
Izumi Afton AU

Izumi Afton is the other daughter of Clara and William Afton. She is not loved by her mother so she has a mission. 3 of her siblings went missing a while ago. Can she find them by going to UA High or not? Find out by reading Izumi Afton AU!

MhaWebFan · Teen
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4 Chs

Chapter 2

Shinso ended up walking me home that day. It seemed that he was always near me though. If I was in the Library, he would be in there as well, at lunch, near me. No matter where I went he was always there, close enough to see me and so I could see him. *1 week later (Monday)* I walked into the classroom and sat down at my seat. I saw Shinso enter the classroom as well as a couple of other students. I recognized some of the students, Tenya Iida, Bakugo Katsuki and Hitoshi Shinso. I put my head down, plugged my earbuds into my phone and turned on some music. After 6 songs played Mr. Aizawa entered the classroom. "Class sit down in your seats." He looked around and stopped when he saw me. "Izumi, hallway please." I got up and walked into the hallway. A few minutes later, Izuku walked into the hallway as well. "Izumi, I need to talk to you." Izuku looked at me and looked a bit sad. "Go on." Izuku took his phone out and was on it for a few minutes until he showed me a picture of Terrence, my brother. The picture looked recent and there was a date in the corner. The picture was dated a couple of weeks ago. "T-terrence!" I cried out. Then it hit me. Where did he get this picture? Why did he have it? Did he lie to me? "Izuku…" He looked at me and I saw sadness and guilt in his eyes. "Yes Izu-chan?" He asked. "Where did you get this picture? Do you know Terrence and lie to me?" I asked. He looked away. "I do know him. I can show you if you go to the front of the dorm building tonight at 7." I looked at him as he looked back at me. "Fine. See you at 7." I replied. I walked back into class with red eyes that showed I had been crying. "Mr. Aizawa, Sensei…May I use the restroom please?" I asked Sensei. I made sure he couldn't see my face. "N-" I lifted my head so he could see me crying. "Please?" I asked again. "Of course Izumi. Go ahead." I walked out and went to the bathroom. *20 minutes later* I heard someone walk into the bathroom. "Izumi? Mr. Aizawa is worried. Are you in here?" I heard a girl ask. I stepped out of the stall I was in and faced the girl. I'd seen her a couple times before. Her name was Itsuka Kendo. Her quirk was Big Fist and she was friends with Monoma from 1-B. "Izumi!" I heard her yell before I blacked out.

I woke up looking at the white ceiling and felt a hand on each of my arms. I looked at my right arm and saw three hands. I saw Bakugo, Shinso and a red haired kid. I think his name was Kirishima. I looked at my left arm and saw 4 hands. I saw Kendo, Monoma, Todoroki and Iida. Mr. Aizawa was standing against the wall next to the bed. I slowly sat up and looked around. I recognized the room to be Recovery Girl's office. There was a shelf with bandages and needles and all types of medicines on it. I moved everyone's hands and then stood up. I walked around a bit and then decided to go get a glass of water. Mr. Aizawa woke up and saw me. "Going to get water? I'll come with you." He told me. I simply nodded and followed him. He walked me to the teacher's resting place and walked over to a sink. He grabbed a cup and filled it with water then walked over to me and handed me the glass of water. I drank the water then set the cup on the table.

