing propulsion speed from jumping, so from here on out he was going to up it a notch as he fired a powerful mana blast that went of like a series of constant explosion from both gauntlets, and when he releases it,

A loud sonic boom was heard as he launch himself so high in the sky due to the immense speed that was birthed from the blast he was going so fast he broke the sound barrier in no time as Mercury was flying at Mach speed high in the air.

The speed was so fast he reach the top in no time at all, but he didn't stop there as the blast shoot him even higher in the sky as Mercury was flying out of control as he was so fast controlling Igdril was a hard task at this point and time.

Mercury pierce through the clouds, and right back down as he was landing in a forest-like area, at this time Mercury was panicking his ass off as he said.

"Ahhh... how the hell do you stop this thing... ahhh oh god of heaven help me I never learned to drive in my life."

Mercury began flying out of control in zig-zags, up and down, side to side, he was even swirling around and around.

Mercury eventually reach all the way in the forest-like area with many tall trees as he was crashing in some tress, to be honest, he didn't even have time to admire the splendid view of this places due to the fact he lost control of Igdril.

"Shit I need to cut this thing off before I die."

So in an attempt to stop the out-of-control Igdril from killing him he started to block out everything in his mind and ignore all the things he was crashing into.

And after his mind was clear Mercury stop circulating mana inside the gauntlet he dubbed as Igdril, and when he did that it instantly stops, but the problem is when it stopped he began falling straight to the ground below him.

Luckily for him though there was a river right below him, so as he fell to the ground he was saved because he landed straight into the river preventing him from breaking any bone for like the umpteen times for tonight.


Mercury began sinking but lucky for him he actually knows how to swim as he wasted no time and began swimming right for the surface to celebrate his survival.


Mercury reach the surface as he took in a deep breath of air and a loud gasp could be heard which followed by a series of coughs.




"Oh god I thought I was going to die, I swear my luck is shit first I get offered up to a sexy psychotic red goddess as a husband that she sees as a toy, from there I get my ass handed to me by a gorilla, then I wake up to find myself in the most fuck up type of restraints I have ever seen, which followed with me ripping off my hand off to escape, and if that wasn't enough I was hunted down by 3 stupids muts, an entire floor drop on my ass, fight the bigger mut I thought was dead, and to end things all off I force to go on a joy ride to escape the god damn hole I accidently created with lucifer what a fucking night."

"If I didn't know how to swim I would have probably died right here and now *Sigh* I swear the only good thing that happens to me tonight was meeting Celesta."

*Sigh* "Where the hell am I?"

Mercury began looking at the surrounding area he was and to his surprise, the area he was at was probably one of the most beautiful places he has ever seen.

He was inside a forest but surprisingly none of the trees were green and even if they were it was only a part of them that was as he sees many giant trees with purple trunks and red leaves.

They were quite a lot of them as these trees had weird heart-shaped fruits that were blue in color.

Mercury began walking towards one of the trees of course he didn't touch any of them nor did he go too close to them, and the first thing he did was appraised the trees and the fruits it bears.

*Hathaway Trees*

These trees only grow in places that are rich in mana in short you can only find them in dungeons that specialize in plant-like anomalies and monsters, but it is also one of the rarest trees to exist because it bears once every ten years by the bunch as it produces something call the heart fruit.

*Heart fruit*

These fruits are fruits of the Hathaway tree as it only bears in a bunch once every ten years, these fruits can sell for a huge amount in the empire as it has the ability to add ten years of life to anyone that eats it.

After Mercury appraised the tree and fruit he drop to the ground in despair as he came to a serious realization of where he is as these fruits were practically useless to him at this point and time.

"It all makes sense now I'm on some unknown floor of a dungeon aren't I, so that means I'm still in Lilith castle, and for all I know I'm in a dungeon with a lot of scary monsters too."

"Fuck my luck why am I so unlucky."

And just when Mercury was having a hard time due to the fact that nothing was going his way at all it got worse as fate decide to be a dick toward Mercury as he began hearing the voice of all too familiar woman behind him.

"Well, well you were actually able to kill those 3 doggies weren't you h-man."

