
Love in Darkness

Selena is a daughter of a farmer and Eon is a fairy. They both found each other in the forbidden forest when they run away to escape their life. A beautiful friendship has turned into something deeper. They spent time with each other in the forest, mesmerized by the beauty of nature. Selena and Eon found what they seek: happiness and love. But everything changes when Selena is destined to marry a businessman her parents met. Selena is heartbroken leaving Eon. Eon's world crumbles as he witnesses the love of his life marrying another man. As Selena and Eon continue living their life, they cannot forget their past. Sereia is a battered wife. His husband, Magnus, did not show her respect and love the way Eon did. Though her parents are happy to live a luxurious life, Selena wishes to escape her miserable life. On the other hand, Eon continues to prove his worth but to no avail. Fairies, including his parents, see him be worthless. Selena and Eon will meet again and this time, could they fight for their love? Or will they continue to live a sad fate?

MagicalSine · Fantasy
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49 Chs

The dream

Eon arrives in the magic realm together with his parents. It is already dark when they successfully return to their home without anyone noticing. Eon is about to go to his bedroom when his mother stops him, "You are not going anywhere. You said you are going to explain everything.". Eon looks at his mother with tiredness.

"I will, Mom but can this wait tomorrow? I am really tired.". His mother's mouth opens as a sign of shock and then she looks at her husband, "Can you believe this? I cannot believe this.".

Fero comes closer to his wife and holds her shoulders, "Calm down, Diana, he said he will explain tomorrow. Let him rest first.". Eon's mother sighs and looks at her son, "Fine. Just make sure you will really tell us tomorrow, or else I will never cook your favorite again.".

Eon laughs, "Thank you, Mom, and of course, I promise to tell you everything.". Then he proceeds to his room. Because of exhaustion, Eon immediately falls asleep.

However, Diana seems restless. She keeps staring at the wall, thinking. Fero makes his wife lay on the bed, "Diana. Our son will explain everything tomorrow so rest already.". Diana sighs, "Fine. I am sorry. I am just feeling impatient for tomorrow to come.". Fero convinces his wife by saying, "Tomorrow will take slowly to happen if you are waiting like this. If you sleep, when you wake up, it is already morning.". He kisses her on the forehead. She smiles, "Okay. You are right.".

The magic realm is like the forbidden forest at night. Everywhere is pitch black and the only glowing lights that can be seen are the fireflies.

Morning came and what greeted Eon when he wakes up is a mother on the table looking at her son's bedroom door to be opened. "Glad you are awake. Come, join us for breakfast.". His father speaks, "You better start explaining, Son. Your mother was restless last night."

Eon nods and asks, "What do you want to know, Mom? I cannot answer all of your questions at once.".

"Since when do you know that you have powers?"

Eon starts recalling, "It was when you had Elijah. I heard you said that you should have abandoned me since you can have another child. And by doing abandoning meant saving our family from humiliation.".

Eon's parents are shocked and fall silent. His mother starts to cry. He continues to speak, "I was heartbroken and thought, 'I'm their son. How could they claim something like that?' and then I could not take the pain, I ran outside and went to the portal I discovered. I wanted to be away and no one would look for me in the human world. I vented my pain there and that is when it happened. My hands started to glow and made everything died."

Diana and Fero could not believe what they are hearing but what is worst is that what kind of parents are they? Diana covers her mouth to hide her sobs. Eon looks at them smiling, "But it is in the past, I forgave you and you are making it up to me. I feel what I had been longing to feel for a long time. And it is enough for me.". Eon stands up, "Mom, Dad, I have to go.".

Eon leaves their house and goes straight to the portal.

After their son left the house, Diana bursts into tears. "Fero, what have we done? I cannot imagine how broken our son must have felt.". Fero comforts his wife, "Our son is right. It was all in the past now. What is important is today and we choose to change.". Diana is nodding while still crying.

Eon arrives at the forbidden forest. He can no longer contain his feelings. He starts to cry. He has been carrying the heaviness on his heart for years and now that he has finally let it out. Eon does not want to hurt his parents especially his mother but he has to tell them what he had been trying to express. He felt relieved and light. A smile forms on Eon's lips. He then summons the rain. White clouds with a bit of gray color gather and produce light rain. Eon walks on the way to the village. Upon arriving, he sees many villagers on the field. Even though it is raining, the villagers work hard on planting and farming.

One villager looks up to the sky and shouts, "Thank you, God, for this rain."

Eon smiles, even though they are not thanking him, he is happy. He looks around, "The surroundings are really beautiful when taken care of. I can really feel I am a fairy. I am fulfilling our natural duties.". He then looks up to the sky. Being with Selena, he learned that the loved ones that have passed away went to heaven and are with God, the creator of all things.

"Elijah, can you see me? I am your big brother. Can you see what is down here? It is for you. I know if you were here, you will grow up with powers like mine and you will also do this.". Eon's eyes begin to tear up, "I am sorry I never been the big brother you deserve. I lost you without even touching you. I blamed you for something you did not do. I hope you can forgive me and see us from up there. We love you, Elijah. Big brother loves you.".

Eon then turns to leave. He goes back to the big oak tree and looks around. Memories are running in his mind. He cannot help but feels sad. "She would have been very happy to know this.". He shakes off that feeling and starts to leave. Eon looks back at the oak tree for the last time. He sighs, "There is no reason to keep being here. You are not coming back. I should stop coming back here.". He then turns and walks straight in the direction of the portal.

