
In One Piece with a Gift from God

An ordinary person dies and is reincarnated into one piece with a few extra gifts from god.

Shadow_Caster · 漫画同人
9 Chs

End of the trial: New features

To say that waking up from his blackout was not a very nice experience, would be a massive understatement. Carter groaned loudly as he sat up. 'What the hell happened?'

He looked around  with his one remaining eye and saw that he was back in his tent. And in his normal human form as well. Well... maybe not quite normal. He was not as short as he used to be. From his average 5'8 he was now 6'8, his teeth had sharpened and become pointy.

Using his haki he found that they were now on the cusp of the beach that they had arrived on. 'Makes sense. Today is day five if i'm not mistaken.' he thought as he sat up and noticed the many bandages all over his body.

He pulled up his system and to say he was shocked by his new status was un understatement.

[~Name: Carter Davil

Race: Human

Secondary race: Ancient Giant

Secondary bloodlines: None

Age: 15

Occupation: Marine

Titles: Breaker of chains, Kin of Devils, Beast conquer

Companions: Justice, Unnamed Lapras, Alikred

{stats} {inventory} {shop}

Constitution: 3.2

Devil Fruit: Yugo Yugo no mi

Devil Fruit mastery: 12.7

Haki: 10.8

Free attribute points: 13.7

Additional skills: Devil fruit infusion skill, Poneglyph reading Skill, Devil fruit identification skill, Bloodline shift skill,

{stats} {inventory} {shop}




Gluttonous Feeder Ring


7xRandom otherworldly item token

Tokage Tokage no mi model: Drake

Ika Ika no mi

Lapras Pokeball

5x Tier 3 item box

Random skill token


—Other Items—

Wapometal ingot

Impact dial

Journal of Erik Gunhild

Fossilized Tooth]

'System! What happened to me!?'

[Answer: assimilation with {Ancient Giant Blood} has resulted in  the acquisition of skill: Bloodline Shift. Bloodline shift will allow you to shift between your different forms as if it was a Zoan type devil fruit. The skill has also resulted in the acquisition of a secondary race and the ability to gain bloodlines. User's physical stats have been recalibrated to their equivalent as an ancient giant.]

That was definitely not what he was expecting. 'Holy shit this is powerful'

He then looked at the different rewards he had received from the quest.

'Heh, looks like the big ape knows his place.' he thought as he saw the question mark marked item.

While he still had time before his comrades arrived he took out the mysterious item.

'System, what is this thing?'

[answer: Item  known as {????} was the reward for  earning the Ruby Ape's respect through combat. Would you like to open {????}?]

'yes '

[opening ????.

Loading rewards...

Reward obtained:


Total ability enhancement token: this item will allow the user to completely upgrade one of their abilities. The effect will vary depending on what ability is enhanced.

'Ok. Was not expecting that,' Carter thought, absolutely shocked. 'A total upgrade huh? Well there is really only one option for them isn't there?'

"System. Use the enhancement on the Yugo Yugo no mi and tell me the result."


It very quickly became apparent to Carter that this was a very good thing as a warm and empowering sensation passed through his body and soul.

[Notice: upgrade complete. Displaying updated information on Devil fruit: Yugo Yugo no mi

Yugo Yugo no mi: allows the user to create unbreakable bonds between objects as well as combine and un-combine anything they touch, the user may also control the composition, density and shape of anything they take apart.

Ability range: 30 meters.]

'Holy shit! That's amazing!' Carter thought with wide eyes as he envisioned the possibilities.

He then attempted to get up. He stumbled a bit but he eventually managed to get off the ground.

"And where do you think you're going?" an all too familiar voice said.

'Ah shit,' Carter thought as he glanced down at his hand. More specifically he was now looking at the shadow-like creature protruding from his glutinous feeder ring. "Uh, heya Al,"

"Don't 'Heya Al' Me! You bastard! You made me burn every last ounce of armament Haki I had! Do you have any idea how strenuous that is!" the shadow creature said as he got right in Carter's face. "You better make this up to me! I want five- no! Ten! I want ten new devil tastes as repayment!"

"Alright alright just stop shouting Al."

Much like The ring from the anime, Carter's glutinous feeder ring had a sentient personality. He has awakened the first time that the ring had tasted conquer's Haki, or specifically the Haki belonging to Garp.

