

Henry is an orphaned boy from a "royal" family who hasn't seen the world with his own eyes, he finally gets the chance to gain experience and shape himself to be a good person but elnot all experience is good in this world where chaos could let loose anytime he must find a way to survive Arthur's not (I couldn't for the life of me find a cover that would be click ait for the man of culture out there but this is a good novel please give it a read and let me know what you think) Disclaimer I don't own the cover picture and I have no rights for it

The_Sad_one · 奇幻
31 Chs

The beginning

Long ago in the end of the 22th century humanity's technological advances where close to reaching their peak when a threat presented itself.

A planet similar to earth appeared in the sky and threatened to smash into earth but surprisingly the fated destruction never came to pass. The planets slowly but surely murged together, this shocked everyone as it was against the laws of physics or logic. This created new landscapes as the planet got slightly bigger.

On board that planet were creatures from myths and fantasy such as goblins and trolls, they came in different shapes and sizes then they appeared in fantsies. They were hostile and appeared to have low intelligence but they all had a similar hobby, killing and their thirst for blood. The creatures were strong and possessed enough strength overpower 10 men and with enough effort tear apart metal.

Mordan guns and bombs were useless and as a last resort humans resorted to nukes but for some unexplained phenomenon, none of them worked and they turned into scrap metal with alot of chemical.

When all hope was lost and humans were losing the war, portals that led to some unknown places appeared. Inside those portals were the same monsters albeit they were weaker. Scientists discovered that humans along with the surrounding environment could get stronger by exploring the dungeons.

Humanity took this opportunity and thanks to it's large population won the war but not without some casualties. A few years later the last dungeon was closed and peace returned to earth but just then, like a bad joke a different planet appeared with another group of monsters.

This time humanity had underestimate their opponents and paid for it dearly. The monsters this time around were more evolved and this time humanity's numbers were pushed to the triple digits.

This history repeated itself three more times, these war's were dubbed the wars of survival.


Huff* *huff* *huff*

In a Pitch-dark jungle with little visible light. The night was ghostly-quiet, a half naked boy was running and ducking from tree to bush with a wooden sword in tow. The leaves and bushes rustled in his wake. He made his way down a narrow path, he seemed to be familiar with the jungle.

The boy was wearing a dirty leather armor that was riddled with cuts and some camo pants. He looked visibly tired but his eyes were filled with determination.

Every so often the boy would hide and look behind him as if looking for someone. His eyes frantically searched like a crazy person as if anticipating something, the only sound he could hear was the rapid beating of his heart and his heavy breathing.

An old man clad in crimson light armor could be seen making his way through a narrow path of the jungle seemingly unbothered and carefree, in contrast to his Pitch black hair and long beard the man had fair skin with a few wrinkles. Coming to an openning part of the jungle, the man stopped.

Bringing out his sleeveless arms from behind his back, tattoos could be seen drawn all over them. Although he looked old his arms were as muscular as a lion's and it seemed like they were always ready.

The old man waved and did a gesture with his arm and a tattoo of a spear that was drawn on his shoulder lit up and a spear appeared in his hand, another gesture later a tattoo lit up and his spear glowed with a sky blue color.

He swung towards a bush nearby and before he could finish his swing a boy jumped out. The boy threw some dirt towards the old man and followed with a swing from his sword.

The old man smiled and did a spin around the incoming sand and effectively appeared against the boy who had a shocked expression.

The boy looked at the old manin shock and the glimmer of hope in his eyes dissappeared but didn't show signs of stopping. The boy kicked the ground and closed the small distance and swung again.

Standing face to face the old man did a small side step to which the boy responded with another swing which was dodged. The boy although exhausted kept swinging repeatedly and desperately but the wooden sword never found it's target. The old man was dodging attacks that were impossible to dodge, the was nothing fancy or strange with the way he moved but rather simple or obvious.

"What about defense" The boy heard a hoarse voice coming from the old man and got scared. The old man swung his spear diagonally, everywhere the spear passed the temperature would decrease and a cool streak was left behind

Copying the old man the boy side-stepped and from his hand threw some sand towards the old man. The old man seeing this tilted his head back but a kick connected to his abdominal sending him staggering backwards

The old man seemed surprised but he quickly swung his spear horizontal hoping to catch the boy but the spear never found it target. A few moments later the old man opened his eyes and looked around only to discover that he was standing alone.

The man swung his spear towards a tree the boy was hiding behind and a blue wave came flying out, the old man disappeared soon after.

As soon as the wave came out the surroundings vegetation seemed to dance as the temperature dropped again.

"If you think running and hiding will help you than your surely mistaken" hidden by the leaves of a tree, the boy wanted to move out of danger but suddenly a scary voice sounded dangerously close to his ear.

Without looking behind him the boy jumped up and ran up the tree. The man followed after him and swung his spear a few times and a series of waves came out.


The tree violently shook as the wave connected to the tree and ice started to spread across the bark. This was incredible as the trees around the areas weren't any regular trees, they were big enough that it would take five adults hugging it to completely cover them and even with that attack the tree barely moved and only the ground trembled

"Damn it " Henry the boy on the run continued to climb up the tree as he dodged the onslaught of attacks, the tree kept shaking as the old man chasing him swung his spear multiple times.

"Shit I'm almost at my limit" Henry's kept climbing as his mind raced, he couldn't find a solution to his ptoblem. His expression turned dark as he saw that he was running out of tree to climb.

*Boom* *Boom*

Hearing the explosions behind him and feeling the tremble, he got scared and jumped straight up when he reached the end of the tree.

"Shit" high up in the air, Henry only now realized what he just did. He below him and kissed the wooden sword before throwing it with all his might. He was hoping for a miracle.

"!!!" The old man had just made his was to the top when he saw a wooden sword inches from his face. The old man reacted out of instincts and pushed himself back and swinging at the sword.


A hissing blue wave came flying out from his spear. The wooden sword made contact and instantly got destroyed, the blue wave didn't lose it's momentum or speed.

"Shit, I MUST dodge it!" Henry screamed in his when he saw the wave coming for him and what made matters worse was that he had already lost his momentum and was falling towards the wave.

Henry tilted his body to the side in hopes of avoiding the attack.


A small part of the ice caught Henry's right chest, causing him to spin in the air like a top. Fatigue and the chilling feeling caused him to lose consciousness, before he passed out though he felt his body being caught by someone.

"Sorry uncle..." Henry said before he passed out.

"Silly kid you don't need to push yourself" The old man said with a smile and a pained expression