At this point and time, Mercury was at his limits as he slowly get up and shouted out.

"Cant I get a fucking break I'm sick of this shit."

"First fucking the fucking muts now the fucking gor...


But before Mercury could even say what he wanted to say he got kicked right in the face by Sirus who had a really mad and piss expression as she said.

"I'm not a fucking gorilla you fucking h-man."

Mercury was send flying through some trees and crash right into a giant tree at least 200 meters from where he was kicked from.


Mercury began to fly through the trees very fast eventually he crashes right into a tall huge tree at least 200 meters from where he was original.

The pain of having his bones crush for the umpteen time for the night started to hit him once more but strangely he didn't react much to it since the pain was greatly deteriorated due to the fact that he was already getting used to it.

And the usual same things happen when Mercury is put through a series of pain as he began to hear the voice of Era in his head played out again.

[+2 level was added to pain tolerance due to eternal evolution]

[Endutance has been slightly upgraded due to eternal evolution]

Mercury breaks his left hand once again while he had a lot of cuts present on his body, his feet were twisted in a very odd-shaped.

When Mercury saw these injuries he said to himself.

"I don't know what's worse the fact that I have broken almost all the bones in my body in less than a night or the fact that I'm slowly getting used to this shit."

"But I guess the good news is I can finally test the transmutation ability I wished for right before I die, and reincarnated in this world."

"I guess I can visualize what I want my body to turn to after all the only limitation of this ability is that fact that I most understand and comprehend the form I chose to take which should be easy and since the stupid gorilla proceeds to break my bones every time she sees me I want to try something."

"But that ok after all one of the main reasons I choose to get this ability is for the sole reason it has infinite uses, well if you have a creative mind that is, so let see if I can transform my damaged body parts into new body parts, at least this way I don't have to manually regenerate myself every time I get damaged as that process take a little longer."

Mercury began to visualize a picture of his body and how it would look like when it completely healed although he doesn't understand the anatomy of the human of this world he believed that it should be the same as the one from his old world.

And after he got a clear picture in his head the broken born and cuts on his body started to vanish as they began to Morph back together while the bones went back into places the process was really quick as well.

Mercury look at the outstanding results his transmutation skill did to his body as he felt refresh almost like there was no damage did to him in the first place as he said.

"Haha, it works I swear this ability is a god-given skill for sure as it opens up a realm of limitless possibilities for me."

But Mercury didn't have time to celebrate for long as his danger awareness started to kick in as he began to sense Sirus coming in his direction with great speed.

Mercury could only think at this point and time.

"You know I'm getting sick of this shit from ever since I came here this gorilla gave me the most fucking trouble, she needs to get some sense smack into her, well since I finally have access to my transmutation ability, I at least have a fighting chance, but then and again fighting her head-on would be suicide but what choice do I have in this situation."

Mercury prepares for Sirus to come his way as he already calculated that his fighting chance to fight this monster head-on was going to be a slim one if his eyes of chaos were right then there is no way he could beat a monster that has the title of god slayer.

Sirus was approaching Mercury you can literally say she was already there hence at this point and time it is was already too late to even think of running away, but then and again Mercury began thinking that Sirus might have a way to locate him once he is in this dungeon.

But he didn't have time to think about that as a loud voice echoes throughout the forest shouting with pure rage it said.

"I'm going to break every bone in your body then we will see if you still have the balls to keep calling me a gorilla you goddam h-man!"

Mercury began sensing an oppressive force coming from above and when he looked up he saw Sirus was coming straight toward him at a supersonic speed she almost looks like a raging meteor whose sole purpose is to cause as much destruction as possible.

Mercury has been a person who reincarnated into a body with god-like reflex wasted no time as he instantly jumps back as far he could as a huge crater was form causing a couple of trees to be blown away due to the impact.

luckily for Mercury though, he dodges that one in time, but he didn't make that lucky dodge overwhelm him with confidence as he knows that Sirus's strength was extremely abnormal.

Mercury watches the smoke that was caused by Sirus's attack from above, and just like before his danger awareness started to kick in, but this time he knew it was already too late to dodge because she move so fast towards him she was already in front of him as the two eyes met.

