
Love Is a Constant Survival

Hello, everyone, my name is Mercury Van Anguish, and to make things short I am reincarnated person yea... that right you heard me correctly jealous right hahah of course, you are who wouldn't. After all, I am a summoned hero destined to fight the demon lord, save the world, get the girl, and have a happy ending. Or that is what I would love to say you see my reincarnation was very special and very dangerous to me in more ways than one hahah... as a matter of fact please send help or maybe an SOS. You see I got the opportunity to reincarnate under the condition of being entertainment for Multiple ROBS In a way, this would have been good I might have gone to a different world with the proper and cliche setting but nope these ROB want a change of pace so what did they do. Well, it's simple they reincarnated me into a world as an offering to the strongest Evil Goddess of Mayhem Lilith an entity that is by no means good at all and has committed so many horrible crimes within this world just because she enjoys it and sees it as fun, in short, she sadistic and fuck up in the head. Well, this is my job make Lilith mine at all cost and complete all 100 hundred romantic tasks given to me by the Robs, and let me tell you this would have been easy if my wife isn't trying to kill me, discipline me, torture me and assassinate me. All because that is her nature and she enjoys doing it, my suffering is her enjoyment, and If I fail and let her leave the seal before a year is finished, she will destroy the world. So, yea this is a story of how I met your mother or die trying to meet her. "Merrrrrrrcury darling where are you?" "Shit she is coming and my leg isn't healed yet well later guys I got to think of a way out of this or be killed right here and now by my wife." "Awww... darling there you are it is time to say hello to Angel-Chan early today". "Shit, shit, shit, shit Shiiiiiiit!"

Retro_Senpai · Fantasy
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43 Chs

The Boy From The Sky

Within the kingdom of Sloth which is the 2nd smallest kingdom of the other six that make up the empire Arthemisis or what is commonly know as Fallen the fallen Nation, that is filled with many powerful and monstrous fallen entities of all varieties.

Some huge, other small many have humanoid appearance along with the cute and scary animal-like feature of course in an empire like this position and standing all runs on strength as well hence fort this great empire has very strict rules that everything most run on hierarchy.

So ranks are distributed as well and every time you jump one is like entering a whole new world, but enough of that and let jump right back into the story.

Deep within the kingdom of Sloth or more like at the edge of the kingdom going straight towards a small river that leads to the outside of the forest, we can see a very small figure lying down on the soft grass as he watches the stars high above him admiring their beauty.

The boy was at least 4'8 and weight proablly less than 70 pounds as he was very scranny you can tell he hadn't eaten for days, he had shredded and tears rags for clothes, his skin was dark pink while he had a single eye that was dark blue and had a black slit in it, his other eye seem to be missing.

The boy had messy dark blue hair and sharp blue claws on his right hand, on top of his head was a pair of small horns on his head that were also blue in comparison, but they were no more than an inch long.

The boy continued to watch the sky as he takes his left hand or what was left of it since it appears to have been sliced off at some point in his life as he reach out to the star in an attempt to touch it as he said.

"The stars are very pretty tonight mom, dad, and big sister Julia I wish you guys were here to see it with me."

"I heard that human from the outside world came to see our queen Lilith once more, I wanted to see them but strangely they didn't past the great bridge like they always do, I really wanted to make friends with them maybe asked them about the world outside the seal."

"But then and again I know how stupid that sounds human and fallen becoming friends hahah... at this point and time the relationship between the two races is practically impossible, but it would be nice to go to the outside world though."


The sound of the boy's empty stomach began to growl really loud as it echoes through the night, as hunger began to bite him really badly as he hasn't eaten anything for four days as his last meal was a half-eaten Zaple he found on the street.

The boy began to hold his stomach in pain as he said with a diminished voice.

"It's so cold."

"I'm so hungry, it hurts so much."

And just when the boy was holding his stomach in pain he saw a glistering light fly at great speed across the sky as the boy was so mesmerized at the beauty of the comet he almost forgot about the story his sister used to tell him when he was little younger as he said.

"Awww... so beautiful if I remember correctly sister said those things are called shooting stars and if you ever see one make a wish and it will come true if you believe hard enough ehh wait what am I doing I need to hurry and make a wish before I lose my chance."

"I wish for a giant table of fo... no wait as a matter of fact I wish to see the outside world at least once even if it only a tiny glimpse."

The boy began to close his eyes waiting patiently for his wish to come through but after 10 minutes of waiting he open it back as he went back to his emotionless and dead look as he said.

"Was I not wishing hard enough?"

*Sigh* "I was too late I miss my chance."






"Aww... I get it Mr tum-tum your empty and need to be refilled but I don't have anything to fill you with let's hope tomorrow is a better day."


*Sigh* "Let's just sleep here for the night it would be a waste of energy to walk back home anyways especially on an empty stomach I will venture into the forest tomorrow to find something to eat but for now, I just want to sleep."

The young fallen boy turns to the side as he softens up some dirt beside him a made dirt pillow as he lays his head on the pillow and lied down sideways fluffing the dirt to make sure its soft as he said one more thing while he prepares to go to sleep.