"Can I go home for the night Aizawa?" I asked. Aizawa looked at me and then seemed to be lost in thought. "Sure. Where is your home? I'll walk you there." I looked at him. He didn't look like he was joking.. "It is not far, I can manage by myself." I told Aizawa.. He looked at me.. "Stay here for a minute. I'll be right back." Aizawa told me. He left the room, leaving me in the teacher's resting place by myself. 5 minutes later, Present Mic walked in. "Hey there little listener. What are you doing in the teacher's lounge?" He asked. "Um, Mr. Aizawa asked me to stay here because he would be right back." I told him. Present Mic nodded and then walked over to the table I was sitting at. "Ok, how long has he been gone?" He asked. I grew uncomfortable around him but still answered his question. "About 5 minutes now." He looked at me and nodded again. Being Present Mic, he was awfully quiet. "Do you know why he left? Did he tell you?" He asked. I shook my head. I heard footsteps, so I just sat there. "What do you think of Aizawa? What is he to you?" Present Mic asked me. I shifted in my seat. "Mr. Aizawa is my teacher and a pro hero I look up to." I told him. I blushed a little. "Are you sure? What am I to you then?" He asked. I looked at him and then at my legs. "You are also a pro hero I look up to." I told him. "If I asked you to do something or told you to do something would you do it?" He asked. It was a weird question. I mean I don't know. "I guess… It depends on what you ask me to do." I told him. Present Mic looked down at something under the table and then got up. He started walking over to me but Aizawa walked in. "What is going on?" Aizawa asked. "Nothing Sensei. Me and Present Mic were just talking." I told him. We were. Aizawa looked from me to Present Mic and then grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the room. When we got far enough from the room Aizawa stopped and turned to look at me. "Did you mean what you said? I am just your teacher?" I looked up at him. He had sadness in his eyes. "I mean you are my teacher. And a pro hero. But you are also my best friend." I told Aizawa. I looked down afraid he might hit me or something. Instead of hitting me I felt his arms wrap around me. "Izumi, you are my best friend too. You are not just a student to me." Once he let go we started walking again. "Where are we going?" I asked. "We are going to eat. I'm sorry I took so long, I simply wanted to change my clothes." Aizawa told me. "It's ok Sensei." I told him. "You don't have to call me sensei when it is just us. Ok?" Aizawa asked. "Ok." I replied. We walked for a while until we reached somewhere in the city. We stopped when we got to a restaurant called Vermillion Restaurant. I had never been here before, but I heard it was a great restaurant and it was one of the few to have a karaoke bar. We sat down and ordered our food then talked until it came out. After our food came out we ate and talked a bit more. When we finished, Aizawa offered to take me to my house or the dorm building but I said I could walk myself. I started walking to the dorms when I noticed someone following me so instead of going to the dorms I walked around the city. Some of the person's hair stuck out of the hood and I immediately knew it was a guy following me. He had short hair or at least it looked like it. I kept walking around until I reached a dead end. The hooded dude got closer to me every second I wasted standing there. "Izumi~. Come here bunny~!" The hooded dude called out. I remembered I had a quirk that let me create weapons. Thankfully I just ate so it was easier to create a smoke bomb and hide. I hid by the wall of a building behind a black car. Luckily I was wearing black clothes so I blended in quite well. "Izumi~. I know you're here~! Please come out!" The hooded dude wasn't going to give up anytime soon. I started to think. <I have three options. One - I could stay hidden until he leaves but I don't know when he will give up. Two - I could give myself up but I don't know what he wants to do with me. Or three - I could try to create a longer lasting smoke bomb and run for it. I need to decide. And soon.> At first I decided to stay hidden but then I thought it might be too risky so I created a longer lasting smoke bomb and threw it. I ran as fast as I could away from the dead end and away from the hooded guy. I kept running until I turned a corner and suddenly bumped into someone. "Izumi? Is that you? What are you doing out so late at night?" I heard the person ask. I immediately got up off the ground and bowed my head not looking at the person I bumped into. "Sorry but I must go!" I yelled as I started running away. The person grabbed my wrist and pulled me back. "Wait." I looked away from them. "Hey, you looked super scared so I'm not going to let you leave. We are going to go to "my" house. Ok?" I nodded. I still didn't know who was bringing me to "their place" but it didn't matter. I just wanted to get away from the hooded guy. I kept falling down because of how scared I was so they decided to carry me the rest of the way. I took a tiny peek at the person's face and saw red eyes and blue hair. "Iida?" I asked. I wasn't sure if this guy carrying me was Iida or not. All I knew was that he had red eyes and blue hair. The guy looked down at me and then kept walking. "Iida. Put me down." I whined. The person wouldn't put me down. He walked for what seemed like an hour until we got to an abandoned bar/house. He walked inside and set me down on a couch. "Boss! I got her!" The dude yelled. I heard someone enter the room then ended up falling asleep.

