
Leonard Stark

[If you want more and wish to support me for the story head over to my groups pat-reon- pat-reon.com/IdleSect] Harem Seeker's F*CK Off System Seeker's F*CK Off Incest Seeker's F*CK Off MC never uses his System] There was once a man whose entire life was a legend, he was so powerful that each stroke of his fingers caused fractures in every reality and each punch retconned entire multiverses while entire Omniverses laid within his palms as both the sun and moon cowered in his wake... This person's aura radiated outwards from his body as it caused untold storms and tidal waves to form, this person was called Leonard Stark- Leon the Adamantium Primate of Rage. Everyone: "I want your babies?!!" With one step he killed buddha and with the other he killed the devil... None dared to provoke him as this was the Mortal with the Adamantium Body of Rage, Ever evolving and with unlimited potential his story was only just beginning...

Idle_Daoist_ · 电影同人
54 Chs

Life 14: The Gamma Green Rage Machine Part 2

New chapter also thanks to Daoist Newsourpatch, Julian Rocamora and Brahm Deep for Joining the Patreon- 10 chapters ahead can be read with only 4.99$ if you wish.

15+ Advanced Chapters are on my Pat.reon feel free to join my Pa.treon and read ahead-



With a flying kick I'd sent it crashing into the mountain of carcasses made by the green giant.

And then it got angry with green flames oozing from him- it was his Ki.

You see Ki was an invisible thing that one could not see with the eyes but with the heart.

It was only shown in the anime and manga to demonstrate a higher level of power and so that it could be part of the Shōnen must reads.

To the outside person they wouldn't ever see an aura or a burst of energy they'd feel it for sure but not see it.

The only thing they would see is the skies quaking or a projectile formed from Ki if wanted to.

Or it could be invisible to them but visible to the opponent.

When Goku used his Kaioken times 20 on Namek- we found that no one could see his aura because that was how it was- aura could not be seen unless you charged a projectile.

His Ki leaked as he grew stronger leaping back at me I humoured his small come back as I clashed my fist against his.


A sickening crunch echoed in the vast expanse as Hulks left arm bent and then wiggled around as his bone placed there was completely crushed to dust by me.

I really didn't want to prolong something I could win with ease.

My K'un Lun teachings made me stronger and the human anatomy and physiology including even Hulks was known by me with a glance.

A skill I'd learnt from a Wood Nymph in K'un Lun one of my outside temple friends called Aster taught me how to use it.

It allowed me to see the acupuncture points as well as the pressure points within the body as well as X-Ray vision.

And to be honest I didn't need it as with Ki I could sense it all, hear it all and see it all.

Plus Master taught me every pressure point and weakness in a human body which I was immune to after I'm a Saiyan.

So putting my knowledge to the test the stumbling and pained Hulk got angry but was distracted by his arm as I gently tapped each and every pressure point on his body.

Soon I'd tapped all 708 points in his body as he began to stand still before falling to the ground and finally bleeding from all his orifices as his eyes looked at the calm Leon in fright.

Cowering he muttered, "Hu...LK- Hulk..."

As if a Pokémon he said his name repeatedly which I understood- he was speaking Hulk but with some telepathy his words became clear.

"Sorry- Not Die... Eat... First..!!"

Was what he said and it seemed this guy was just like me- he valued good highly as seen by his ravenous appetite.

He wasn't dead cause I didn't want to kill him- I'd merely disabled his movement and use of strength by immobilising his muscles.

If I used it properly he'd explode and die on the spot.

And he could feel that, so his fear became evident on his face.

The real reason Leon never killed him, well- 'I really was going to kill you Hulk, but your acting was phenomenal in the Avengers movies so I'll let you stay to dish out some more Oscar worthy performances...

And you'll be quite handy in the future as my training partner, maybe then I'll be able to get you to be Hulk I saw in Endgame a perfect amalgamation of both beings in one body.

A new being a new warrior and a new scientist.'

Telepathically speaking to Hulk as he managed to drop a single tear...

Saying, 'Hulk... Work... You... Boss... No Kill!'

Acknowledging Leon as his boss, he allowed himself to be lifted by Leon as the both exited the damaged fields of green.

But once gone an unknown amount of energy flickered out if Leon's hands as the entire forest was filled with life again and Hashirama's life was saved as Hashi was replanted and re-energised.

Hashirama's mind was on the brink as Hashi remembered the boys figure with a thank you Hashi cried a sap full of tears-

'I promise that one day when you my benefactor feels pain or is in trouble I will help you!'

With a declaration set in stone, the day passed as soon night fell, whilst Hashirama's mind was focused on the life force given by Leon such little in quantity yet great in power.

Hashirama began his training to ascend and become a Wood Nymph forever remembering Leon.


With no other option Leon flew back to K'un Lun after taking a few Vitality Pills to restore his energy and keep him full for another 10 days.

With the Hulk in tow on his back he had to fly really really high in the atmosphere whilst covering himself in Ki to subvert images and such.

But after a while he got sloppy as a satellite caught him seeing this he carried on and rushed back so fast that his figure was nowhere to be seen.

Fast was his flight as he piggybacked Hulk to K'un Lun as he entered the entrance jumped off the cliff and passed through the dimension barrier.

With his Key after implanting one on Hulk so that he wouldn't die.

Finally they landed as Master Kung alerted by how quick Leon came back.

You see Master only gave this task to Leon so that he could have some fun for a while and relax.

But he arrived in a week's notice.

He should have enjoyed his time hell he'd even given him enough money to splurge and stay for a month or two.

And that too with the Giant at his home- "Leon... I've told you not to bring back outsiders and this Giant should have been killed come on I've taught you better."

"Master, the reason he's still alive Is because his character in the Aven..."

'Sh*t that was close...'

"He's a powerful warrior-and when fighting him I found that he seemed to revert back into his human form once or twice...

I suspect that he could use help and successfully become Human again through your help, Master!"

Master hearing this nodded wisely like a sage as he inspected Hulk and found I'd immobilised him with the pressure points technique though slight lenient as to not kill the Giant.

10 chapters ahead can be read with only 4.99$ if you wish.

15+ Advanced Chapters are on my Pat.reon feel free to join my Pa.treon and read ahead-


Idle_Daoist_creators' thoughts