One blooming with rage for the other party while the other had a serious look in them as you can tell that he was extremely focused just analyzing everything around him as he didn't let rage and desperation take over all that was seen from Mercury was pure calmness despite the fact he was fighting a god slayer like it was normal.

In that fraction of seconds, Mercury decides to use his transmutation ability to save his skin as Sirus trowed a powerful punch toward his stomach as he was confident that it had enough power to pierce a hole through him.

But When Sirus's fist finally connected with his stomach it went right through him as Mercury transform a piece of his body into a liquid-like state both externally and internally rendering her punch useless.

As the force of the punch went through the back as all the trees behind Mercury for about a mile straight all had a fist-size hole in them.

This shocked Sirus so much her confident composure dwindle for a second as she said.

"What... how? what the hell did you do?"

But all Mercury said was.

"I'm returning the favor you goddam gorilla."

Mercury began coating both his hand with the red lightning of Lucifer but strangely Igdril wasn't vaporized by it, so he clenched his fist and with all his strength he punches Sirus in the face as it burns it right off with relative ease.

But he didn't stop there as he continues to rapidly punch Sirus all over her body, and with each punch, it sounded like when lightning hit something as Mercury took advantage, and said something he always wanted to say, who would have thought that today was the day.

"Muda, muda, muda, muda, muda, muda, muda, muda, muda, muda, muda, muda."

Mercury then clench his fist for one final punch so he could give the gorilla a solid punch to the stomach as he said one more time.



The punch was so strong that red lightning engulfs Sirus causing the surrounding trees to vaporize.

After the Series of lethal punches that were coated by Lucifer red lightning, Mercury was confident that he manage to do at least some kind of damage to her as he said.

"How was that you god damn gorilla."

But sadly for Mercury, even Lucifer isn't enough to damage Sirus as the series of multiple attacks didn't do much damage as Sirus said while the burn she received from Lucifer started to disappear and regenerate extremely quickly.

"H-man I hate to repeat myself twice but let me tell you once more since you don't seem to understand you will never beat me with your insignificant strength, but I will give you the benefit of the doubt in all my life you would rank as the 3rd strongest human I had fought, your young and have a lot of potentials to grow, but as you are now your strength is nothing but a worthless light show from my perspective."

"But even so you need to learn some manners, you little runt."


After Sirus for the first time compliment Mercury it caught him off guard a little, but that compliment was followed with a powerful slap to the face as that made him spin in the air, and to make things worse Sirus grabs Mercury by the hair and began swinging him around and an around as she trow him into a boulder.

Mercury wasted no time and began transforming his damaged wounds into healed ones but healing himself over and over wouldn't get him anywhere, as he needs a way to get out of here making [Rapture] his last hope.

"I need to use Rapture but the only thing is after I use it I'm definitely am going to run out of mana as I wasted a lot of it using Igdril to escape that giant hole that and the fact that I need time to activate the skill."

"I need a plan and I need one quick or I'm going to be caught by this gorilla again I don't want that I still have my missions to complete, wait that right I can use that to buy time."

Mercury began looking at Sirus who also watches right back at him as she said.

"I'm starting to wonder if you really are an h-man you have access to multiple skills too many if you ask me, but it doesn't matter you will never beat me nor will you escape from this place so I will be frank about your situation."

"It doesn't matter where you run to as I will always know where you are once I want to know where you are of course that only apply in this place, you see this place is called the playpen it is a dungeon created for the sole purpose for sister entertainment as she tosses her prisoner inside the dungeon and sees how they survive normally we are at the higher floor than the last, and by now you were supposed to be killed by the chaos dyads and greenasours that resided in this floor."

"But sister already predicted that you will escape, but I found it impossible for a mere h-man to escape the confinement I place on you, but again sister just proves how amazing she is, I was an idiot to doubt her word in the first place."

"So as to not kill her new favorite toy she despawns all monsters from the 1st to the 40th floor just so you wouldn't be killed so tell me h-man do you see just how pointless this is."

Mercury well understands his situation but to think this place was just made for entertainment.