"Good night mom, dad, and sister have a great and peaceful night."

The young boy closes his eyes as he patiently waits for his consciousness to drift away and fall peacefully asleep, but twenty seconds after closing his eyes he began hearing a weird charging sound coming from the sky as wakes up and said.

"Please don't rain tonight."

But the charging sound began to get louder and louder till eventually, a bright golden light started Shine bright in the night sky the light was so bright it got the young boy attention right away as he began to wake up with a miserable look on his face as look up and said.

"What makes that annoying noise can't they see I'm trying to sleeeeeeeeeeep... oh my god what the hell is that thing."

the young boy began to watch as the lingering clouds high in the sky all started to form a circular ring as it turn a bright golden color and a giant blue magic circle started to be born, from there it began to charge up as it open up a worm hold while shooting down a bright blue light.

The mysterious boy then said with great surprise and shock in his voice.

"Ehhh isn't that coming directly behind me no it definitely coming my direction shit."

The bright blue light began to fade away from existence as it land 20 meters behind the mysterious boy.

The light left as quick as it came as the young boys spotted a humanoid creature lying on the ground half-conscious as the person who was falling asleep said.

"Hahah stupid gorilla I won hahah... but I have a much bigger problem on my hands."


Obviously, this person was no other than Mercury as he attempt to get up but fail as he drops really hard to the ground as he said with a weak voice.

"Shit I am losing consciousness already to think I had to use up the remaining mana I had left to cast rapture in order for me to escape that fuck up place but I did it, haha but I-I-I feel so d-dizzy."


Mercury fell to the ground completely as he was lying on his belly as he had zero strength left to even move as he said with the last bit of strength he had left in him

"Damit I can't move I see I'm going to pass out right here without even knowing where I am just g-g-great, I swear just fuck my shit tier luck."

Mercury began to lose consciousness as he expended his mana supplied to cast the rapture skill in order to escape after all his chances are better out here than in the castle with Lilith as he was confident that he was going to go through some fucked up torture from Lilith by now.

But luckily for Mercury that young curious boy that was probably no more than ten years old was in the area at the time of his arrival watching with curious eyes.

The Mysterious boy sneakily made his way over to the place that Mercury landed as he watches the long hair boy that had many mysterious tattoos on his body as he was staying frosty while proning on the ground watching and observing from a safe distance as he said.

"Who is that person that came from the sky inside that blinding bright light please don't tell me it a higher rank fallen... I just find this place and I like it doesn't have too much violence present in it and it is very peaceful and quiet for being such a hotspot area don't tell me I have to find another resting place."

The boy continue to watch from afar, but after 30 minutes he still didn't notice any movement from Mercury so he decide to be brave and walk closer to the mysterious entity that just came from the sky and when he reach close enough to observe him closely and was shocked to find out what he discovered.

He saw an extremely muscular and handsome human boy with many tattoos all over his body and beautiful platinum blond hair that had silk and soft touch to it as he said while holding his mouth in shock.

"N-No way what is a human doing here... no the bigger question is how did fell from the sky it's like he just reappears out of nowhere."

The boy got closer to the unconscious Mercury as he began poking him with a stick he found on the ground trying to wake him up from his slumber but failed after he did multiple times.

"He seems to be out cold he not dead is he."

The young boy then went to actually touch Mercury as he tap his shoulder."

But Mercury been out cold turn slightly to the right as began snoring which frighten the little boy.

In a panic and fear, the young boy jump back and run behind a tree as he thought Mercury was going to wake up with bad intentions as he said with slight fright in his soul.

"Don't hurt me Mr human I was just passing by."

But to the boy surprised he didn't wake up at all as a matter of fact he was fast asleep and has entered a deep slumber-like state due to the fact he has exhausted his entire mana reserve, and it would take a while for it to recharge back to what it previously was.

The boy dropped to the ground holding his tiny fragile heart as he breathed out in relief and said with tears of joy coming down his eyes.

"For a moment there I thought he was going to wake up and beat me for poking him with a stick."


"Haa... he seems to be out cold but who exactly is he and where did he come from."






"Maybe I should bring him back home it's not much but it's better than being out here vulnerable like this after all if I leave him out here where he can get kill in his sleep by some passing fallen would leave a bad taste in my mouth."


"Yeah let's do that maybe I can even ask him about the outside world when he gets up and if he tries to kill me I will just run away yea I'm a genius."

The boy then picks Mercury up like a rice sack as he struggles to lift him properly as his entire body weight falls on him causing him to drop on the ground in an attempt to lift Mercury.



"My god he's just a little bit taller than me and he weighs as much as sister yeah this is certainly going to take a while but I have to work quickly."

From there the young boy began to take Mercury by the hand and drag him across the river with his single hand towards his home, and after many trial and errors, he was finally out of view, and the only thing that can be considered evidence that he was there was the makeshift pillow he made with sand and slithering trail caused by him draging Mercury away into the forest.