


I like mixing different genres together in my stories.

2018-09-26 加入United States







Devour The Heavens

For a thousand years the heaves have been closed.  Celestial tribulation lightning no longer falls upon the evil doer.  Crimes are commited with no hope for justice in sight.  A world balanced on a knife's edge between the heavens and hells, teeters over the edge and threatens to fall.  To save the world and make right the injustice in the world.  Nero a foreign entity to the world itself commited to a campaign 300 years in the making.  With his army behind him, he turned back the forces of hell to thier final strong holds.  The source of the world's pain is right in front of him.  Can he reclaim the sword that swallows the Heavens Galatea or will the world sink forever into the burning hells.   Seventeen years after the heavens were closed demon plagues ran rampant.  More Ian a young man and only survivor of the Red Vine plague that consumed his village is forced at gun point to climb a mountain.  Up on the peaks of the Atlas Mountain range was the Atlas sect.  A group of qi experts said to accept any student who can climb to the peak of a mountain and light incense sticks.  With his past burning behind him and the sheer cliff in front of him, he makes the climb.   The power of the heavens left on earth are waning.  Powerful qi experts that once stood against the hells themselves and battle the legendary arch demons have become frail.  A great power vacuum has been opened.  The only question is who will fill it.  Will the humans find a way to stand as equals against the demons, or will demon kind rule over humanity?

Ultimatedaywriter · 玄幻
11 Chs