
Immortal Beast King

Hundreds of years ago, the Luna of the White Horse Kingdom put to bed through the most difficult labour. She gave birth to two twin boys which she named Wyatt and Wright. They were known all through their neighboring clans and kingdoms for their prowress and their fighting abilities. They were so identical yet so different. While Wyatt was all trouble and bitter, Wright was every fathers definition of a perfect child. But despite their differences they shared a special bond. They loved each other so much even if their parents clearly took sides, that didn't stop them from loving each other. While Wyatt was a wolf, Wright wasn't just a wolf but possessed so many supernatural powers that not even their father, the oldest man in the kingdom was able to figure out which creature he was. Born by a Werewolf and a Mermaid, it was quiet unusual for their child to not be any of them or even half of them both. While Wyatt was quick to find his mate, Wright couldn't. The moon goddess probably wasn't ready to let him have one? But why? Thats a question that none of them had an answer to. Neither did they have any answers to why Wright was a totally different breed yet so calm and humble. Three hundred and a few years later, one of the twins suffered an unknown disease which took his life. But before he died, he made his twin make a promise to him which was sealed in a small wooden cup and thrown into the sea of Granderaff. Not to be broken and not to be revealed. The surviving Prince Wright Knight was left alone in the big castle with just the maids and Wyatts mate who did everything possible to create a connection between them. But something changed. Wyatt was dead yet Wright displayed his character and trait. He was suddenly everything Wyatt used to be. Transforming totally from the calm and calculated prince to a nightmare to his followers and neighbors. Due to this change, everyone outside the castle believed he was the calm prince and the one who died was the calm one. Not being able to tell the difference in their looks, nor their names, this notion was believed by everyone. After his parents died, he was crowned the king of the white horse clan and king of all supernaturals. Yet his mate still hasn't been found. Why? No one has answer to that, including himself. The moon goddess probably didn't like him that much? He lived alone with Peyton, his brothers wife who also stopped aging just like him which also stood as a mystery to everyone except both of them. Five hundred years later, a prophesy was made. The long awaited mate and Luna of the white horse Kingdom will be born. She will possess so much power which has never existed. She will be the voice of the goddess to the kingdom. No power would be able to match with hers. Finally, the moon goddess chose to smile at the cruel king. What happens years later when the prophesied Luna was born but then goes missing the same day? Will King Weight Knight be able to find his Luna? Will his Luna ever agree to be the Mate and Luna of the most cruel man she has ever known? Is this Luna really as powerful as she was prophesied to be? Finally.... What changed King Wright. What promise did he make to his late brother? Find out in this mind blowing story

Genevieve_Edwin · History
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20 Chs

The Ancient White Horse

The men Lilith called launched into the forest insearch of Emelia after taking the other two women to the village treatment center.

They searched the forest, calling her name but only the echoes of their voices could be heard.

* If She hasn't been found around here, I'm afraid, she might not be alive anymore,a man said looking far ahead of him.

The heart of the forest was down the path.

They were close to the heart of the forest and non of them wanted to take a step forward.

* I think she might be dead,no one goes into that side and still comes out alive, another said.

* My wife is still alive! her husband snapped.

* Well, we haven't seen her yet, another man said

* Then we keep searching, her husband replied taking a step forward but none of them followed him.

* What's going on? he asked.

* I'm afraid, I can't continue this search with you, the first man said taking a step backwards.

* What do you mean you can't.....

* Me too

* Me too.

* Me too

* It's too risky, I'm sorry I have to join them, his friend said taking a step back too.

He looked at the others who didn't say a word but already took steps back.

Then it dawned on him that he was the only one standing in that space.

He needed to rescue his wife.

Not for anything else but you find out which creature did they to her amd he would make sure to hunt it till he kills it.

Glaring at them,he turned and began walking down the path which led to the heart of the forest, alone.

Be careful! His friend screamed but that only made him frown as he walked.

He held onto his sword, getting prepared to slash the throat of this deadly snake as he walked down the path he took alone...

Standing at the heart of the forest, he stopped to scan the area.

Everyone knows how dangerous it Is right there in the heart of the forest.

People don't just walk in there and come out alive.

Lancelot frowned when he still didn't see any trace of his wife despite screaming her name.

Then his eyes caught something on the floor,the trail of blood he saw at the beginning of their search which they didn't see again.

He quickly jumped down from where he was, following the trail.

Taking just few steps, he came face to face with his wifes body, lying on the ground.

Quickly he ran over to her as he tried to lift her but his hand was soaked with her blood as he dropped her.


Emelia? he called taping her hands.

He heard her groan softly.

You are alive!

Who did this to you?