When I awoke I was still on the same couch but I was awfully warm. I turned my head to look and saw the person I was most afraid of right now. I slowly tried getting up but he pulled me back. I shut my eyes and quietly cried. I must have fallen back asleep cause I woke up to a blue haired dude in my face. He looked worried. "You're up. You were crying, is everything okay?" He asked. I looked around then looked at my back and noticed he was still there. I started crying again, afraid he would hurt me when he woke up. I tried getting up again but this time I moved way slower. The blue haired dude must've known because he moved the guys arm. Once I got up, the blue haired dude introduced himself. "Hello Izumi. I have been searching for you for a while now. A couple of years actually. My name is Shigaraki. I am pleased to finally see you again after all these years. I know what Dabi did to you and I will make sure it never happens again. I am here to protect you… Izu-chan." Dabi was waking up when I ran to hug Shigaraki. I had finally found him. "What is going on bunny?" I heard Dabi ask. I stayed silent. Shiggy held me and made sure I wasn't in Dabi's reach. "Well?" Dabi looked from me to Shiggy but I could tell he wasn't happy. He made a small blue fire in his hand and all of a sudden a bunch of memories came flooding back. Memories of my adoptive father. He had used blue flames on my adoptive mother. I started screaming, which made Dabi's flames go away, Shiggy to hold me and everyone else in the building to come running to the room we were in. "Izu-chan!" Was the last thing I heard before I passed out.

When I woke up (Again), I saw a face I had never seen before yet the face had so much worry and tears on it. Shiggy was crying and so was Dabi. "I'm sorry Izumi! Please wake up! I didn't mean it." I heard someone cry. /Crying/ I heard someone say, "Hello. Are any of you related to Izumi Afton?" Someone else said, "I am. Her name is actually Izumi Midoriya. I am her father, Hisashi Midoriya. And the blueish-grey haired boy is Tenko Midoriya, her brother. How is she?" The other person started talking. "She is...well she doesn't have any new injuries regarding her physical health but we ran a new thing we have for patients like her and she has had a lot of mental trauma. She has been abused by many people. Were any of you aware of that?" I heard Dabi's voice. "I-...really? Abused? How did you find out?" The other person told them. "As I said, we just got a new thing that allows us to see the patient's mental health, any traumatic experiences and memories, good or bad. So we scan the patient's head which then scans the brain and allows us as doctors to see anything we wish. This requires at least 3 doctors, one sitting in a chair and seeing the memories, the second one controlling what the first one sees and the third one there in case something happens." I open my eyes slowly to see everyone in the room facing away from me. I realized the other person talking was a doctor and still, I only recognized Dabi. "Ah, I see you are finally awake. How are you feeling?" The doctor asked. "Fine. What is he doing here?" I pointed at Dabi. "And who are they?" I pointed at the other two people. She looked at me with shock. "One second please." She ran out of the room. When she came back another doctor was with her. "So you're telling me something went wrong?" The other doctor asked. "Yes. We need to do some tests on her." The woman answered. The male doctor looked at me and not gonna lie, he was pretty cute. "H-hello. You must be I-izumi right?" He blushed a bit. "Yes that's me." I answered. "Here why don't we go for a walk?" He asked. Dabi looked pissed and so did the blue haired guy. "Ok. Let's go Mr. Doctor." I looked at Dabi and the blue haired dude. They were both clearly more angry now that I had agreed. We left the room and walked to a beautiful room filled with flowers and colors. He took me to a bench where we talked for a while. "Oh I almost forgot, My name is Hatori, Hatori Soma." Hatori said. "Nice to meet you, Hatori." I answered. "Would you like to hangout sometime when you aren't injured?" Hatori asked. I loved the sound of that but first I needed to know something. "How old are you?" I asked. He looked a bit at me then answered. "22, how old are you?" I replied with, "17." He looked at me and stared for a few minutes. He leaned in and grabbed my chin. "You are really cute, you know that?" /Ding/ I grabbed my phone out and checked the notifications screen. ^Hey! In the area and very bored. Wanna hangout if you're free?^ ^Me: Umm. I'm at the hospital so no^ ^Friend: Oh Ok nevermind WAIT!! WHY ARE YOU AT THE HOSPITAL??^ ^Me: I'm not sure myself. I was told I passed out and had been out for a couple of days. They weren't sure I would wake back up.^ ^Friend: Oh ok. Well ttyl! I gtg to work!^ I put my phone away then faced Hatori. He was looking out at the ocean. "It's beautiful isn't it?" I asked. I looked out at the ocean and watched the waves as they crashed on the rocks on the beach. We walked back to my room. "I'll be right back. I have to check with the boss to see if you are staying overnight or if you are free to go." Hatori said as he walked out of the room. He came back a few minutes later with a sadish look on his face. "I talked to the doctor that treated you. She said you should stay overnight and if nothing happens and you feel fine tomorrow, you can go back home." Dabi walked over to me and kissed me on the cheek. The guy I had never seen before asked Hatori, "Can we stay here overnight?" Hatori looked at me, as did Dabi. Dabi looked at Hatori. I shook my head as Dabi looked away from me. Hatori nodded and then looked back at the man. "Sorry but you cannot stay the night here. Besides, visiting hours are almost over." He smiled at me. "I'll be back when visiting hours are over." He said before he walked out. *1 hour later* Hatori walked in the room and immediately looked to see where everyone was. "Visiting hours are over. You need to leave." He said as he looked around the room. "Where is the black haired boy?" Hatori asked. I didn't answer. I mean I didn't know myself. "Dr. Hatori?" I asked. Hatori looked at me. "Yes, Izumi?" He answered. "Would it be ok if I went to use the bathroom?" I asked. I really needed to go. Hatori looked at me for a moment then replied. "Of course. Just come straight back ok?" I nodded then went to the bathroom. When I walked in the bathroom I noticed someone was already in there, so I waited for them to leave so I could go. When I went to walk out to go back to my room, someone pulled me into the boys bathroom. "Hello mouse~" I recognized the voice right away. "What do you want…Dabi?" I asked as he started to kiss my neck. "Dabi stop." He didn't stop. I yelled until he covered my mouth and even then I continued to yell and scream. I heard someone running so I bit Dabi's hand and screamed. "HELP!!! PLEASE! SOMEBODY!!!" The person went into the girls bathroom and then ran into the boys bathroom. Dabi stopped kissing my neck and turned me around. He kissed me on the lips hard and rough. Dabi burned my arms and stomach until I could barely breathe. I heard someone yelling, falling to the floor, someone screaming for help and then passed out.

