
Love in Darkness

Selena is a daughter of a farmer and Eon is a fairy. They both found each other in the forbidden forest when they run away to escape their life. A beautiful friendship has turned into something deeper. They spent time with each other in the forest, mesmerized by the beauty of nature. Selena and Eon found what they seek: happiness and love. But everything changes when Selena is destined to marry a businessman her parents met. Selena is heartbroken leaving Eon. Eon's world crumbles as he witnesses the love of his life marrying another man. As Selena and Eon continue living their life, they cannot forget their past. Sereia is a battered wife. His husband, Magnus, did not show her respect and love the way Eon did. Though her parents are happy to live a luxurious life, Selena wishes to escape her miserable life. On the other hand, Eon continues to prove his worth but to no avail. Fairies, including his parents, see him be worthless. Selena and Eon will meet again and this time, could they fight for their love? Or will they continue to live a sad fate?

MagicalSine · 奇幻
49 Chs

Beautiful turn of events

Diana is looking at the journal and her eyes widen to see a skull on the cover page. She glances at her son, still sleeping. She is about to open it to check content when Eon suddenly moves. Fearing that her son would wake up, Diana puts the journal back in its place and slowly going out of the bedroom.

As his wife comes back, Fero notices that Diana is bothered. "What happened?", he asks when Diana looks like she is thinking deeply. Diana looks at her husband and tells him what she sees.

Fero comforts his wife by giving her assurance, "It is just a journal. Maybe he found it somewhere and got curious.".

Diana is not convinced, "I will not be relieved until I examine the contains of that journal.". Fero could no longer know what to do to calm his wife.

The next day, it is the usual day when Eon gets up and joins his parents for parents. But this day is unusual for him because his parents were waiting for him at the table. Eon did not ask and he could only sit. The entire time is quiet until his father speaks, "We are coming with you to magic school.".

Eon stops eating and looks at his father, "What? Why?".

His mother responds while eating, "Today is the day they are going to decide if you and Denver will be removed from the magic school or not. And for you to continue attending is to show them your ability.".

Eon looks at his mother, "You knew?".

His mother replies, "I came along with your father and he confessed that what he knows."

Eon takes a glance at his father, "I thought you told Mom the day you found out."

His father looks at him, "I was waiting for you to do it yourself. I was hoping you would be open to us. But I did not expect that such an event would happen.".

The three of them continue to eat. Then suddenly Fero said something that almost made Eon cry. "You did a great job fighting back especially doing it without casualties."

It is the first time when Eon sees his father smile. He also smiles while exclaiming, "It is what you and Mom do. I do not want to ruin our family's legacy.".

Then Eon and Fero hear crying. When they look at Diana, she is crying. Fero asks his wife, "Why are you crying? Did we said something wrong?". Diana smiles, "No. No. It is nothing. Do not mind me. Finish your meal. We do not want to be late.".

Eon smiles. He never expects that he gets to experience a moment like this with his parents. Then it hit him, he would do anything to stay at magic school and prove to the higher council that he has value to the magic realm like any other fairies. Eon is determined to strengthen their family's legacy that everyone would forget the fairy who is powerless.

Eon stays in the room first while the parents are in the superior's office. He is feeling nervous. He did not want to fight Denver. But if he did not fight back, he would have been killed. Eon is busy worrying that he did not notice Odette in front of him.

"Are you scared?", Odette suddenly asks. Eon almost screams because of shock. "You surprised me.". He pauses for a moment and answers the question shyly, "No. I think a little bit?".

Odette looks at him, "Why would you be scared? You did not do anything wrong. You tried to stop him but he kept on attacking you. You should be confident because it is not your fault.". She smiles at him and goes back to her seat.

Eon smiles and thinks about what Odette has just said. "She is right. I have nothing to be scared of especially now that I am not powerless as they think. Denver attacks me because he is confident. Since I have no powers, he expected that I would flee.". He keeps on thinking positive thoughts, convincing himself that everything would be fine.

Eon and Denver are summoned to join their parents in the superior's office. Denver's parents' face is full of confidence and this made Eon's parents worried. The superior starts to speak. "Denver and Eon had committed a serious violation that had damaged the room and could have hurt the other fairies present in that time. Based on the rules and the witness, a decision has been made. Only one of them will be removed from the magic school.".

Eon is wishing that he is the one that got to stay. He really wants to continue attending the magic school, develop his abilities, and have the opportunity to prove their family's value to the magic realm. Denver, on the other hand, is looking at Eon with rage. He does not care if he will get expelled. All he cares about is getting vengeance against Eon.

"We will remove Denver from the magic school. His behavior is unacceptable. We are teaching fairies to work with one another and not spreading violence.".

Denver's parents stand up and start to scream in anger. Eon's parents sigh out of relief and look at their son with a smile. Eon feels scared of Denver's death glares but having his parents here by his side, he feels safe.

