
I Woke Up in Star Wars, but It Was Weird

A man dies just as he finished off his last Class in Star Wars: The Old Republic. When he wakes up he finds himself in a Galaxy far, far away. "Sith barons, Sith Dukes, Sith Empress? Huh?" Not the Star Wars he remembers. And now his sister and her friend wont leave him alone? Korriban has a proper academy for Sith nobility? "What the Frek." This series follows Vex Eras as he discovers this untouched part of Star Wars legends lore. His main goal is to keep it low key and chill, but he cannot stand how lame and meek the current generation of Sith are. "Perhaps i can push them in the right direction? At the very least maybe just my sister?" Pictures of the characthers can be found here: https://imgur.com/a/i-woke-up-star-wars-was-weird-oF1D9qa The series takes place during the New Sith Wars. somewhere between 1500 BBY - 1200 BBY. Mostly gonna be set in a gentrified Korriban at least for the first few arcs. OP MC. No Harem No cheating No NTR. Yandere This is my time writing so please be kind.

Vexeras · 电影同人
46 Chs

Chapter 37: Glizzy Gobbler

As I slide into the booth next to Sola, the faux leather squeaks under my weight. It felt weird to be on the same side of the booth, but Sola has been extremely needy lately.

'I mean I say she's been needy lately but truth be told i feel like i can't even function when she's not around.'

Neon signs flicker overhead in the Ares II house of turbo dogs, casting Sola's perfect face in an eerie glow. I drum my fingers on the table, the metal cool against my skin.

"So..." I begin, trying to keep my voice casual. "I've been meaning to ask you something since I realized the other day."

'Despite becoming one of the greatest killers in the galaxy, my social anxiety persists. What a joke.'

Sola arches an eyebrow, her lips curving into a knowing smile. "Oh? Do tell, my love."

I take a deep breath, steeling myself. Just say it. Get it over with. "Have you been...reading my mind this whole time? Because it feels like you know things, things I haven't told anyone… And you told me you caught some of my dad's stray thoughts."

Sola's eyes glitter with amusement. She reaches across the table to stroke my cheek, her touch feather-light. "Yes honey, I'm sorry, but I used to read your mind. A lot."

Heat rushes to my face, and I bat her hand away, scowling. "Sola! That's not nice!"

She makes a mischievous sound that sets my heart racing despite my embarrassment. "I can't help it, darling. Your mind was just so...fascinating."

I slump back in the booth, rubbing a hand over my face. Great. So much for keeping secrets. How am I supposed to maintain any shred of mystery when she's constantly poking around in my head?

Sola's fingers find mine, interlacing them together. "Don't be mad, Vex. Ever since you learned how to set up a force barrier I cant even attempt to penetrate that big brain of yours." She frowned. "Perhaps you could drop it from time to time?" Sola feigned puppy dog eyes.

"I'll think about it." I get nervous at the thought of someone hearing this inner torment of mine.

'Give guns to minors!'

That would be great!" she promises, giving my hand a squeeze. "Now, let's order some food, shall we? I'm starving."

As she flags down the waiter, I can't help but smile. Life with Sola is never dull, that's for sure. But I wouldn't have it any other way.


As I watch Sola scarf down 7 Turbo dogs, I am simply in awe.

""Ifff ya don't think 'bout where the meat comes from, it tassstes jussst like the rrrrreally 'spensive stuff." She talks while chewing. "I actually prefff'r the turbo dogs. M'parents alllways got mad at me when I ate 'em." She chews the turbo dogs with her mouth open wide in stark contrast to how she eats literally anything else.

"I wonder why?" I laugh at the fact that her parents know she loves turbo dogs way too much. I'll have to be careful going forward.

I clear my throat, changing the subject and gathering my courage. "Sola, exactly how much do you know about me? From reading my mind, I mean."

She leans back, studying me with those piercing hazel eyes. Swallowing her fill. "More than you might think, Vex. I've seen glimpses of your past, your secrets, your deepest desires."

'Fuck, this is worse than I thought.' My heart pounds in my chest. She knows.

"I know you're a reincarnator," she continues, her voice low and conspiratorial. "I knew it the moment I met you. Your old mom sounds like a real bitch, by the way. Oh, and If I ever see your wet nurse." Sola makes a fist.

"You knew about Darth Relic then from out the gate, I assume?"

Sola nods, a small smile playing on her lips. "I sensed his essence within you immediately. The dark side clings to you like a second skin, Vex. It's part of who you are."

'I can't believe she knew that I had a life before this.'

"I fell in love with you because of my ability," she whispers, leaning in close. "The way you looked at me, like I was the center of your universe, all without any hidden agenda. How you longed for me to take control, to dominate you completely."

As she talks, I feel like the walls are closing in on me. That my beloved captor was waiting to lock me in a room with her and seal away the key. Truly a dream come true. "Sola, I..."

She presses a finger to my lips, silencing me. "Shh, darling. You don't need to say anything. I understand you better than anyone else ever could."

And as she pulls me in for a searing kiss, I realize she's right. Sola knows me, inside and out. And somehow, that makes me love her even more.

As we sit, I gaze at Sola with a mix of adoration and curiosity. Her hazel eyes sparkle with mischief, and I find myself getting lost in their depths.

