
I Was Reincarnated With Gacha Skills In Another World

When game designer Ryo Tanaka died saving a young child, he awoke as Lucas in a fantasy world with an unexpected surprise. Equipped with a unique Gacha System that only he possesses, Lucas can randomly obtain completely useless powers, items, or skills. Joining eccentric adventurers and exploring a world filled with monsters, conspiracies, and chaotic guilds, Lucas must rely on his wit and a bit of gacha luck to survive. But can he uncover the truth behind his reincarnation, or will he be trapped in this unpredictable game forever?

Yuhi99 · 奇幻
39 Chs

Arc 2: The Shadows of Eldoria

After spending a few days in Ardenia to recover and help the town's leader ensure the safety of the surrounding villages, Lucas, Finn, and Evelyn began planning their next move. They knew that the threat from the cult might not be over and that there was a greater dark force working behind the scenes.

"Our next destination is Eldoria," Lucas said, pointing to the map spread out on the table before them.

Eldoria was a large city and a center of power in the region, known as a place where information from all over the country gathered.

Evelyn nodded. "We might be able to find more information there about this cult and what their true purpose is."

Finn, who was chewing on an apple, nodded along, half in agreement. "And find a new adventure! I think this is going to be fun."

Lucas chuckled. "Yeah, adventure always seems to find you, Finn."

After saying their goodbyes to the people of Ardenia and thanking Eldric, the town leader, the three of them set off for Eldoria. The journey would take a few days through forests and hills, so they prepared with enough provisions and necessary supplies.

As they traveled, the forest around them grew denser, and the path became harder to follow. As they descended a hill, they suddenly heard the sound of fast-approaching footsteps from the side. Lucas raised his hand, signaling them to stop.

"Something's coming," he whispered. "Get ready."

From the bushes emerged a pack of wild wolves with glowing red eyes and fur that seemed like shadows. They growled, baring their sharp fangs, and slowly began circling Lucas, Finn, and Evelyn.

"They're not ordinary wolves," said Evelyn, raising her staff, her eyes scanning their movements carefully.

"You're right. They must be influenced by dark energy," Lucas replied. "We can't underestimate them. Be ready for a fight!"

The wolves growled deeply and moved in, their fur bristling. Their attack began with terrifying coordination; two wolves charged from the front while three others circled from behind, trying to surround them.

Lucas swung his sword to block the first wolf that lunged at him. The blade of his sword met the wolf's sharp teeth, creating a screech as metal met hard fangs. He pushed back with all his strength, forcing the creature back a few steps.

Finn, with quick and agile movements, dodged the attack from two wolves behind him. He spun, throwing a knife at one of the wolves attacking from the side. The knife embedded itself in the wolf's shoulder, causing it to howl in pain before retreating, black blood dripping from its wound.

"This is bad, man!" Finn shouted as he kept moving. "They're working together too well. Too organized for wild animals."

Evelyn quickly chanted a spell. "Wind Barrier!"

A shield of wind formed around them, blocking several wolves trying to break through their defenses. The wolves hit the wind barrier hard, bouncing off and rolling on the ground.

However, the wolves weren't easy foes. They got back up, their red eyes glowing with terrifying determination. One wolf, apparently the leader of the pack, let out a long howl. The howl seemed like a signal for a new attack. Five more wolves appeared from the shadows of the trees, increasing their numbers.

"We can't just stay defensive," Lucas shouted. "We need to break their formation!"

He ran forward, focusing his attack on the lead wolf. With a powerful leap, he slammed the ground with a Blazing Slash, creating a wave of fire that spread across the ground, forcing the wolves back. The fire hit a few of them, burning their shadowy fur and making them howl in pain.

Finn followed Lucas's lead, using the chaos to strike at the wounded wolves. He kicked one burning wolf, sending it flying into another, creating a collision that slowed them down.

Still, the wolves didn't give up. They rose again, angrier than ever. One wolf managed to bite Finn's shoulder quickly, locking its sharp jaws. Finn cried out in pain, being pushed back.

"Damn it! There are too many of them!" Finn yelled, struggling to free himself.

