
King of the skies: I reincarnated as a bird?!

In the Year 2222, all Humans in the Universe were forced to take part in a higher Being's Scheme, not as fellow Schemers but as mere Pawns. Pawns that can become much greater Pieces should they walk the right Path that is unique to them. Watch as our main Character and all of Humanity struggle to survive in a new and deadly Environment, where survival is all but guaranteed. (The cover does not belong to me; if you are the original creator of this image please comment and I will contact you personally regarding taking down the image)

RiCrease · 奇幻
14 Chs

Trial of Sense(3)

[Trial of hearing completed]


I sighed in relief, I was beginning to feel suffocating in the labyrinth! An aerial creature doesn't belong underground, no matter how you look at it!

[Initiating Trial of Smell!]

The next Trial was already being initiated.

If my intuitions correct, there should be a total of 5 different trials for each Sense.

That means there are only 3 Trials remaining!

They shouldn't be too hard, right?

I prayed in my heart as the next Trial has started.

[Trial of smell initiated!]

[Trial task: Smell the 5 different pieces of meat, and determine which one Is safe to eat!]

'That doesn't sound too difficult!'

I encouraged myself with an uplifted tone.

Not wasting any time, I approached the small slice of meat the hovered in the void in front of me.

Smelling it, it had a sour smell, reminding me of a lemon infested with parasites.

'Definitely not this one.'


I was exhausted as I stared at the system notification, but I was incredibly happy inside.

[Trial of Touch Completed]

[The Trial of Sense has been completed]

[Rewards: 50,000 EXP, 6th Sense: Intuition, 7th Sense: Soul Sense, +50 Dexterity, 400 Biomass.]


I was extremely satisfied with the EXP rewards alone, and also for 50 more points in dexterity!

'Intuition and Soul Sense?'

[6th Sense: Intuition]

[Increases the Accuracy of your Intuition.]

[7th Sense: Soul Sense]

[Allows you to Sense The souls within an extremely close proximity to you.]

The description of Intuition was quite simple, and Soul Sense's description was as clear as day.

'I'll check them put later.'

I thought as I was teleported back to the grassy plains, to my exact previous location.

"Well, back on my way."

I chuckled as if it was nothing.


I launched into the air and continued flying north, wind hitting my face.


Flying over forests, rivers, and all kinds of landscapes, I couldn't help but be amazed at the beauty of this World.

From the beautiful lakes, the peaceful plains, or the soaring rivers- they all had a feel of uniqueness to them.

"I didn't feel that way before, it must be the upgrade to my senses!"

I concluded quickly- while I wasn't the brightest of individuals, I definitely was not dumb.

My mind went back to the turtle- what could it be doing now?

Despite the fact I'm technically 2 years old now- I've only been conscious for about a week.

"I am practically a newborn!"

I joked to myself, but I went quiet the moment I saw tall grey walls in the distance.

The walls were very tall, approaching a 100 meters in height.

The walls were also grey in color- but not a depressing shade of grey, but a glistening one!

"These walls are really beautiful, it must have taken a lot of effort to build them!"

I thought as I drew closer to them, I eventually saw a line in the distance- it was formed by all types of creatures- from large beasts to small humanoids.

"This must be where the gate is- I could theoretically fly over the walls, but its likely I'll be shot down."

I landed a few meters behind the end of the line, and stood at the back of it like a polite person.

Slowly but surely, the line advanced- until eventually- it was my turn.

In front of me were 3 elves- 2 guards and one receptionist.

The guards seemed to be protecting the receptionist who was writing down details about the different individuals that entered.

"Name, species, and affiliation please."

The receptionist asked me- but I was faced with an issue.

I couldn't reply to her!

Thanks to a skill, I was able to understand every language, but I could only speak one!

The receptionist, without even lifting her gaze, pointed towards a crystal ball that was on the table.

"This is a translator, you can speak most well known languages and I'll automatically receive the meaning."

She said, annoyed by the seemingly idiotic individual before her- who hasn't heard of translators before?

"Uh, my name is Aviseus, I am a skyeus Baron, and I don't have an affiliation."

Upon having the sentence translated to her, the receptionist looked up in surprise.

"A skyeus? Well Well, aren't you a rare breed little fella?"