'Shit I gotta ask her about the book.'

"So, how's the reading going? That book we found in the Korriban library, 'The Rakata and the Unknown World'?" I ask, genuinely intrigued.

Sola's face lights up at the mention of the ancient text. "Oh, it's absolutely fascinating, Vex! Revan's insights into the dark side are unlike anything I've ever encountered before."

She leans back in her seat, her expression thoughtful as she continues. "The way he describes the Rakatan civilization and their mastery over the Force... it's both inspiring and terrifying. Their technology, their power, it's almost mythical."

I nod along, absorbing every word. Sola's passion for knowledge and her hunger for understanding the mysteries of the galaxy are just a few of the many reasons I've fallen so deeply for her.

"You know," she says, a hint of excitement creeping into her voice, "I've been thinking about visiting Rakata Prime someday. Not just for a vacation but to explore the ruins firsthand. Can you imagine the secrets we might uncover there?"

'If I recall from Kotor, Rakata Prime was like a beach planet, I think?' I try my hardest to remember, but it's hard.

A grin spreads across my face. I drop my Force barrier, and I picture us playing on the beach. And then I picture Sola in Leia's slave bikini.

'Man, To think she died of an overdose.' My thoughts turn darker as they hone in on the late Carrie Fischer.

"Vex, What is a slavekini?" She asks, laughing.

"Clearly, Something we should look into." My eyes bulge as I respond.

'The Horny is taking over.'

"Anyways, We really should go." Sola squeezes my hand, her smile soft and full of promise. "Together, Vex. We'll unravel the mysteries of the galaxy, one world at a time."

I reengage my Force barrier. Ya-ta's win was something I wasn't keen to forget soon. Another nagging worry resurfaces in my mind. I sigh, my brow furrowing as I contemplate the inevitable conversation we've been putting off.

'Jesus Christ, so much to discuss today. What the fuck?'

"Sola," I begin, my tone heavy with apprehension, "what are we going to do about Zenna? She's going to start asking questions soon, and I don't know how much longer we can keep this from her."

Sola leans back in her seat, her expression thoughtful as she considers our options. "I think it's time we tell her the truth, Vex. About us, about our full relationship. That I am your apprentice. But under no circumstance can she find out you're not her real brother."

'She's right.' A shudder runs through me at the thought of Zenna discovering my new family secret. If she finds out I'm Darth Relic and also not her brother, I really don't know what she'd do. She can only find one out. 'The idea of her looking at me with those hungry, possessive eyes, knowing that we don't share the same blood... it's too much to bear.'

"I agree," I say, my voice tight with anxiety. "If she found out I'm not really her brother, there's no telling what she might do. The way she talks about Darth Relic… Like I'm a prize to be won... it scares me, Sola."

Sola looks at me with an annoyed stare. "You know, Vex, You'd still be cousins, and incest is gross."

'This is coming from the girl who has literally roleplayed every family member you could ever think of.'

"You know, I actually thought you and I were cousins until the other day." I spoke out about something I had just ignored before.

Sola's eyes narrow as she studies my face intently. A flicker of annoyance crosses her features, and I feel a sudden surge of unease.

'Did I piss her off?'

"You know, Vex," she begins, her tone deceptively casual, "I bet you'd just love it if Zenna found out the truth. I can picture it now, her pinning you down, those hungry eyes devouring every inch of you as she claims you for her own. Is that what you want, darling? To be her little plaything, helpless and desperate for her touch?"

I open my mouth to protest, but she cuts me off with a fierce glare.

"Oh, don't even try to deny it," she hisses, leaning in close. Her perfume envelops me, a heady blend of spice and danger. "I've seen the way you look at her when you think no one's watching. The longing, the desire... It's written all over your face."

"No, I have genuinely only looked at you since we started dating." I honestly explained, but she didn't listen to me.

Sola's hand snakes out, gripping my arm with a possessive intensity that sends shivers down my spine. Her nails dig into my skin, marking me as her own.

"But let me remind you of something, my love," she purrs, her voice dripping with dark promise. "You belong to me. Every inch of you, every secret thought, every desperate fantasy. It's all mine."

"Yeah!" I cheer, but still, she isn't listening.

'She's so beautiful when she's possessive.'

She rises from the booth, tugging me along with her.

"And tonight," she whispers, her breath hot against my ear, "I'm going to make damn sure you never forget it. I'll worship every inch of your body until you're trembling and begging for release. I'll tease you to the brink of madness, over and over again, until the only name on your lips is mine."

'This feels like smut. I hope my friends don't hear this.'

'Oh wait, my only friends are my family and Sola.'

As we step out into the neon-lit streets, Sola's grip on my arm tightens. She pulls me close, her lips brushing against my cheek in a fleeting caress.

"By the time I'm done with you, my darling Vex," she murmurs, her voice low and full of dark promise, "you won't even be able to fall asleep without my permission. You'll crave my touch, my dominance, like the very air you breathe."

"Sounds good," I spoke happily to my crazy girlfriend. "Hey, are you on the pill?"

"The what?" Sola questioned me as she was almost pulling my arm out of its socket.