
Immortal Beast King

Hundreds of years ago, the Luna of the White Horse Kingdom put to bed through the most difficult labour. She gave birth to two twin boys which she named Wyatt and Wright. They were known all through their neighboring clans and kingdoms for their prowress and their fighting abilities. They were so identical yet so different. While Wyatt was all trouble and bitter, Wright was every fathers definition of a perfect child. But despite their differences they shared a special bond. They loved each other so much even if their parents clearly took sides, that didn't stop them from loving each other. While Wyatt was a wolf, Wright wasn't just a wolf but possessed so many supernatural powers that not even their father, the oldest man in the kingdom was able to figure out which creature he was. Born by a Werewolf and a Mermaid, it was quiet unusual for their child to not be any of them or even half of them both. While Wyatt was quick to find his mate, Wright couldn't. The moon goddess probably wasn't ready to let him have one? But why? Thats a question that none of them had an answer to. Neither did they have any answers to why Wright was a totally different breed yet so calm and humble. Three hundred and a few years later, one of the twins suffered an unknown disease which took his life. But before he died, he made his twin make a promise to him which was sealed in a small wooden cup and thrown into the sea of Granderaff. Not to be broken and not to be revealed. The surviving Prince Wright Knight was left alone in the big castle with just the maids and Wyatts mate who did everything possible to create a connection between them. But something changed. Wyatt was dead yet Wright displayed his character and trait. He was suddenly everything Wyatt used to be. Transforming totally from the calm and calculated prince to a nightmare to his followers and neighbors. Due to this change, everyone outside the castle believed he was the calm prince and the one who died was the calm one. Not being able to tell the difference in their looks, nor their names, this notion was believed by everyone. After his parents died, he was crowned the king of the white horse clan and king of all supernaturals. Yet his mate still hasn't been found. Why? No one has answer to that, including himself. The moon goddess probably didn't like him that much? He lived alone with Peyton, his brothers wife who also stopped aging just like him which also stood as a mystery to everyone except both of them. Five hundred years later, a prophesy was made. The long awaited mate and Luna of the white horse Kingdom will be born. She will possess so much power which has never existed. She will be the voice of the goddess to the kingdom. No power would be able to match with hers. Finally, the moon goddess chose to smile at the cruel king. What happens years later when the prophesied Luna was born but then goes missing the same day? Will King Weight Knight be able to find his Luna? Will his Luna ever agree to be the Mate and Luna of the most cruel man she has ever known? Is this Luna really as powerful as she was prophesied to be? Finally.... What changed King Wright. What promise did he make to his late brother? Find out in this mind blowing story

Genevieve_Edwin · 历史言情
20 Chs

A Second Mate?

What do you mean you couldn't find her? King Wright blasted his guards who he sent to search the whole village for his Luna.

We searched everywhere, your Majesty, one of the guards replied looking frightened.

Nonsense! King Wright growled pacing around as they stood with thier hands clapsed together in front.

Hadrian? King Wright called the cheif guard.

Yes your Majesty, he bowed in response.

Get more men, disperse them into the twenty two clans in this kingdom, Find My Luna and bring her to me, he ordered fiercely.

Yes your Majesty, Hadrian replied as he scurried away with the others who didn't want to face his wrath.

King Weight growled heavily, this time the usual lightening that comes with his anger was seen outside.

Hurriedly, all the stuffs and guards quickly made sure they aren't just in their positions but also not doing anything to get his wrath transferred to them.

As expected, he stormed out of the palace, and out of the gates.

The guards made to run after him but a glare from him sent dust all over their faces.

By the time the dust was cleared, he was gone.

Once again, the gurads were left in a state of confusion, how did he disappear into thin air, just like that?

Everyone knew the king is so powerful but because they felt, from the stories they heard that the prince who died years ago was the one with supernatural powers.

To them, King Wright is just a werewolf.

He never used his powers around them, neither did he ever transform to the different creatures he used to transform to in their presence.

The less they know about him the better for them because no one sees his real self and still lives to tell the story.

The two guests made to chase after him again when Hadrian stopped them.

Do that, then your skulls will be rolling down the mountains, he said and they halted.

Get back to your positions, he commanded and they did.

Using his chief guard whistle, he summoned all the palace guards, except the ones guarding the entrances and dungeon.

You, you, he kept pointing at the guards he was going to assign to search the twenty two clans.

He passed the kings instruction to them and they all marched out of the palact til they got to the road where they dispatched.




A huge black snake crawled out of the forest into the villages, unnoticed.

It crawled from household to household, village to village.


Its skin was smooth and shiny, one glance at it is enough to get anyone terrified.

Its huge body crawled smoothly on the bare floor, close to the walls making sure not to alert anyone.

He had no intention of hurting anyone.

Everyone carried on with ther activities and gossips, oblivious of the venomous creature behind, before and beside them.

Women gathered knitting as they gossiped among themselves.

* I think so too, he Is too evil to have a mate, one said just when the snake began listening

* I'm glad the moon goddess has refused to give him one, the second woman said grudgingly

* I'm sure he is going to crush her to death with his foot, he is evil, another said.

* You aren't saying anything Lilith, the first woman said to the younger girl among them.

* Lilith? the third woman called tapping and pulling her out of her reverie

* What is it? she asked with a frown

* You were lost Lilith, the first woman said twisting her face in disgust, what Lilith was lost thinking about was no news to her.

* What if he isn't what you all think he is?... I mean he.. he might be a cute gentleman right? she asked with a blush.

* That King is nothing related to being cute or gentle, have you read the books? He is evil! the third woman spat, hatred evident in her voice.

* But the bokks..they were written by people right? They could have made it up, Lilith defended.

* I think he is worse then what the book says,he is evil, everyone hates him, you see, my husbamd said they are putting up a commitee to dethrone him, The second woman whispered.