The following days, Eon is busy catching up on all that he missed in magic school. Without the stares, gossips, and mumbles, Eon can finally focus and read in his place in peace. Minutes later, Odette approaches him.

"It seems Denver is behaving now that you defeated him.". Eon looks at her and replies, "No, that is not the case.".

"What do you mean?"

Eon looks in the direction where Denver is, "He clearly wants to kill me right now but he could not.".

"I heard he was about to be removed here in magic school. What happened?"

Eon smiles, "Let us just say he was given a second chance. If broken, then he will no longer be part of the magic school.".

"Well, that is good. Finally, peaceful days are coming. You continue your reading.". Then Odette leaves and Eon is left confused.

Eon is on his way to their house and he continues to keep thinking about Odette. He just realizes this now. He thought, "She keeps being around me. Of all fairies, she is the only one that talks to me and approaches me.". He keeps on thinking that he did not even notice he already arrived. "Oh, I am already here.", he feels embarrassed even though no one is around to witness him being preoccupied.

As he enters the house, his mother greets him with a hug. Eon is shocked but he hugs back his mother. Ria smiles, "How is school? No one bothered you?"

"No, Mom. Everything is... quiet.".

"Well, that is great.", his father exclaims.

"I heard Denver did not get expelled, is that true?". Eon nods to his mother. Ria is dismayed and confused, "What?". Then she looks at her husband, "Fero? How did this happen? Urgh! No one should go through what our son had been through. If that fairy will be one of the authorities in the future, this realm will be ruined!"

"Diana, calm down. I am sure there is a perfectly good reason why they let him stay. Just let it be. As long as he does not disturb Eon. Right, Son?"

"Dad is right, Mom. In the magic school earlier, he just glared at me. I am pretty sure he wanted to finish what he started but he could not. So you relax, okay?"

"How am I suppose to relax with that statement?"

Eon's father sighs, "It does not make any sense. What did you do to him that makes him want to kill you?". Fero looks at his son, asking for an answer. Eon gets what his father's looks mean. "I did nothing to him. He just wants to blame others for his incompetence."

"What do you mean, dear?"

"Well, first he bullied me because I do not belong at magic school. And now he is accusing me of something I did not do. It is perfectly clear that he wants to retrieve his pride."

Then there is a moment of silence. Eon breaks the quietness, "I will be in my bedroom.". He rushes to his room and closes the door. "Phew! There is no need for them to know what happened at the library.", he thought. He lays on his bed and stares at the ceiling, "I never wanted them dead, compare to Denver who is determined to kill me."

Eon still staring at the ceiling. He is enjoying his peace of mind. His feeling is also in serenity. Eon breathes deeply and slowly starts to close his eyes. He has a dream. He is chasing a woman with long, ash brown, wavy hair. The woman is wearing a long white dress. Eon cannot see her face. He can only hear her laugh. Her giggles are heavenly. The woman is now holding his hand but still did not face Eon. They continue to run but seems they cannot reach their destination. Then suddenly the ground shakes, a big and thick branch comes out from the ground. It wraps around the woman's waist and drags her to the ground. Eon wants to shout but there is no voice coming out of his mouth. He tries to move to follow it but his feet are glued to the ground by vines. He moves his feet violently to be freed from the vines' grip but it was no use. Moments later, he hears a shout. His heart is beating fast. He tries again to get the vines to let go of his feet. He grabs a big stone and smacks it hard. Eon could feel the impact of the rock but he endures it and keep smacking it until the vines finally let go.

Eon immediately enters the hole in the ground and follows the woman's shouts. He takes a left turn and then right and then left, then right. Eon is frustrated, he cannot seems he cannot get to her. So he did the opposite - every turn, he goes right consistently. Minutes later, he sees the woman being tied up on a rock table. Eon finally saw the woman's face, "Odette."

Odette is struggling to get loose, "Eon help me!". Eon looks at the branch that looks like a giant snake. He is about to approach Odette when the snake hisses and tries to eat him when he comes closer. Eon hesitated and Odette keeps shouting, "Please, Eon, help me.".

Eon closes his eyes and convinces himself of courage. Then looks at Odette but it was not Odette anymore. Eon's eyes widen and without thinking, he runs towards the rock table. "Eon. Do not come here, please. You will get yourself killed.". But Eon did not listen and keeps moving forward. He manages to dodge the branch snack that made the creature hit the wall. Big rocks fall because of the impact and the rocks hit the snake on the head. It lost its consciousness.

Eon rushes to the side of the rock table to untie the vines. "Do not worry. I am already here.". The woman cries, "You almost got killed. You should have just ignored me and go.". Eon looks at her, "I could leave you here, Selena. I can't afford for you to die. I lost you once, I will not let that happen again.". He hugs her and Selena hugs him back.

"Let's get out of here. You go first."

However, before they could leave, the snake had turned into Denver. They are both unaware of this. Denver approaches Eon in the back. Selena turns to look at Eon and her eyes widen to see Denver about to stab Eon with a pointed brand. She shouts, "EON! BEHIND YOU!". But before Eon could turn, Denver stabs him in the back. "NOOOOOO!"

Eon instantly gets up from his bed. He was sweating and breathing fast. He looks around and realizes he is in his room. "It was just a dream."