
Leonard Stark

[If you want more and wish to support me for the story head over to my groups pat-reon- pat-reon.com/IdleSect] Harem Seeker's F*CK Off System Seeker's F*CK Off Incest Seeker's F*CK Off MC never uses his System] There was once a man whose entire life was a legend, he was so powerful that each stroke of his fingers caused fractures in every reality and each punch retconned entire multiverses while entire Omniverses laid within his palms as both the sun and moon cowered in his wake... This person's aura radiated outwards from his body as it caused untold storms and tidal waves to form, this person was called Leonard Stark- Leon the Adamantium Primate of Rage. Everyone: "I want your babies?!!" With one step he killed buddha and with the other he killed the devil... None dared to provoke him as this was the Mortal with the Adamantium Body of Rage, Ever evolving and with unlimited potential his story was only just beginning...

Idle_Daoist_ · 电影同人
54 Chs

Life 23: Namekian Mystic Arts!!

New chapter sponsored by:

Daoist Newsourpatch, Julian Rocamora, Dan, Garfield ST. John and Deadpool2695! thanks for Joining the P.atreon-


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"But Sir, why would you want to restock the armoury and begin arm-selling again?!"

Said a middle aged man as he stood from his seat looking straight at their youngest shareholder who just happened to be the second child of the Stark Family.

"Stewart- calm down, the reason i'm doing this is because we have a treasure trove yet we do not utilise it!

Why do we possess such a large finite amount of energy if we do not use it for anything useful and good?

Huh- tell me, sure we provide energy to New York and Atlanta but other than that we also deal in Wi-Fi, sure this is amazing we have a share of pie in each and every sector, but we truly have no de-facto item or category that Stark Industries is known for!

Look at Hammer's influence, his company has managed to one-step us...

Us the once leader in global corporations and dealings - with the most influence managing top overturn governments with a snap of a finger!

Yet now we're looked on as the sick-men of global businesses, every year our shares fall, our investments fail and more so our employees lose their livelihoods due to our pacifistic leaders who simply can't speak their mind due to the fear of online counterattacks by people still living with their parents at 30 who simply spam and troll- the 50 cent army!"

Immediately the one named as Stewart fell to his chair as all the shareholders immediately changed their expressions, they knew that this young heir was academically gifted but who'd have thought he also gave good speeches.

Leon smirked seeing this, his plan had worked- he didn't get it, why did they remove arms-sales when that was what kept the business afloat?

After Virgil handed him the statistics of the companies decline for 11 years straight- it seemed that after his parents had unfortunately been killed by Barnes the shares and overall innovation died down with Nat trying to hold down the fort slightly.

But even with innovation so what when your ideas weren't really corporate or beneficial what really was the value?- nothing.


- Ride Home :-

"Sir, I heard from Virgil that your meeting went quasi-successful? Could you explain that to me."

Spoke Happy as he began to drive out of the Stark Building Car Park, with a noticeable grin he awaited an answer.

"Oh, don't even talk about that Happy, honestly i can't even comprehend what goes on inside those hairless apes minds, honestly.

They can increase sales, make money and sit back while business occurs, yet they instead let the company fall as if it's a failed investment when these people have supported our industry for nearly a century.

It's as if they want to bankrupt the company and sell it's assets off- wait actually that is what they are doing, those pesky old men.

I swear down Happy, they really annoy me but with what I've just campaigned for maybe just maybe my parents business will rise from the shadows much like a phoenix rises from the ashes."

Hearing my rant Happy let it roll on him as he nodded-before including his suggestions, "Leon why don't you just buy up their shares and disgruntle the stakeholders, it really will make this a much better situation and then you can launch your items or new sector, and rake up the profit."

Knowing Happy was right Leon quickly noted his concerns as he jotted them down with the help of Dende his own virtual assistant created to be much like Jarvis but his own version that helped him jot down his fading memories so that he could adjust, adapt and make life easier.

"Dende- jot down the key info from Happy's ramblings..."

"Hey Leon what ramblings that was good advice-..."

Spoke Happy with a slightly annoyed face.

"Happy- Road."

Said Leon as he noticed Happy's movements had become lousy- meaning an accident could happen.


"Road- you oaf your gonna kill yourself!"

Finally Happy turned as he noticed that Leon wasn't wrong he really was gonna crash and had changed lanes like a madman partially threatening to kill himself and Leon (A/N Nah not even close.)

"Sh*t, Sh*t... Sh*t!!"

"Happy just calm down- I'll fix the situation!- Breathe and relax man your gonna get a stroke!"

Hearing this for some reason Happy felt a sense of relief and security wash over him as he did what Leon Said- he relaxed- but he still had his doubts.

"But Leon you can't do anything we're all gonna die?!"

"*Sigh... Chillax- Happy i'll fix this mess."

And with another sigh Leon spouted some random word that sounded completely unearthly -

"KABO KO..."

After Leon said these words immediately the Car stood in it's place - it became still as Happy became even more shocked at Leon's mystique.

"Onska ROPECA!!"

And with this incantation immediately the car turned around and joined back to the lane without fail somehow managing to not get damaged or damage others.

"I wanna say something- but I wont you've trusted me this much showing me your magic- but I've a really burning question!

Did you study at Hogwarts- wait I mean is Hogwarts Real!!"

Saying this he resumed driving finally learning not to remove his eyes from the road-keep your eyes on the road and only on the road.

"Happy will you shut up- and no Hogwarts doesn't really exist it was just a little bit of Dragon-Clan Mystic Arts, now drive I need to call Natasha."


"Anyway- Dende call Nat for me will you."

"Yes SuperKamiGuru."

"Come on now Dende I told you to call me Leon- not that dastardly name- it's been a long time yet you still call me that."

"Okay then Father-"

"Nope next."

"Albino Namekian!"

"OK forget it just call Nat for me."

Hearing this Dende simply nodded but he came back with another message.

"Sorry Father, Miss Stark is currently on a date with Virgil Potts she has put on do not disturb mode on her phone and would like it if you stopped trying to interrupt her date."

'Fair enough.'

'Dende tell me about New Mexico anything new? Any news on a man with a physique of human perfection appearing in times square without shoes or socks?'

5 chapters ahead can be read with only 2.99$ if you wish.

20+ Advanced Chapters are on my P.atreon feel free to join my P.atreon and read ahead-


Idle_Daoist_creators' thoughts