The receptionist joked.

"You may go In, enjoy your stay!"

She quickly said after writing down a few things on her paper.

Nodding to her, I quickly passed through the gates and entered the city.

Soon, the noise of a Large crowd filled my ears as all kinds of species wandered around.


I Exclaimed with surprise, so many different species, that would have usually fought upon sight, were peacefully wandering the streets of the Elven city.

"How nice."

I thought.

Looking around, I spotted a large board with a map of the city in it.

The city was absolutely massive, scaling hundreds of kilometers in length alone, so the Map only showed the South-west part of the city.

As my gaze wondered over the large map, I quickly spotted what I was looking for!

"Noble Reception."

Was written over the medium-sized blue building in the top right of the map.

According to the map, I entered through one of the 4 main gates, and was now in the Southern street- Meaning I only had time to walk forward, and I'll eventually get to the Noble Reception.

"Let's go!"

I immediately began marching down the street.

I obviously attracted some looks, despite my wings being folded- I was still very large compared to most citizens.

Some people recognized my origin and were very surprised, and others just labeled me as another non-humanoid citizen ans ignored me.

However, I did not care!

Cheerfully walking down the street, I couldn't wait to tell one of the renowned kings of one of the biggest kingdoms on the continent about the death of his son!

"Will I be rewarded?"

"I hope I will."

I thought while slowly walking forward.

I watched the different citizens argue with each other over prices, show affection, or hang out together.

In the distance, I saw a blue building standing tall, with tens of people constantly entering and leaving it.

"There it is! I thought gleefully."

But just as I was going to enter the building, a miniature carriage crashed into my side!


I quickly Exclaimed, while the carriage was very small and didn't hurt injure me due to my large size and its low speed, it still hurt!

Soon, a young man jumped out of the carriage, and a young girl quickly followed.

They both were fairly attractive and well dressed, and had elven features- but their features were quite mild compared to the actual elves I've encountered so far.

"You dirty beast! How dare you crash into my carriage!"

The young man shouted at me loudly, before pulling out a sword and pointing it at me.

"I must admit, you have quite the body!"

"I've decided, the merciful and Noble me shall give you the chance to be my mount!"

The young man smiled smugly, throwing glances at the young woman behind him every once in a while.

"So he's trying to impress her?"

I thought musingly.

"Oh, how far teens go to impress girls..."

I sighed in my mind, as a crowd gathered around me and the 2 teens.

Some people recognized my species, and were curious to see how I'd handle the situation, and some just came to see some fighting.

I tilted my head and looked at the couple- I had some kind of feeling that they were weaker than me, it's like hearing their power level.

"That must be my new senses in action! Where have they been to warn me that a carriage was going to to crash into me, though?"

I thought with a sour smile, the couple were so weak I could kill them both with Deincarnation without batting an eye!

"So you wish to die, huh? Well- Brace yourself you vile beast!"

The young man gripped his sword tightly and threw himself on me, but a second before I was about to dodge the young man's attack, a hand caught his sword.

A slightly older girl- probably 4 - 5 years older than the couple, was holding the sword in her hand.

"You fool! What do you think you are doing?!"

She screamed at him viciously before turning to me and bowing.

"I apologize for my foolish in-laws behavior, he was too blind to see who was in front of him."

"Please, forgive his transgressions!"

The woman said politely.

"Sister in law, what are you doing- bowing before a Lowly beast?!"

The young man screamed back at the woman, his face red like a tomato.

"You dumbass- can't you see what's in front of you?! It's a skyeus! This Honorable Sire and kill you without batting an eye, and even Father won't be able to do anything about it!"

She went on a rant about how dumb he was, as the girl behind him giggled.

Without giving him any more time, the Woman bowed before Me one last time before taking away the couple by force.

"Well, that was an interesting encounter!"

I thought curiously- the Woman that stopped the sword was slightly stronger than the guard captain back at the Colosseum, but while the Guard captain was in his 40's, the young woman barely looked 20!

"It seems like there's a lot to expect from the elves, strength-wise."

I thought before continuing to walk towards the blue building as the crowd dispersed.

terribly sorry for not uploading this week, I'm gonna try a different method of posting chapters from now on- so that I don't run out of chapters to post.

RiCreasecreators' thoughts