
Lecherous Leech

Silas was riding inside Truck-Kun, flooring it to kill a demon who possessed a friend when it was stopped like hitting a wall. He shot through the windshield and was issekaied the hard way. If dying wasn’t bad enough, his ex-wife, the daughter of god, was put in charge of judging him and his family. She decided to reincarnate them into leeches and toss them into a magical world during a boss fight.

Ultimatedaywriter · 游戏
38 Chs


Silas walked into the ritual building, formerly the college library; it was chosen for its still-operation chimney. Old bookshelves were broken and burned, filling the vast open space with a warm orange glow from a fireplace, illuminating a pile of sex toys taken from a nearby shop. Chains and whips had been prepared for the event thanks to his imps running around the clock. Virgins were added to the ritual, increasing their numbers to a little over 1000 girls in the library.

From all walks of life, the girls waited, danced, drank shots, and did all the drugs under his charm or compulsion. It was like the world was ending, so they might as well live it up. Mary and Desire stood at his left and right in the orgy. The two of them looked around at the gathered masses of girls.

While he waited for the right time to start, his mind drifted to his conversation with Elizabeth. It had turned into a shouting match, but he didn't think he was wrong. They saw things differently. She was a human given monster ranks, while he was a monster with a skill that gave him human classes. He was a man, and she was a woman.

Elizabeth wasn't slick; she warned him about the law getting involved in this situation without thinking. Silas still wore the silver collar around his neck. He was a slave and under her father's control. How could he possibly be responsible? If she brought johnny law into this, her father would fall too. Maybe her goal was to get rid of her father and the farm.

It was only speculation; he didn't dare to ask what she really wanted. They spared for a week, but they never got close until she was inflicted with fear. Silas only managed to make a connection when she was vulnerable. Elizabeth made herself his enemy out of a misbegotten desire to change him for the better.

"You know that wolf girl is right; even if it's not us, someone will rat you out." Desire said.

Silas thought she was the most likely person to do it. But, no, it wasn't because she was black; it was because she mentioned it.

"Unlikely," Silas said.

"You trust your power over us," Mary said.

"No," Silas said as a redhead caught his eye. He couldn't help but wonder if her nipples would be pointy and small or round pepperonis. Either way, he was sure they would be beautiful.

"Then what makes you confident?" Desire asked.

He heard Lily chuckle before the little imp walked up to him. "Preparations are nearly complete. Are ya'll talking about the shouting match? All the little fleshlights are talking about making Silas their bitch when they get out of here." Lily said with a chuckle.

Silas smirked too.

Mary and Desire suddenly didn't look confident. Silas felt pity for them and decided to fill them in on what he had been thinking about.

"Elizabeth is a mad science experiment hidden by her father all her life. They are weeks away from losing their farm, and Zacharia is desperate. I'm his best shot to get the money to save his farm, or I was before we came here. Now, if we play our cards right, the dungeon will shower us in dollars." Silas said.

"What does that have to do with the law?" Mary asked.

Lily broke it to the girls. "Zacharia put a slave collar on Silas, so by the laws of the land, and I know them well, Zacharia is responsible for Silas's actions. He's an alchemist, and his daughter is a beast tamer. The man knows the laws about slave-collared individuals. Silas could say it was a secret order given by Zacharia, and not even Zacharia could prove otherwise. That's assuming the court isn't corrupt; only wants to get their hands on Elizabeth to dissect." Lily said.

Desire spoke up. "What if she says fuck her old man and turns your ass in any way?"

"You will most likely be torn apart for the monster cores in your bodies or turned into undead by necromancers. At the end of the day, none of you are human. Monsters don't have rights in human society that I'm aware of."

"None, and before you think you can fool people with your human appearance. Don't any adventurer could detect your monster core." Lily confirmed.

Silas wasn't sure if what Lily said was true or not. The little demon could be bullshitting everyone. He wasn't 100% on the laws, but he knew enough about society to play off their beliefs in laws that make some sense. For example, if they feared adventurers, then they were less likely to go to them for a chance at freedom.

Until Silas found books on the federation's law, he would have to gaslight and use subterfuge on his bitches.

He leaned in a kissed Desire on her nice full lips. The leech man let his own tongue slither out and wrap around hers before groping her ass. Silas slipped a hand under her pants to feel her warm butt underneath.

"Is the fireplace helping?" Silas said as he pulled away.

"I don't like it; the cold sinks in, and doesn't want to leave," Mary said.

"Bitch was I talking to you," Silas said with a raised brow ridge. He smirked to let her know he was joking.

Mary sighed in relief. "What she said, the cold clings, and the fire barely helps." Desire said.

He opened Mary's stat sheet and saw she had cold and illusion resistance. The second one could be a bother if he didn't keep up with his training.

"Tomorrow will probably be worse. We're about to hit our deadline, so we should get started." He got up into Mary's personal space and unbuttoned her bottoms. She reached up to stop him, but it was a weak attempt compared to his immense strength. He brushed her hands aside and pushed her bottoms down, exposing the pink underwear sitting snugly on the Asian girl's thighs. With a solid pull, they came down, exposing the dark slit of Mary's lips. He took her jacket next, and she wasn't wearing a sports bra or a bra at all.

After he stripped her, he picked her up and carried her bridle style while he walked to the center of the gathering of late teen early twenty college girls.

Mana continued to flow to his mind, constantly fueling a small ball of purple light in his head. It was like the tiny fragment of gold he gained from the unalloyed gold skill soaked up mana like buckets without bottoms. Silas reached out for the tiny purple speck of power, and an unfamiliar energy flowed out. A skill emerged as he surrounded Marry with the altered energy.

He stood in the center before, as if by magic, Marry floated up out of his arms and landed on all fours but up in the air facing him.

A smirk spread across his face at the awe in the eyes of the girls around him. Half of them weren't even charmed. They were taken without resistance. They weren't sharp enough to see the slight trimmer in his next step.

New Skill

Telekinesis: Beginner 2% - Manipulate objects through psychic energy.

Initiate Threshold: Connect a second node

He closed the window. The skill was different from the spell.

It wasn't mana that lifted the object; the mana fueled some organ in his brain and allowed him to manipulate the world around him. But, unfortunately, ¾ of his mana had drained away from lifting Mary and placing her on all fours.

Her butt was in a perfect position, and he loved seeing her little virgin butthole and tight dark slit. Silas heard gasps as he hardened and let his penis straight out of hentai emerge from his sheath. The monstrous thing had some girls backing away while others leaned in closer. He pressed himself against Mary's beyond tight entrance. Instances of discipline, iron defense, and Alicorn hit all at once, filling them with buffs doubled by pride. A small jet of precum oozed from his blunt tip before he pressed forward.

Mary resisted with all the tightness she could muster, even as he lubricated her more than ever. Her body was much tougher, but his cock was harder. He felt the small point at the end of his meat stick part her flower, and he sunk in an inch. He felt her shudder as his inhuman cock stretched her open, not tearing a thing as he sunk in inch after inch.

Mary's sweet, creamy thighs shook as he pushed in and pulled slowly out. He only managed to pump a few times before her rumpled, clenching cunny forced him to cum the thickest load of his life. He pulled, and with a loud pop, he was out.

Silas smiled and looked around. "Who's next?" Silas asked, and the redhead stepped forward.

Check Out Silas In Naruto


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