Seeing Finn injured, Lucas quickly opened his inventory in secret. He pulled out one of the healing potions he got from a previous gacha and tossed it toward Finn.

"Catch this, Finn!"

Finn caught the bottle in mid-air, popped the top open with one swift motion, and drank it. The healing liquid worked immediately, his shoulder wound closing up, and the pain subsiding.

"Whoa, this stuff's awesome! Thanks, man!"

With his wound healing, Finn jumped back into action. This time, he was more cautious. He struck at the wolves with his throwing knives, targeting their eyes and necks. Each precise throw forced the wolves to retreat, even taking down a few.

Meanwhile, Evelyn cast a new spell. "Ice Shards!"

Sharp shards of ice shot out from her staff, piercing through a few wolves that were trying to attack from behind. The ice hit with full force, stabbing through their shadowy fur and skin, halting them in their tracks.

Seeing the situation was coming under control, Lucas decided to finish off the lead wolf. He unleashed a flurry of attacks, swinging his sword with quick, powerful strikes. The lead wolf fought back, swiping its claws hard, but Lucas used all his skill and battle experience to dodge and parry.

"Now, Evelyn!" Lucas shouted, seeing an opening.

Evelyn raised her staff high and chanted a spell. "Lightning Spear!"

A spear of lightning shot from the tip of her staff, piercing through the air and hitting the lead wolf with full force. The wolf was thrown back several meters, its body writhing on the ground before finally going still.

With their leader defeated, the other wolves became disoriented and began retreating. They let out low howls as if signaling a retreat, and one by one, they vanished back into the shadows of the forest.

Lucas lowered his sword, panting. "We did it. But this is just the beginning. There's something strange about these creatures."

Evelyn approached, scanning the area. "I agree. They shouldn't be able to coordinate like that without something controlling them."

Finn patted his shoulder, now fully healed thanks to the potion, and laughed lightly. "Well, at least we got out of that mess in one piece. Thanks for the potion, Lucas."

Lucas smiled slightly. "Don't mention it. We need to be ready for more of this on our way to Eldoria."

After a few more days of exhausting travel and facing some smaller dangers along the way, they finally arrived at the gates of Eldoria. The city was much larger and busier than Ardenia, with massive stone walls surrounding it and tall towers rising into the sky.

"We finally made it," Finn said with relief. "I almost forgot what civilization felt like."

"This city will be a good place to start gathering more information. We can look for people who might know more about the cult or the dark activities going on," Evelyn said, smiling.

"We also need to restock on supplies and get some rest. Let's find an inn first, then we can start gathering information," Lucas agreed.

As they walked through the gates of Eldoria, the bustling city immediately greeted them. The streets were filled with merchants hawking their goods, people walking by in colorful clothes, and the enticing smell of spices and food filled the air. There were carts clattering on the cobblestone streets, the sound of musicians playing on street corners, and children playing at the edge of the marketplace.

Finn looked around, amazed at the lively atmosphere. "Wow, this place is so busy. I love it!"

Evelyn, though also enchanted by the city's energy, stayed focused on their mission. "We should start by finding an inn. After that, we can ask around for places where we can gather information about the cult or any strange things happening around here."

Lucas led them through the crowd, and it didn't take long for them to find a decent inn. A three-story building with a red-tiled roof, sturdy stone walls, and wide open windows greeted them. The sign out front read: "The Silver Chalice Inn."

They entered the inn and were welcomed by the innkeeper, a middle-aged woman with a warm smile.

"Welcome to The Silver Chalice Inn! How can I help you?"

"We need three rooms and dinner for tonight," Lucas replied.

The woman nodded. "Of course. You can sit down at the dining tables, and I'll prepare your rooms."

The three of them sat down in the inn's dining area, enjoying the warm atmosphere and the smell of freshly cooked food. While they waited, they discussed their next steps.

"We need to look for places like libraries, taverns, or adventurers' gathering spots in this city. Those places usually hold a lot of information," Evelyn said.

Finn nodded in agreement. "And maybe we'll run into people with interesting info or rumors about the dark forces behind the cult."

Lucas looked at them with a smile. "Good. We'll start digging for answers tomorrow. For now, we can rest and get ready for a new adventure in this city."