
Love in Darkness

Selena is a daughter of a farmer and Eon is a fairy. They both found each other in the forbidden forest when they run away to escape their life. A beautiful friendship has turned into something deeper. They spent time with each other in the forest, mesmerized by the beauty of nature. Selena and Eon found what they seek: happiness and love. But everything changes when Selena is destined to marry a businessman her parents met. Selena is heartbroken leaving Eon. Eon's world crumbles as he witnesses the love of his life marrying another man. As Selena and Eon continue living their life, they cannot forget their past. Sereia is a battered wife. His husband, Magnus, did not show her respect and love the way Eon did. Though her parents are happy to live a luxurious life, Selena wishes to escape her miserable life. On the other hand, Eon continues to prove his worth but to no avail. Fairies, including his parents, see him be worthless. Selena and Eon will meet again and this time, could they fight for their love? Or will they continue to live a sad fate?

MagicalSine · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
49 Chs


It is raining hard and Eon is still laying on the ground. The forest is filled with the noise of the rain. Rain is dripping in his face but it did not make him flinch nor bothered that his eyes have rainwater. Eon continues to look at the sky and rethink his life.

'What will I do with the journal?'

'What will I do with my powers? I cannot stay it hidden forever.'

'Would the realm accept me? I am not powerless like they thought.'

'What would be the higher village do if they know my existence? A fairy who possessed a rare power and have more than one?'

These are some of the possibilities that Eon thinks and cannot determine its outcome. He sighs, "Why everything is so complicated? If only I have normal powers like the other fairies, it would have been easy. I do not need to hide.".

Minutes later, Eon thinks of wanting to make the rain stop falling into his face. He imagines making all the rainwater coming down to his face into water drops. What happened made him get up and look upward. The rainwater the surrounds him become waterdrops. Eon's eyes widen. He could not believe it happened - what he imagines. He lifts his right hand to reach for a waterdrop. He sways his hand to the right side and the waterdrop follows and the others collided with the first waterdrop.

Eon keeps swaying his hand, gathering the water drops. In his hand now is a big ball of water. He moves his hand in backward and then pushes it forward hard, making the ball of water hit a tree.

Eon is amazed. He can control the water element. "I am really an elemental fairy.", he mutters to himself enthusiastically. He stands up and keeps collecting water coming from the rain. Eon would make a ball of water and throws it anywhere. "I can control water.", he exclaims.

The rain has finally stopped. Eon decides to go home but would be careful since he could be caught entering the portal.

He sneakily walks, hiding from the other fairies until he reaches their house. Eon expects to see an empty but his mother was waiting by the door. "Where have you been?".

Eon ignores his mother and goes to his bedroom but before he can close the door, his mother calls him. "Eon. I am your mother. No matter what you say, I will ask you and you should answer.". He sighs and looks at her, "I went out, okay? Finding some stuff for magic school.". His mother has something else to say but he closes the door the moment he stopped explaining.

"Why acting like a mom now?", Eon sighs and lays on his bed. He stares at the ceiling and recalls the event in the forest. He gets the glass of water at the window to try to control water - checking everything is not a dream.

He holds the glass of water and pours it into his hand. The water did not fully touch Eon's hand and hovers in his palm. He moves his hand from side to side. "I can really control water.", Eon smiles. It has been the very first time that he felt that his identity is complete. The night came and Eon can hardly sleep. He keeps controlling the water. He would make a small ball of water and moves it near to the ceiling, then he would make it near to his face. An hour later, he decides to sleep. He has to go to magic school tomorrow early. Eon decides to relearn all about the elemental fairies. All the teachings of his parents have been erased from his mind. The knowledge is forced on him since his parents cannot accept that he is powerless.

The next morning, Eon wakes up feeling optimistic. He even greets his parents. Fero and Diana are surprised by their son's attitude but they are happy. Fero already has a guess why but his wife, Diana, is clueless. He has not told his wife yet about their son having powers.

Eon arrives at the magic school early so he goes straight to the library and borrows some books. He takes it with him to the classroom. An hour passed, other fairies are starting to arrive. Eon is immersed in reading when Odette approaches him. "Hey, Eon, have not seen you for a while. Glad you came today.".

Eon stops reading and looks at her, confused, "Really? You are glad to see me?". No one is happy to see him, thinking he is not a fairy kind. But Odette dismissed his surprised look and smiles, "Yes. Keep it up. By next week, the higher council fairy will designate us. I believe that you could prove to everyone you are not what they think.". Then Odette goes to her sit and starting reading her book as well.

Eon is astonished. In the magic realm, no one had thought that about him, even his parents. He smiles and goes back to reading. Moments passed, Denver arrives with his minions. Eon thinks that they would never bother him but he thought wrong.

"Hey, you!", Denver shouts, looking at him. Eon just ignores and continues reading.

"Hey, you impotent fairy boy!". Eon stops reading and looks at Denver with an angry look on his face. He stands up and approaches Denver. "What did you just call me?". Denver smirks at him, "Impotent fairy boy.".

