
Izumi Afton AU

Izumi Afton is the other daughter of Clara and William Afton. She is not loved by her mother so she has a mission. 3 of her siblings went missing a while ago. Can she find them by going to UA High or not? Find out by reading Izumi Afton AU!

MhaWebFan · 青春言情
4 Chs

School Starts

/Alarm/ "Is it morning already? I don't want to go to school today" I got out of bed and went to the bathroom to shower and get ready for school. "Izumi Get down here now!!" My mom yelled. She never liked me all that much. I bandage my wounds from the night before and head downstairs. "Yes Ma'am? You called for me?" Clara looked at me and saw what I was wearing.

[Insert Japanese high school uniform]

I looked at Micheal who was smiling. "Oh. Is that your uniform, Izumi?" Clara asked. "Yes Ma'am." I replied looking back at her.

You are probably wondering why Izumi calls her mother Ma'am. Well Clara thinks Izumi is a mistake and doesn't think of Izumi as her daughter so she has Izumi call her Ma'am as if she were a servant. Izumi is the only one forced to call Clara Ma'am.

"Chris is still asleep. Go wake him up Micheal. Izumi you are released to go to school." Clara told me. "Thank you Ma'am." I told her. Just as she started to walk away I asked, "May I eat breakfast before I go Ma'am?" I was hungry and wanted to eat before I left. Clara stopped and turned around to face me. Micheal was no longer smiling. Clara smiled, "Of course. You haven't eaten since last week I believe." "Thank you Ma'am." I replied. "What may I eat Ma'am?" I had to have a food no one ate so I had to ask Clara. She looked around for a few minutes. "You can have a granola bar and please eat it while you leave." She told me. "Thank you Ma'am." I took a granola bar and left. "Bye Ma'am. Bye Michael. Tell your siblings I said bye and that I love them." I said as I walked out.

As I was running to school I checked my phone to check the time. It was almost 7:30 AM. <Shit! I'm going to be late!!> I heard someone think not so far away. I looked around me and saw a boy with green hair in a UA uniform running the same way as me. He must've seen me because he looked my way then tripped. Right as he almost touched the ground, I used one of my quirks to make him float. "Woah! Hey you look familiar." The boy said as he was floating in Midair. "What is your name?" He asked. "And can you put me down? Please?" I released him and made sure he had a nice comfortable landing then studied him a little. He had green hair, cut short, the color I wanted to dye my own hair and green eyes. He looked a bit short but I was short as well, shorter than him. His uniform was a tad too big on him and he wore red sneakers. "Who are you?" He asked. I then realized how rude I had been. "I'm Izumi Afton. Sorry for being rude and I beg you not to hurt me!" I said while bowing. He looked at me and I heard him tell me, "Why do you think I'm going to hurt you? Is it because of someone at home?" I looked up at him and he looked worried. "U-um...my mo-master beats me if I am rude. So I thought you might as well. Excuse me if I am being rude! I haven't met many people outside my fami-master's family!" I wanted to cry because I was sure he would beat me after what I had told him but he simply looked at me and smiled. "Well how about we be friends?" He asked me with a smile on his face. I was confused. What was a friend? "What is a fr-friend?" I asked. He looked at me with shock on his face. After a minute, the shock on his face disappeared and became a smile instead. "Well, A friend is someone who you have a good relationship with and can tell things to. They also comfort you when you're down and help you when you're in a tough situation." He explained. I started crying. I had never had anyone like a friend before. "O-ok." I answered. "I'm Izuku! Izuku Midoriya but you can call me Deku if you like." The boy told me. "But doesn't Deku mean useless?" I asked him. He simply nodded and pulled out his phone. He showed me a picture of him and another boy from what looked to be not long ago.

[Insert Bakugou and Deku as friends picture]

"Who is the blond boy?" I asked, a little curious. "That is one of my friends!" Izuku replied. When I looked at him, he looked sad. "What's wrong?" I asked him. I didn't like him being sad for some reason. He looked up at me, close to crying, "Sorry for crying. It's just...we used to be best friends until middle school, then he started to bully me for whatever reason. Now being in UA, we are friends again but I still feel like he hates me." He told me and started crying. I gave him a hug and when he stopped crying he told me, "We had better get to class. I will show you your class. What class do you have?" He asked. "Oh, I'm in Class 1-A. The hero course." I told him. "By the way, do you happen to know anyone by the name of Terrance? Or Elizabeth? Or Tenko? I've been looking for them for years but I haven't been able to find them." Izuku looked at me. "I don't know anyone by the name of Elizabeth, Tenko or Terrance. Sorry." He said. I looked down and tried to hold my tears in. "It's fine. I guess I will keep looking." I told him. He looked at me and then looked away as soon as I turned my head. "Let's go shall we?" He finally said. We started walking when we heard the bell ring. We looked at each other and ran. I used one of my quirks to make me go faster and Izuku used his. Luckily, we both got to class on time.