Large fairies come instantly to the superior's office when they refuse to settle down. They are being dragged out.

"You will pay for this, Fero. You and your family will going down. I will bring down your family into more shame.". Then strong winds enter the office by breaking the window. Luckily the superior has made a shield to save everyone from being hurt by window shards.

The superior turns to look at Eon, "I am giving you a chance to prove yourself so make sure this will never happen again, understood? Focus on improving your talent.".

Eon replies with a smile, "I understood. I will not let my parents down."

Diana and Fero look at their son with proud looks on their faces. Later in the afternoon, before going home, Fero decides to take his family by the stream of the river. When they arrive, Eon shows his parents what he can do. He positions his hands on the stream and starts moving upward, the water follows his hands. Eon moves into the side which makes the water form into a thin stick. He then moves the water in front of him and made a big ball of water.

Diana and Fero are amazed by their son's powers. It has always been their wish and it has been granted. Eon, on the other hand, is feeling delighted. He never thought that this moment would be possible. Everything is quiet until Diana breaks the silence. She holds her son's hands and apologizes, "I am so sorry, my dear son. Words are not enough to express how deeply I regret everything.".

Eon smiles, "Mom, stop. It is okay, I already forgive you and Dad. Being with me in the magic school proves that you really care about me. It has meant a lot to me.". Diana hugs her son while crying.

Evening came, Eon had never felt happy like he is now. He is sharing a meal with his parents and they are all smiling and laughing. Eon has finally got to know his parents - from what they do and how they do things. He cannot stop staring at his parents and their smiling face. A smile forms on his lips and just listening to his parents' stories. Eon continues to eat and just listens.

His mother looks at him, "Eon, dear, why are you not talking? You have been quiet.".

Eon smiles at his Mom. "Because I love listening to you and Dad talking happily. It is more joyous to just listen and watch your smiling faces.".

Eon's mother starts to cry. Eon panics, "Mom. Why are you crying? Is there something I said?".

His father responds, "That is not it, Son. Your mother feels very much sorry as I am. We never have this with you.". Eon holds his mother's hand, "Mom? Do not think about it anymore. I forgave you, okay? And besides, I had been a bad son to you. Acting like a rebel, being so stubborn. And still, you did not count that. You understand why I am like that. You and Dad. You still protected me in the magic school. I doubted your love for me. I realized now that no matter what happens, the parent's love for their child never fades away.". Eon smiles at his parents.

His mother stands up and immediately comes closer to him and hugs him. "Ohh, my baby. You have grown. We promise we make it up to you.". Diana kisses her son's head and then wipes her tears.

Later, Eon is still awake because of the great happiness he is feeling. Then suddenly, Selena comes across his mind. He mutters to himself, "You are the only one that is missing.". Eon gets up and decides to go to the forbidden forest. He sneakily goes out of his room and into the front door. To avoid anyone from seeing him, he immediately goes in the direction of the portal.

It has been days since the last time he went into the human world. "It still looks the same.", Eon exclaims. The forest is pitch black. The big oak tree has lost its leaves. The plants and flowers had died. There are no animals in sight. Eon walks towards the direction to the village. The field is empty, just soil that has dried so much. No crops, no grass, and no garden everywhere. He comes back to the forest and kneels into the ground.

He talks to himself. "Fairies are responsible for the abundance of the lands where the plants and crops grow.". Eon closes his eyes and lets the positive emotions flow in his body. His body glow. The light keeps getting stronger and then erupts, creating a circle of light. The circle of light expands until it reaches the village and everything that it passes comes back to life. The forbidden forest is now full of plants and flowers. The big oak tree has its green leaves. Animals are coming back to their original home. In the village, vines and plants start growing and the soil is healthy again.

The next morning when the villagers come out of their house, all is shocked. One by one, they start screaming in joy.

"It is a miracle!"

"Helen! Come look. You will not believe this!"

"Everyone come outside!"

"Thank goodness! We can start farming again!"

The number of villagers coming out of their house is increasing and is starting to shout because of joy. They are all looking at the field and then would look around. After cheering, they immediately get their tools and begin their work. The whole village got busy catching up all those months without any harvest. Now that they had been blessed again, they are determined to work twice as much as before.

Eon is just looking from afar, smiling that his power had helped the village. He feels so happy seeing all the happy faces of the humans. "I will be back to check your progress tomorrow, I will try to summon the rain. It will be my last gift before I focus myself in our own realm.". Eon is still smiling while he turns to go back to the portal. As he turns around, he sees his parents. His mother is stunned while his father is worried. He approaches them but then his mother speaks.

"How did you do that? Did I saw that right?". His mother pauses and continues, "What are you even doing here? Since when did you discover the way here?".

Eon is silent. He cannot decide what to say to his parents. "Where do I start?", he thought. Eon looks at his parents, "It is a long story, Mom. I promise I will tell you everything."

Diana and Fero have no choice but to listen. They go back to the magic realm together, careful not to be seen.