Eon's hand has formed a fist and is thinking of punching Denver in the face but he restrains himself. "Leave me alone, Denver.". Then turns his back on Denver and is about to walk towards his seat when Denver grabs his shoulder and pushes him. Eon falls to the floor. His face is about to hit the floor when luckily he saved himself by managing to put his hands' palms down on the floor. He immediately pushes himself up and stares at Denver with fury.

"Do not turn your back on me when I am speaking to you.". Denver starts to summon the branches from the trees outside of the room. The windows shatter and then branches keep coming inside into Denver's side. All the other fairies, including Denver's minions, come out of the room, leaving Denver and Eon alone in the room.

Denver turns the branches' end into spikes and controls it all to charge at Eon. Eon immediately dodges the attack by jumping into the side. The branches have gone through the wall which creates multiple halls. Denver retrieves his branches and plans on attacking Eon again but he commands the truth first out of him. "You were there that night, were you?".

Eon replies, "I do not know what you are talking about.". It made Denver angry and makes the spike attack Eon again. Eon is able to leap to the other side to avoid getting spiked. "Don't you dare lie! Who was with you?! Who made all those plants turned brown and set them on fire?!". Eon is dazed, he does not want everyone to know about what happened that night at the old library. If he does not confess, Denver will keep on attacking him and if he does confess, Denver will definitely kill him. Eon sees the rage in Denver's eyes. "Something must have happened after they left the library. It must have been something personal for him to be angry like this.", he thought.

"I was not there, Denver. Do not accuse me.". Denver gets mad at that answer so he made the branches attack Eon again. Eon looks around and realizes he has nowhere to go and if he goes out of the room, many fairies will get hurt. Many fairies have gathered outside to watch them fight which Eon thinks is stupid. So before the spike could approach him, Eon summons a big and thick body of water that shifts the direction of the spikes. The branches have hit the ceiling and the body of water looks like a wall that separates Eon from Denver.

Everyone is shocked, even Denver. The room is quiet and the only thing that can be heard is the sound of the current coming from the wall of water. Minutes later, Eon sees that Denver is unable to move because of disbelief, he moves his hand down to make the water disappear. That is when a magic school instructor arrives, shocked to see that the fairies are gathered outside and the room is a big mess.

Denver and Eon are sent home but their parents are called to discuss the event that had happened. The superior of the magic school decided to remove their sons from the magic school.

Denver's parents start speaking, "Expel? My son needs to be here. The higher council will be here next week for their designation.".

Eon's parents stay silent. The superior tries to explain, "We cannot keep two fairies here that are prone to violence. Here in magic school, we teach young fairies to harness their powers, and not to fight with each other.".

Denver's parents then claim a statement that made Eon's father furious. "Well, you should remove their son. Between my son and theirs, Denver is more qualified to be here. Why are you even letting a powerless fairy attend here?."

"My son is not powerless!", Fero shouts unconsciously. Diana looks at her husband with shock. Fero continues to speak, "Didn't you hear? Your son attacks our son for no reason. And the reason that our son is still alive is that he fights back.".

"I do not understand. What do you mean?".

The superior is the one who responds, "It seems like Eon has inherited the powers of his parents - elemental abilities. He was able to reposition your son's attack into the ceiling by summoning a large body of water.".

Denver's parents including Diana are stunned. Diana looks at her husband and Fero could not look at his wife.

As they arrive at their house, Diana confronts her husband, "When did you find out that Eon has powers?". Fero looks at her, "Just recently.".

"And you did not have plans on telling me?"

"I was waiting for our son to show it to us."


"No, Diana. We could not blame him for not telling us. We are his parents but we made him feel that he does not belong to this family and to this realm.". Fero pauses and then continues, "He has a great ability and we were impatient. Eon needed his parents to accept and love him no matter what. And it would hurt him even more if we would confront him about hiding his powers to us.".

Diana starts to cry. She recalls the times when they would force him to read every book about magic and demand to practice so that his powers would reveal. And when Eon failed, they had lost interest in their son, not letting him went out of the house to avoid other fairies from seeing the disgrace of their family.

She gasps and cries hard, "What have we done? It is my fault that we lost our second child. We are being punished for neglecting our first son." Fero hugs his wife, "No, Diana. Elijah died because of an incurable disease. But you are right, it is our fault and we will make it right. Eon is our son and nothing can change that. From now on, we will support him no matter what, okay?".

Diana is still crying but manages to nod at her husband.

At midnight, Diana goes to Eon's bedroom. She slowly opens the door so that it would not create any noise. She sees that his son is soundly sleeping. Diana approaches him and sits at the edge of the bed. She stares at her son and cannot help herself from crying. She lightly touches Eon's hands and mutters, "How can you ever forgive us? All those years of loneliness.". She stares at her son for a while and then stands up to leave.

Diana is about to leave when a journal caught her attention. When she opens it, her eyes widen and she takes a look at her son.