When we got in the classroom, Izuku sat down in his seat while I walked to the back of the classroom and found an empty seat between two boys. One had purple hair and looked very tired and the other had blonde hair and looked very energetic. In front of me was a boy with blonde hair and an angry expression. The teacher walked in and he started talking to the class. "Good morning class. We have a new student today. Please come up and introduce yourself." I got up, walked to the front of class and introduced myself as told. "Hey, I'm Izumi Afton and I have multiple quirks." The teacher looked at me with shock. "What do you mean multiple quirks?" One of the students called out, "Like 2 like Todoroki here or more than 2?" Izuku looked at me, asked the teacher to use the bathroom and left. "I have more than two quirks." I told the class. "Go sit down." The teacher told me. I sat down in the spot I was sitting in earlier. "I am Shoto Aizawa, Izumi. I will be your teacher. You will also need to go to the office to design your hero suit after we test your quirks." I simply nodded. We started class and after a few minutes, everyone gasped as the classroom door opened. "Where is the new student?" I heard a loud voice boom so loud I thought my ears might bleed. I turned around and saw the person I hated most. All Might. I also saw Izuku and a mouse/bear-like person beside them. "She is right there." Mr. Aizawa told All Might. He pointed at me.

Author: You might be wondering why Izumi hates All Might. Well All Might told Tenko and Izumi, before Tenko disappeared, that neither of them could be heroes. Izumi is hiding something big from everyone though. She has/is looking for her siblings, Terrance, Tenko and Elizabeth. She does not know of the League of Villains yet.

I didn't look up but I felt All Might's stare burning me. "Izumi come here." Mr. Aizawa told me. I did what he told me and stood up. I walked to the front of the room and stopped when I was next to Mr. Aizawa. "Come with me." All Might did not sound happy. We walked down several halls and finally stopped at a white room with no windows or any furniture. "Why are we here?" I asked, a little worried because I was the only one in the room. I heard the door shut. "Use your quirks to get out. I promise there is a way out." I heard an unfamiliar voice say. I heard footsteps getting softer so I assumed they left. I looked around and all I saw was white.

Suddenly, a purple portal appeared and I heard loud footsteps getting closer to me. A boy stepped out. He looked to be about my age. He had black hair and purple scars. He wore a black hoodie and black pants with black shoes. "Hey. We don't have much time. Come with me, Izumi." He said. The footsteps kept getting louder and closer. The boy put his hand out and said, "Come with me. You have to trust me, Izumi. Please." He looked so desperate so I started to reach for his hand. I almost had his hand when I was pulled back. "Izumi! Grab my hand!! Now!" The boy yelled. I reached for his hand but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't reach far enough. He went back to the portal and left. The people holding me finally let go and I fell forward. They left me again and I saw a paper on the floor. I picked the paper up and read it.

I promise I will be back to get you. Next time don't hesitate and just trust me. I promise I won't hurt you. Someone wanted to meet you. See you soon, Izumi.

I sat down in the room and started thinking about the note. When was he coming to get me? When was soon? I fell asleep while thinking about the note.

When I woke up, I was still in the room but this time there were 2 other people with me. One person had half red and half white hair and wore a UA uniform and some light blue shoes, the other had red hair and wore a white t-shirt with a jean jacket over it and some dark red jeans. He also wore some white shoes that looked brand new. I got up and walked to a corner being careful not to wake either of the boys up. When I got to the corner, I sat down and read the note the boy left for me. After a few minutes another purple portal appeared, and the same boy stepped out of it. "Izumi, we have to go. Now." the black haired boy told me. The other boys started to wake up. I looked at them, at the camera I had noticed, and then at the black haired boy. "Let's go." I said. One of the boys had fully woken up and had noticed what was going on. "Wait! Please! Izuku said he needs to talk to you about something important. About someone named Terrance!" I turned around and faced the boy that said that. It was the red haired boy. "Please! He would be so devastated if you left with this guy! Besides he isn't to be trusted, you can't trust him!" He kept yelling and begging me not to go. I saw blue fire hit the red haired boy and then felt someone grab my waist. The blue fire disappeared as I was pulled into the portal. I remember going through the portal and getting out to go to a bar room but after we got to the room I passed out.