I woke up in a hospital bed with an oxygen machine running. I tried to sit up but my arms and stomach hurt so bad to the point I screamed. Hatori ran into the room and calmed me down. He put something in my IV and told me everything was going to be alright. I closed my eyes and fell asleep. I woke up to the sound of doctors talking to each other. "When was the last time she ate? Did you even do a full inspection on her Hatori?" Someone asked. "I wasn't the one that checked her. Michaela did. Based on what we see now, I'm going to guess she just waited for her to wake up then left. I was only assigned to her to make sure she was in good condition and to make sure she was supervised in case something happened." Hatori said. "I want to know how she got all these cuts and burns. Who was in the bathroom when you found her?" Someone else asked. "A black haired boy. He was in her room earlier." Hatori answered. I slowly opened my eyes and saw three doctors standing by my bed. "Ah, I see you are up Izumi." A woman with purple hair tied back in a ponytail walked over to me. "How are you feeling?"

She asked. I looked at her. "I'm fine." I told her. She looked at me with a bit of confusion on her face. "Are you sure? You had a bunch of burns and cuts and bruises. Do you know how you got them?" She asked me. I shook my head. She then nodded to another doctor. "Are you hungry?" The doctor asked. I shook my head again. Everyone but Hatori left. "Where is Dabi? And the other two people. Where are they?" I asked. Hatori walked over to my bed and bent down. He was so close! <I wanna kiss her but we just met and it might mess with our friendship.> He leaned in closer to my face. He touched my cheek and wiped it. He then reached into my hair and picked something out of it. "Sorry, you had a leaf in your hair." Hatori told me. "Why don't you rest? You should if you want to go home tomorrow. I will be back to bring you breakfast in the morning." Hatori told me before walking out. I layed down on the bed and closed my eyes.

When I woke up Hatori was standing above me but was incredibly close. "O-oh! You're up!" Hatori exclaimed. I sat up but was in a lot of pain so decided that I would lay down. Hatori gave me my breakfast and walked away. I blushed as soon as he left. Was he planning on kissing me? After that the rest of my days were pretty uneventful. I ended up staying at the hospital for a couple more weeks. I still hadn't seen the people that had been at the hospital. It was nighttime but I couldn't sleep so I went outside on the roof of the hospital and stood there. Then a few minutes later, out of nowhere, someone grabbed me and pinned me to the wall by the door.