
Life 22: A Decade of Experience!

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"So your telling me that you were taken into another dimension- after you jumped out of Xavier's school- and there you learnt how to wield inhuman power and became super human?"

Saying this Natasha slowly took a breath as she then looked towards her missing brother of a decade and more.

11 years to be exact, and he had grown well truly well, his biceps seemed to burst out of his rag that was covered in dirt, whilst his chest definition was apparent- a lot and his broad shoulders seemed to flex all the time.

Her little brother had grown up well- but the thing she was worried about was his knowledge-

"Leon, did you have any academic education or something similar at all in your martial arts world?"

After she said this, the corners of Leonard's lips slightly moved as he burst out into a grin, "of course I've even got a certificate to prove my education."

Saying that Leon pulled out a diploma out of nowhere- but Natasha clearly saw a hole in space as it had a slight gold edge around the tear in space.

And from it as he said his education was listed and he was more than qualified, everything you thought of was on his qualifications.

Be it being a Doctor, physician, chemical engineer, mechanical engineer, personal trainer... Martial Arts Coach... Proficient in the K'un Lun Style of Combat, The Bloody Way of the Saiyan?....

The last part was when he crash-landed into earth, his ship instilled the way of the Saiyan within him, as the ship didn't want him dying and because this was how Saiyan's learnt and became master assassins.

With it the basics and qualifications of all these earthling occupations was downloaded- whilst the others were learnt in K'un Lun as i helped out the monks and the common folk in the villages around us and even helped birth others- and i also learnt how to do some magic as it was a necessity to me.

After countless puppy eyes and pleadings to master i was finally allowed to learn magic or the mystic arts from the Ancient One- I even met Baron Mordo.

"Why did i even ask... *Sigh."

After that Natasha gently brushed her hair as she looked at her brother resting on the sofa gently without a care in the world.

But then she felt her chest and the scar that was there with the dead skin and poorly done stitches was no longer there- instead it was just a lump of skin like usual as if she'd never been injured.

Quickly turning her eyes up she looked towards Leon with in-credulousness, "Leon... You healed me!"

"You healed me!!"

"How- it's not possible- unless you also have the ability to fiddle with life force and can restore me!"

But as she looked at her opposite she saw a ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

"I'm starting to think you can do anything..."

After that Natasha let out an exasperated sigh as she rolled her head back deep in thought.

Until Leon interrupted her thoughts as he said, "Nat- I'm just wondering whether Stark Industries still deals in arms trades?"

"What do you mean- of course we don't I cancelled that sector years ago, now we're known as the energy guys.

Pumping the world with energy and dabbling in some broadband towers here and there with research in slowing down global warming being our main priority!"

Hearing that Leonard merely nodded.

'So it seems Natasha's terminated the arms dealing sector and this simply differs so much from what I'd had in mind...

Honestly what am I to do now?'

"Leon- it's good your back, it's time for you to dabble in the family business.

After all you are a shareholder of Stark Industries."

"But I'm worried about the amount of paparazzi and numerous articles on you appearing..."

"It's fine I can handle myself Nat- honestly I need some time off maybe some rest.

I've been fighting for over a decade straight so maybe some relaxation would do me good."

"And while at that- you can slowly build up my presence in the outside world so that when I appear people aren't drooling at the mouth!"

After that Leon slumped onto his sofa as he closed his eyes before falling asleep unperturbed at all by Natasha's glares.

"Leon wake up!"

But after countless exclamations it seemed Leon had truly fallen asleep.

With her work now cut out for her and an extra mouth to feed Natasha rumbled her hair as she covered Leon with a blanket.

Sighing again- the sight of her brother sleeping so warmly and so honestly without a hint of a facade caused her to slightly grin.

Motioning to her digital assistant, Jarvis she looked at her holographic calendar as she checked which days she was free.

Now with no drive for work due to her brother appearing put of nowhere- she assigned her current meetings and assignments to her assistant Pepper.

She no longer really felt like working.

And through this she'd also manages to setup Leon with an ID due to his Biometrics stored on Jarvis- A few minutes later a brand new ID was created with a picture of Leon and his birth date etcetera.

After this she'd also opened up another banking account for her baby brother- putting sufficient funds in it for him to use she put in his name.

Finally she fell back onto her sofa and closed her eyes waiting for sleep to overtake her- after all she had seen enough in 48 hours.

5 chapters ahead can be read with only 2.99$ if you wish.

20+ Advanced Chapters are on my P.atreon feel free to join my P.atreon and read ahead-


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