Talk to me Emelia, who did this to you? he yelled.

Help... help me, she pleaded.

Tell me who did this to to you, did he or she teansform??? he asked

Did you see the fools face?

Help me, she cried again.

Talk to me you fool! he yelled almost slapping her but he only saw her eyes shut then her face fell.

No!! you have to tell me which creaure did this, talk to me!







Lancelot paced outside the health center.

His wife and the other women were still being treated.

He had a murderous look on his face, the scratches and injuries on their bodies looked weird.

Its not something he has seen before.

Is there any creature roaming their village that is more powerful than him?

He needed to find this creature and kill it or use it to his own advantage.

But how?

How will he figure out which snake did this?

All that Lilith told them is that a huge snake attacked them.

Since then she hasn't been able to utter another word.

She has been staring into space and not talking to anyone despite his threat.

The woman treating his wife came out of her hut to meet him outside.

Did you find out which creature it is? he asked the moment he saw her.

Your wife sustained alot of injuries which I already started treatment on but I'm not sure how fast those medicines will work on her body as the injuries and its shape is actually very weird, and she is still unconscious, she replied.

I asked if you found out about the creature, not this nonsense you are telling me! Lancelot barked.

How are you more worried about creature than the life of your wife? the healer asked giving him weird looks.

Did you find out the creature? he barked again

I am a healer, thats not part of my job, she replied with a hiss then walked away from him.

Clenching his fist, he walked away from there, in searching Lilith, she has to tell him what the creature is like.

He has to find that creator strong enough to cause such damage to a vampire.

Four vampires, yet none of them good defend themselves.

He got to Lilith but she was still in the same position he left her.


Lilith, he kept calling and tapping her but no response came.

Whatever it is that has such an effect on four of them must not be over looked.

The king is not the only threat he has now, this creature just became part of it and he's going to conquer both of them.


Getting to the witches coven, everyone who saw him bowed in respect.

But they still had sad faces.

Since he already knew which house belonged to the mother supreme, he began walking there without asking for help.

Getting there, he began hearing whispers.

* She brought calamity to our coven.

* She is evil.

* She doesn't deserve to live, we will make sure we hunt and kill her.

* We are.... the witches words hung in their throats when they saw him.

All quickly bored in respect hoping he doesn't slit their throats but he wasn't in the mood to even look at their faces..

He ignored their greetings and stormed into the house only to meet with more crying women.

What's going on? he asked.

Shes gone your Majesty, the supreme mother is dead, Maya replied tearfully.

King Wright quickly stormed into the room where she was the last time he was there.

True to Maya's words, she was lying on the same mat,looking the same way but this time around, her body already shrinked.

Her white hair already darkened.

She was dead.

Then on the floor where her right hand was "She is evil, she brought calamity to our land, SHE IS A TRAITOR" was boldly written with her blood on the floor

What the hell is this supposed to mean? he asled Maya who was the only one bold enough to follow him.

After you left, we all tried to treat and revive her but unlike her, her body was rejecting all treatment.

She wasn't responding to any of our different healing methods.

She stayed unconscious for hours.

Just few minutes ago, she jerked up, her eyes still shut.

We tried talking to her but she didn't respond, i held her as her right hand moved to the ground and she wrote those words.

After that she fell like someone who is being controlled and that was it, her heart stopped beating.

She died

How can she declare his mate a traitor before her death?

Is his mate really a traitor? King Wright thought still staring at the writing.

Then he bent and remained like that as he secrety used his powers to analyze the bloody words to confirm if its one of the witches.

But he was wrong, it was the mother supremes blood.

The scene replayed right before his eyes and it was exactly what Maya said.

He watched on his palm the way it happened.

Everyone knows the mother supreme, her judgememts were always fair.

Never has anyone doubted her words or judgment but I can't seem to understand this Your Majesty, Maya said with a bow.

What about her successor? King Wright asked standing up

There is no white haired witch yet, your majesty, Maya replied.

It was another thing that confused them, usually, when the current mother supreme starts to get weak, the white hair on her head starts to get transferred to her successor till she dies, that's when it will be transferred fully.

And if its a case of sudden death which is rare for witches because of the powers they possess, then immediately after they die, the successors hair quickly changes to white.

That's their way of knowing who the successor is but in this case, none of the witches developed a white hair yet.

Which means she has no successor, both of them were thinking the same thing.

Make preparations for her burial, we will discuss her successor after she is laid to rest, King Wright ordered then stormed out with heavy heart.

Outside the coven, his white horse was waiting for him even though he didn't call for her.

Feeling grateful, he climed his ever ready companion as he got ridden to his favourite place without request.