
Life 15: Another Side Quest - *Sigh

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Master nodded with admiration as Leon impressed him with the amount of manipulation and control he had on the pressure points were simply phenomenal.

Taking a look at Hulk again he looked at him before then reading his memories similar to what Leon did to Hashirama.

- Hulk's Memories, Flashback No Jutsu:-

A scientist worked with the military- tried to recreate the Super Soldier Serum... But a person interfered with his line of sight and the ray was beginning to shine.

Moving the person he looked back and there he was smashed by the very energy he wished to harness, becoming an Inhuman Giant with absolutely shredded proportions.

A lifetime of hide and seek, abandonment, luring and trapping- yes his life was worse not to mention the abuse he received as a child, his father abused him by beating him up knocking him out and trying to kill him.

Eventually, the mother had enough- but so did her life force as she died leaving little Bruce with his father.

As his life began to change, but once he reached adulthood he moved out and found something he craved all his life- love maybe.

But life was never good to him as his accident caused an unprecedented change in him...

And to top it off he became sterile with no way of having happiness rage in the end consumed him as he moved to the Amazon Rainforest living out his days till Leon found him and there his memories stopped.

It was weird as clearly, the memories were of two different beings- the anger that Bruce felt as a child and the life he lived.

Even before his accident, the Hulk existed in the recesses of his own mind.

- Hulk's Memories, Flashback No Jutsu End :-

With a sigh Master, patted the Hulk on the back as a sort of empathy and looked less annoyed by him as his predicament was found.

"Leon I've read his mind, though honestly, I can't do much to solve his case as it's not something I specialise in."

"But our sister dimension can handle this sort of thing- remember when I talked about Kamar-Taj well the Sorcerer Supreme can heal/fix him."

"They do things like fight demons and stop demonic possession whilst saving the earth from mystic threats... They should be able to help I assume."

"But you know, it's really unwelcome there with numerous annoyances and arrogant snakes lurking about...

So if you don't want to go, just kill him or throw him into the edges of the dimension barrier and he'll be dealt with whilst his soul is crushed out like candy- your choice."

Hearing that the main man Hulks soul would be crushed, immediately Hulk on Leon's back nodded towards his Boss- "H-Ulk... Ulk... Hulk!"

'Boss... No Kill- Please... Save... Soul...'

Was what he said as Leon said to Master Kung- "Yes Master... I'll take him there and fix his predicament."

It seemed that this scene caused even Yamcha to stop training as he exclaimed towards the entrance.

"Master- What's a Karmataj? Can I also see it!?"

"Shut up Yamcha- go do some more training or else no food for today!"

Turning back to Leon- "Alright I'll send you there now through the portal but Leon remember to be wary, that being is a hypocrite a very big one at that..."

"Yo and bring me back some souvenirs- Bro!!"

Exclaimed Yamcha again from the Temple as his voice reached the dimension entrance.

"Sure Bro- just remember to train hard and maybe I'll teach you how to fly!"

Immediately Yamcha stopped his training as he said- "Really!!?"

"... Yes!-..."

Yamcha hearing this was lit with passion as the overwhelming power of youth engulfed him- whilst his eyes burnt bright ready to become stronger and... Fly!!

And with that Leon and Hulk disappeared as they jumped back into the entrance water as Master fiddled with the portal.

With a quick Ki input, they were outputted to the outskirts of Kamar-Taj.

And once there I quickly stabilised myself as I began floating in the general vicinity of Kamar-Taj, waiting for some mages to notice me.

And with a few Kiai's it was pretty obvious I was here- and with a quick movement, the K'un Lun Key was shown to them.

As they nodded before I was put into a strange portal with gold and purple around it like a chainsaw almost but in a circular shape.

Man, it felt like nothing honestly I thought it would feel weird yet I felt pretty fine with everything, to be honest.


"Ah yes, I remember you the inheritor of the Iron Fist, the next generation guardian of K'un Lun...

You see me and your Master Kung, usually talk and he said the other day to prepare a Magic Immune outfit for you that can change into whatever you want.

Having got that order I was just starting until I found he messaged me again.

It seems he wants me to help you fix a friend maybe?"

Looking towards Hulk on my back I remembered in Endgame she pushed out his soul and I didn't want to be on the receiving end I couldn't be more assed to do anything really.

Though I was going to copy it If I see it- it would be a great attack honestly.

Smiling lightly she looked at him before saying one thing- "This situation seems quite tricky- for there seem to be two beings within one body."

After this, I felt a negative type of Ki rolling off of her as if a demon the Ki felt like numerous bloodbaths and genocides were done and the all the tormented souls were placed in one vessel.

This must be the dark power she'd gained from Dormamu.

Surely it was powerful- but not really strong, it was good for spells but weak in actual combat unless used wisely and properly.

But very useful and strong if used correctly- and using one's mind, the Sorcerer Supreme in front of me was the result of that.

Wise beyond her years and power everlasting as if an eternal- yet clearly human.

It was obvious to a Ki wielder like Leon that she was prolonging her life through the use of evil or dark energy or rather Yin Ki.

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