
In Marvel with the Force?

After dying upon uncovering the ultimate truth within his universe, Theon finds himself reincarnated into the Marvel universe with an unexpected gift. Tasked with an ambitious objective, his mission in this new reality is to ascend to the pinnacle, aiming for the ultimate peak of power and understanding. Follow the Path of the strongest Jedi/Sith! NO HAREM (We don't smoke that around here) The cover is not mine The credits for Marvel and Star Wars are not mine

Evandar · 电影同人
34 Chs

Is this your motivation?

Started watching season 2 of What if

Vergil is a PEAK character change my mind



' I'll avoid using [Telekinesis], I need to train [Force Sight]' thought Theon as he followed Forge.

"Where do we need to go?" he asked.

"There's a restaurant called Michelle, and we'll have to say the secret words to enter the underground place."

The exterior of Michelle radiated elegance, a five-star establishment adorned with subtle golden accents. Tall, arched windows allowed a glimpse into the warm, ambient lighting within. A discreet sign, bearing the restaurant's name in stylish cursive, hung above the entrance. Well-dressed patrons occasionally exited, their satisfied expressions hinting at a luxurious dining experience.

Entering, the two were greeted by a waitress who blushed upon seeing Revan's appearance.

'Creep, wait, I have the body of a 30-year-old man.'

"Comment puis-je vous aider?"

"Bonsoir, nous aimerions une boisson dorée."

"Désolée, mais elles sont en rupture de stock."

"Et les boissons argentées alors?"

"Êtes-vous sûr de cela?"

"Maintenant que j'y pense, une tasse en bois serait préférable."

"Suivez-moi." Said the woman prompting them to follow her lead.

As the waitress, blushing slightly, led Theon and Forge through the opulent interior of Michelle, she discreetly gestured towards a seemingly ordinary bookshelf. As she pulled a particular book, a soft click echoed, revealing a hidden passage behind the shelves.

The hidden doorway opened to a dimly lit staircase leading downward. The ambiance changed from the refined atmosphere of the restaurant to a mysterious underground setting. The narrow passage was adorned with crimson velvet curtains, concealing the secrets that lay beyond.

Descending the staircase, Revan couldn't help but appreciate the clandestine charm of the hidden entrance.

As the waitress concluded her directions, she slipped a small card into Theon's hand with a subtle wink.

"In case you need anything, and I mean ANYTHING, you can call me on this number," she whispered, her voice carrying a hint of mystery. The card had a number scrawled on it, accompanied by a lipstick mark, adding an extra layer of intrigue. Revan, maintaining his composure, nodded in acknowledgment.

Then he waited for the woman to get back up and throwed the card in a nearby trash bin.

"Damn, only 12 and already a ladykiller.I wonder how many hearts you will break" said Forge.

"Man shut up, I wish my body had a normal grrowth rate, also if I ever get into a relationship I will make sure that its a genuine one not a one night stand."

'Even if I were to die as a virgin'

"Not gonna question your decision its a very wise one.Are you ready for the hit?"

"Wait, I have to put the blindfold"

"You were serious about training your senses?!"

"I'm not bulletproof so I need to able to perceive and cut them"

"Bro, you have Telekinesis you don't need to do it"

Shrugging Revan responded:" Gues that Ill do it regardless"

"You are a madman.I scanned the place Klaue is there" said Forge indicating the man, he was sitting in a circular table playing poker.


"There are about 23 armed men"


"Don't die on me Revan, you need to bring me to the place you were talking about"

"No worries my brotha, I wont be unalived because of a bullet"

Shocking his head Forge went down walking towards Klaue.

Seeing him Klaue raised an eyebrow at Forge's approach, his eyes narrowing with suspicion. The presence of another person clearly caught him off guard.

"You brought company, Forge?" Klaue's voice, tinged with a blend of curiosity and skepticism, echoed across the underground club.

Forge, maintaining his composure, replied, "Yeah, had to ensure the deal goes smoothly."

Klaue's gaze shifted towards Revan, who now stood beside Forge, a blindfold covering his eyes. A sinister grin played on Klaue's lips as he eyed the unusual pair.

"Interesting choice of company. What's with the blindfold?" Klaue inquired, a hint of amusement in his tone.

Revan, seemingly unfazed, responded, "Training my other senses. A blindfold sharpens the rest."

Klaue chuckled, his laughter echoing through the underground space. "Forge, you always bring something interesting to the table. Alright, let's get down to business. You got the cash?"

Forge nodded, reaching into a concealed pocket to reveal a sleek case containing the agreed payment.

As the transaction unfolded, Klaue's suspicious gaze lingered on Revan. Suddenly, with a swift and unexpected movement, Klaue flipped a card from his hand toward Revan's face. The card, concealed with a sharp metal edge, sliced through the air with deadly accuracy.

Revan, relying on his honed senses, detected the incoming threat. In a split second, he moved, blitzing towards Klaue with impressive speed. His hand shot out, intercepting the card mid-air. With a forceful swing, Revan smashed Klaue's head onto the table, splintering it into pieces. The impact rendered the arms dealer unconscious, his poker chips scattering across the floor.

The club fell into a stunned silence, the patrons and armed guards momentarily frozen at the unexpected turn of events.

The guards, recomposed themselves.

And Forge, sighing in frustration, tapped a circular mark on his hand, creating a force field around himself and lifted Klaue onto his shoulder.

Revan, sensing the incoming onslaught of bullets, activated [Force Sight]. Time seemed to slow around him as he perceived each projectile's trajectory with unparalleled clarity.

With a fluid and calculated motion, he stepped and twirled, his movements synchronized with the deadly dance of the bullets. As the first one approached, he smoothly drew an invisible line through the air with his hand, and the bullet split in two, harmlessly veering away.

The next barrage came quicker, but Revan, blindfolded yet seemingly guided by an unseen force, gracefully weaved through the intricate web of bullets. His hands moved with a precision that defied the limitations of human perception.

In a breathtaking display of mastery, Revan intercepted bullets mid-flight, redirecting them with subtle gestures. The air crackled with suppressed energy as each deflected bullet whirred past, leaving trails of shimmering light in its wake.

The armed men, witnessing this supernatural feat, found themselves trapped in a surreal moment where the impossible became a tangible reality. Revan, with his blindfold concealing his eyes, emerged from the mesmerizing dance unscathed, his aura radiating an air of otherworldly power.

The once-confident gunmen stood in silent awe as the last remnants of their ammunition clattered to the ground. Revan, with a calm and collected demeanor, stood poised amidst the suspended hush, a living embodiment of the extraordinary.

The armed men, trembling and exchanging fearful glances, realized they were in the presence of a force beyond their comprehension. The illusion of control shattered, they hesitated, unsure of how to proceed in the face of such unparalleled skill.

As the silence lingered, Revan locked eyes with the armed men, sheated the fake Yamato and spoke, channeling a hint of Vergil's stoic intensity, "Is this your motivation?


Power: [Spatial weaponry]


User can create or wield any kind of weaponry that has power over space, which grants the user of wide variety of spatial abilities such as controlling the distance between two objects, creating dimensional portals or contorting space in any way the user sees fit. This ability is not only specific to mystic weapons, but also technologically advanced weapons. The power of the weapons depends on what they were created for or what level of spatiokinetic ability they posses.


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