* Emelia!! Lilith yelled ontop of her voice with wide eyes but before the others could get the signal, The three women were on the floor screaming.

They were flogged together by the huge snake.

Its tail already leaving imprints on their bodies.

Oh my goodness! Lilith made to scream as she was the only one still sitting, but a hiss from the huge snake whose face was big like that of a human, was all she needed to shut up

Help! Emelia screamed as she tried to crawl away but she was knocked down again with its tail as she got circled around it.

All her efforts to free herslef only resulted to scratches on her palm.

Lilith used her both palms to shut her mouth as her eyes watered watching without being able to help.

None of them has ever seen a snake half as huge as that, not only the size but it also has a shiny skin and eyes as bright and dangerously beautiful then the tail part was so rough.

Like it was wrapped with thorns.

The two other women were hit only once yet they had so much bruises on there body..

The snake lifted its head like it was glancing at Lilith who was shaking in fright thinking it was going to be her turn.

Just then the snake turned swiftly like it saw or felt something, then it began crawling away hurriedly like it was after something but it still pulled Emelia along.

Seeing the snake turn away, Lilith quickly got up and ran into the village to get help.

Getting into the forest, Emelia already suffered so many cuts as her blood were rubbed all over the leaves and woods on the forest ground.

She screamed, begged and struggled but the snakes grip was tight.

She has never seen or head of a snake that high and still very fast.

Getting to the middle of the forest where there were only trees, she felt herself get released from the snakes hold but she was too weak to do anything.

"Your husband must have a death wish" she heard a very scary voice.

Looking around the forest, she saw no one but the snake which was facing her, looking horribly scary.

The snake spoke? she thought staring at it with tears during our of her eyes.

" Tell him I would love to see him try" The snake spoke again, before she could process what just happened, the snake transformed into a cat as it ran out of the forest in speed.

Staring at the space the huge space covered, Emelia drifted into unconsciousness.


Do it! A woman's voice coerced a woman as she tried so hard to push her baby.

Ahh!!! She screamed when she felt the baby's head coming out.

Its coming! Push! the woman screamed at her again.

She kept pushing till the child was born.

Ahhhh!!!!! The same voice screamed again, louder this time as the cat shrieked from where it was racing from.

Neighours quickly ran into the house the scream came from only to meet their pregnant neighbour lying alone with two female babies, they were still soaked in blood as they both lay between her legs crying.

Their umbilical cord missing.

Oh my God, how did this happen? the woman yelled as she quickly picked up the first baby to clean her up.

Her daughter picked up the second daughter and followed her mom.

Call her husband, I think he should be at work, Mrs Eunice told her husband who was looking away from the half naked pregnant woman amd the bloody babies.

He quickly rushed out to call Mr Albert to announce the birth of their twin girls.

Look mom, she has a cute blue eyes! Daphne screamed in excitement as she tried not to let the little creature on her both arms slip away.

One of the twin girls was born with a blue eyes.

The other one had normal black eyes.

She was more beautiful than any child they have seen and her skin were as white as snow.

Few minutes later,the twin babies were already dressed as they were brought to their mom, Mrs Kathy,who took them as her eyes in delight amd something else that Daphane couldn't figure out.

How did you give birth to them on your own Kathy? Daphane asked as her mom helped clean up Kathy.

A kind woman helped me, Kathy said.

Where is she? Daphane asked in excitement and surprise.

I don't know, she left immediately they were out, I don't know why she had to leave in so much hurry, Kathy replied with a smile.

You don't sound so weak, Daphane pointed out her observation but that earned her a glare from her mom.

You should take one of the girls from her, Mrs Eunice said and Daphane stretched her hands to carry the child with blue eyes but Kathy stopped her midway.

Take Mia, she said and Daphane picked up the other child reluctantly

Mia? Mrs Eunice asked with a smile.

Yes, I planned naming her Mia not knowing i was going to be bleseed with twins, Kathy explained.

Wow, what would you name blue eyes then? Daphane asked.

Blue, Kathy replied staring at her blue eyes.

Wow, that's so cute, Daphane cooed.






At the border separating the ancient and modernized world, the cat stood staring hungrily at the border but couldn't cross.

Slowly the cat transformed to King Wright, he had no expression on his face but deep down he was confused.

He stared down at his left palm, confusion washing over him for the first time.

For first time he had no explanation for what just happened.

His mate was delivered earlier today by the mother supreme then got kidnaped.

Now he's gettimg a signal that another mate of his is outside his kingdom.

His mate was born in the modern world!

How is that possoble.

The moon goddess has never given anyone two mates at the same time.

He knows of second chance mates but having two mates at the same time is something that has never happened before.

His first mate was whisked away earlier today, he was busy looking for her when he felt the presence of another mate.

He chased after that nice and sweet frangrance but it only brought him to the border separating the ancient and modern world.

Unfortunately, this border can't be crossed just because one wants to cross it.

His forefathers made it almost impossible for them to cross over to each others world.

They sealed it back then to avoid unnecessary war.

To avoid the supernaturals trying to harm them because they are more powerful or the modern ones capturing them and using them for experiments.

The others world don't even even know of their existence

How can his mate be out there?

How is he going to get to her?

Will he ever find his other mate who is definitely being hidden somewhere in the kingdom?

Who exactly will think of hiding their kings property?

Taking another look at his palm, he tried to find out if he could get answers or solution but what he saw shocked him.

He lost track of his other mate.

He couldn't feel her heartbeat neither could he perceive that sweet fragrance...

What the hell is happening? he asked himself as he almost threw himself at the shut border.

He has to find his mate.

He must find one of them.

But how?

Thinking of the mother supreme, she is the head of all witches, very powerful.

He has to let his pride down and go seek her help.