"So its basically putting a mouse in a maze and see what happen from there ha... hehe, but even so Sirus your arrogance will get you killed one day for sure your so confident that I won't be able to escape because you can find me as long I'm in here right well let wound that confidence of your shall we."

Sirus look at Mercury like he was an idiot but little did Sirus know was the fact that Mercury was looking at her the same way as well, and for some reason when she tries to read his mind something just keeps blocking her from entering.

"Well I already try to ask you nicely but you refused I just have to take you by force."

Sirus jump towards Mercury to just knock him out after all she was expecting a reward from Lilith later so it was a win-win just for her.

But just as she was about to knock Mercury out cold a white light started to form beneath her as a complex circle with ancient like ruin started to form beneath her this circle completely put her in a state of stagnation and from the circle glowing white chains came rushing out of it biding her hand and feet as it wraps itself tightly around her.

Sirus look at Mercury in surprise as all she could do was watch Mercury in surprise, she couldn't even speak due to the stagnation effect of the ability called [White rosary]

And from the same glowing circle, a giant white cross emerges from it, and the chains that were connected to the cross began to pull Sirus toward it and wrap her around the cross making her completely immobile.

As of this moment, Mercury temporary sealed Sirus although she will only be a seal for about a minute and thirty seconds as she is still stronger than Mercury, never the less this was a victory for Mercury as he got up and walk to the seal Sirus who couldn't move or talk she can just hear and see as Mercury said.

"You see Sirus this is exactly what I'm talking about this happen to you because you were too careless and stupid, truly the mindset of a beast or in your case a gorilla your more brawn than brain if you ask me it is hard to even believe that you are actually very smart, but then and again I think your just a lazy thinker."

"So do yourself a favor and take this defeat as a lesson for your arrogance you stupid gorilla after all been too arrogant will get you nowhere, as matter of fact it will eventually lead you to your death if you continue like this, your lucky I can't kill you as of now even if I wanted, and even if I can I personally think it would be a waste of beautiful woman, you have all that power and use it foolishly your so sure of your power it leads you to think that you will never be defeated."

"Now look at you, you are all sealed up even if it is for a short while, sometimes I wonder if you are aware that it only takes a couple of seconds to end someone's life you are no different you know, after all in your current state you are as good as vegetable and can't do anything about it, but enough of that I will end my speech here and close it off with these parting words."

"You will never beat me if you don't use your brain, and the best thing is you will never forget the day that a mere what was the word you like to say again hmmm... ohh that right you will never forget the day that I Mercury Van Anguish a mere h-man kid bested you in your own domain you stupid gorilla well bye-bye."

That speech wasted about 40 seconds of Mercury time so he hurriedly run at least 10 meters away from Sirus and began to activate his Rapture skill as he raise both his hand high in the sky and say goodbye to this place as he shouted out at the top of his lungs with great joy.


After Mercury call for the light of God to take him away from this place high in the sky, the clouds started to form a giant circular ring as the clouds themselves started to turn golden, while at the center of the cloud ring a beautiful blue and complex giant magic circle started to form, and after it was completely formed a really loud charging sound was heard till it got fiercer and fiercer till a loud explosion went off and a bright blue light came shooting down at Mercury instantly engulfing him pulling him towards the magic circle in the sky.

And the last thing Sirus saw was a smirking Mercury pulling up both his middle finger as his last words were.

"Bye-bye you stupid gorilla."

The bright blue light continue to rush Mercury up high in the sky as he can see a giant magic portal that seems to be a giant wormhole leading to some unknown location, Mercury was instantly sent through the wormhole and after he went through the light began to fade as the cloud break apart and return to their normal color.

From there Mercury would be spawn at a random location within 30 miles of here freeing himself and escaping from this place after many unfortunate events that almost claims his life.

Meanwhile, the legendary Sirus Victoria was a force to watch as the h-man she ridicules for being a weak human and a kid no less escape right before her eyes in a place she has some authority over, and at this point and time she would be forced to recognize his existence as this shame will never leave her and the name Mercury Van Anguish would be a name she will never forget.