Al huffed and retreated into his ring with a grumble.

"Alright, now I need to find ten new devil fruit abilities to feed him. Great."

Walking to the exit of the tent he stepped out and saw that he was facing the shore.

"HOLY-! Carter's awake!"

Carter turned his head to the side and saw Michael looking at him  like he had seen a ghost.

"Well yeah, I'm not so weak as to be defeated by some red monkey." he gave a weak smirk as he limped towards his friend.

Michael immediately rushed over and helped Carter outside the tent. "Dude! Berber do something like that again! We've been worried sick!"

"Damn, alright! Just stop shouting. Damn, I feel like I had too much of Zephyr Sensei's Jerez." Carter joked as his remaining friends rushed over.

"You son of a bitch!" Carter heard as he felt a force like a cannonball hit him. "Don't ever scare us like that again!" The voice finally registered in his mind as Tari as she tackled  him into a hug.

"Tari! Let the man go! You're gonna kill him!" The familiar voice of Onyx cut through the air as the Raven fruit user pulled her of him.

"That being said..."

Onyx then hit Carter over the head with his sword's scabbard.

"Don't ever scare us like that again!"

"Ow! Ok! I get it!" Carter shouted, covering his head. "No more pain. Please." He said looking to his remaining friends.

"Alright, you've had enough, but  seriously don't ever do that again." Yuta granted him mercy.

Carter chuckled nervously. "Yes ma'am."

They then spent a good few hours just talking while waiting to be picked up by Zephyr.

When he finally arrived and found one of his students quite different from when he dropped them off, he understandably wanted an explanation. When he heard it he was... less than pleased.

"What do you mean you fought the Ruby Ape!" The anger was pouring off of him as if it were conqueror's haki. "Do you have any idea how dangerous that was!?"

Carter was needled sow in front of him looking down. "Well I did have to combine myself with ancient giant's remains to not die so... Yes?"

Justice gave him a look that indicated that whatever was going on inside Zephyr's head was not that he wanted to hear.

"You dumbass!" was the last thing Carter heard before Zephirys metallic arm planted itself firmly on the top of his skull.

Carter was then carried to his cabin unconscious and did not wake for a few hours. When he finally came too it was dark outside.

'Well there is no one else around, may as well open some rewards.'

He then pulled out the random skill token and one of the tier three item boxes.

"Let's see what we got! Spin the token!"

[~Notice: Spinning skill token...


Skill token spin result: Seimei Kikan, life return.

Description: grants the user complete control over all of their body parts and bodily functions.~]

'Damn! Nice skill. That will definitely be useful.'

Taking the gift box next he opened it.

[results of Tier 3 item box:

Feather of the Angel: use of this item will remove the curse of devil fruit

Stamina pill: the one who takes it will receive a x2 boost in strength

Treasure map: a map to an item that will prove useful]

'Haha! And this is just one! O have four not if these things! This is gonna be great!'

He immediately popped the pill and then used the feather. He could feel his affinity to the sea return. And he breathed a sigh of relief when his strength was multiplied.

[~Name: Carter Davil

Race: Human

Secondary race: Ancient Giant

Secondary bloodlines: None

Age: 15

Occupation: Marine

Titles: Breaker of chains, Kin of Devils, Beast conquer

Companions: Justice, Unnamed Lapras, Alikred

{stats} {inventory} {shop}

Constitution: 6.4

Devil Fruit: Yugo Yugo no mi

Devil Fruit mastery: 12.7

Haki: 10.8

Free attribute points: 13.7

Additional skills: Devil fruit infusion skill, Poneglyph reading Skill, Devil fruit identification skill, Bloodline shift skill,

{stats} {inventory} {shop}




Gluttonous Feeder Ring


7xRandom otherworldly item token

4x Tier 3 item box

Tokage Tokage no mi model: Drake

Ika Ika no mi

Lapras Pokeball

—Other Items—

Wapometal ingot

Impact dial

Journal of Erik Gunhild

Fossilized Tooth

Treasure Map]

A/N: Yo! I'm sorry for the shorter chapter and the delay but my writers black is intense. I'll be trying to put out more chapters soon.