When I woke up (again), I was laying in a comfy bed in a dark room. I heard footsteps and immediately pretended to be asleep. "Is she awake? I hope she is! I want to ask her for some of her blood!" I heard a girl say. "No Toga! Stop. She looks peaceful so leave her alone." I heard a boy that time. "Let's let her sleep for a bit longer." The same boy told the girl. They left but I heard more footsteps enter the room. "Man. She is so pretty. I wonder why the boss wants her. She seems special to him though. I wonder who Terrance is and why the brat had to talk to her." I immediately recognized the voice. It was the black haired boy that took me through the portal. He wasn't talking so after about 5 minutes of silence, I opened one of my eyes to see what he was doing and realized he was super close to me. His eyes were closed but he was inches away from my face. I felt myself turn red. He opened one eye and said, "Morning, bunny. How was your sleep?" I quickly turned away. "G-good. It was good." I told him. "May I know your name, please?" I asked. He smirked. "I'll give you my name if you give me your number." I looked at him to make sure he wasn't joking and by the look on his face, he wasn't. Fine. If he wants to play that way, then let's play. I stood up and found some paper and a pen and wrote my number on the paper. I set the pen down, walked over to the boy and handed him the paper. "Here, now you can't look at it till you give me your name." He looked at me and smirked. "Ok, name's Dabi." He went to look at the paper but I distracted him. I leaned forward so our faces were only inches apart then reached for his hand, closed my eyes and just as we were about to kiss, I snatched the paper and pushed him away. "You really thought. I just met you but you still thought I would…" I moved away so he couldn't reach me. "That's not fair. I gave you name, now give me the paper." I looked at him and smirked the same smirk that he wore a minute ago. "Actually, I did give you the paper with my number on it. You didn't say you wanted to see my number, you simply asked for me to give it to you and I did." He smiled and stood up. "Being smart, are we?" He was so close. He reached for my hand but I moved it. "Yes, I am being smart. What are you gonna do?" I acted all confident even though I was feeling super nervous. He was taller than me so he had to look down if he wanted to see my face clearly. He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him. I leaned closer and then moved my hand to his stomach and punched. "Ahh!" He yelled out in pain. I ran out of the room and kept running. I heard him yell my name as I was running, already halfway down the hall. "Izumi!! Get back here!!!" I kept running afraid of what he might do if he caught me. I turned a corner and had bumped into something or someone. "Hey. Watch where you're going or you might get hurt." A boy had told me. I immediately got up and bowed my head. "Sorry for bumping into you but I'm running away from someone." I told the boy. I didn't look up when I heard yelling. "Izumi! Come here!" I heard Dabi screaming. I felt the boy grab my wrist and pull me into the shadows. "W-wha-" He covered my mouth. "Be quiet." He whispered so soft I could barely hear. I did as he said and kept quiet. I heard Dabi pass yelling my name. The boy pulled me out of the shadows and back into the blinding light. "I forgot to mention my name. I'm Shinso." I looked up to see his face and noticed him. He was one of the boys I sat next to in class. The boy with purple hair.

[Insert cool Shinso picture]

"I'm guessing you are Izumi? The new girl in class?" Shinso asked me politely. I smiled. "Yes that's me." He smiled then opened his mouth to say something but closed it right away. His smile faded. He looked at me with the most serious face I had ever seen. "Why was a villain from the League of Villains chasing you?" He asked. I was confused. What was the League of Villains? I had never heard of them before. "What is this League of Villains? I have never heard of them." He looked at me like I was crazy. "The League of Villains are a group of villains that are trying to kill All Might and destroy the hero society." He looked serious. "Who is their leader? I want to kill the leader." I said. Shinso looked at me up and down and smirked. "You think you can kill the most powerful villain of all? Not even All Might himself can kill him." I was being serious. "Can I at least know his name?" I asked. Shinso stopped laughing and looked at me. "All for One is what he goes by. Nobody knows his real name." He looked as serious as he had before. I closed my eyes trying to remember my father but I only remembered the sound of his voice. Shinso touched me and I flinched and sucked in my scream from the pain. He was touching my cuts on my arm and it stung but I didn't scream. He looked at me and noticed I was sucking in my breath. He let go of my arm but took my hand. "Why was that villain chasing you? Do you know?" Shinso asked. I looked at him and decided to lie. "No. I don't know." He didn't believe me. I knew he did not believe me. The look on his face proved it.

This story will not be updated as much as my other story, From A Hero To Villain. Go check it out!

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