
I Was Reincarnated With Gacha Skills In Another World

When game designer Ryo Tanaka died saving a young child, he awoke as Lucas in a fantasy world with an unexpected surprise. Equipped with a unique Gacha System that only he possesses, Lucas can randomly obtain completely useless powers, items, or skills. Joining eccentric adventurers and exploring a world filled with monsters, conspiracies, and chaotic guilds, Lucas must rely on his wit and a bit of gacha luck to survive. But can he uncover the truth behind his reincarnation, or will he be trapped in this unpredictable game forever?

Yuhi99 · Fantasy
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39 Chs

The Hidden Whisperers

After getting a room and resting for a while at The Silver Chalice Inn, Lucas, Finn, and Evelyn prepared to investigate deeper into the cult they were facing. They knew that to understand the threat they faced, they needed to seek information from various places in Eldoria."We need to split up our plan today," said Lucas, looking at the city map he bought from one of the merchants in the market. "Eldoria is big, and there are many places we can visit. Ancient libraries, bars, black markets might be places where we can find something."Finn nodded, his eyes sparkling with excitement."I'll check the bars and other places where there might be informants. Maybe I can find someone who likes to talk after a few drinks."Evelyn smiled thinly."I'll go to the ancient library. They might have manuscripts or records about the cult that can give us clues."Lucas nodded. "Good, we can work more efficiently if we separate. I'll visit the market and find out what I can about the dark activities around here."They agreed to meet back at the inn after a few hours to share whatever they found. After parting ways, Lucas walked towards the city market, enjoying the hustle and bustle of life in Eldoria. However, before he started looking for information, he found a rather quiet place in the back alley of the market."This is a good place," he thought. He made sure no one was watching him, then opened the System Window in his mind to access the gacha menu. Lucas saw that he had a total of 300 Gacha Points to spend.| System Window || GACHA SYSTEM |...| Points owned: 300 || Gacha Skill (50 Points) || Gacha Item (50 Points) || Gacha Stats (50 Points) || [Choose Gacha] |Lucas observed the available menu and thought for a moment. He knew that the chances of getting something good could vary, but he couldn't just let his points pile up like that."Alright, let's try our luck," he muttered.Lucas started his Gacha.Round 1 (Gacha Skill - 50 Points).The wheel spun rapidly with glittering colors before slowing down and stopping at Tier B."Ding."Congratulations! You have obtained a New Skill: "Shadow Strike (Tier B)"Description: A sudden attack from the shadows that increases the chance of a critical hit. MP required: 20.Lucas nodded in satisfaction."This skill could be useful in close combat."Round 2 (Gacha Item - 50 Points).The gacha wheel spun again, and stopped at Tier C."Ding."Congratulations! You have obtained a New Item: "Smoke Bomb (Tier C)"Description: Produces thick smoke to escape or distract."This can be very useful for escaping or tricking enemies," thought Lucas.Round 3 (Gacha Stats - 50 Points).This time, the wheel stopped at a higher part."Ding."Congratulations! You have obtained +4 INTDescription: Significant increase in magical power.Lucas smiled broadly. "More magical power is always good."Round 4 (Gacha Item - 50 Points)..The wheel spun again and stopped at Tier A."Ding."Congratulations! You have obtained a New Item: "Barrier Stone (Tier A)"Description: A magical stone that creates a temporary barrier to protect the user and nearby allies."Wow, this is great! A barrier can save us in dangerous situations," Lucas thought happily.Round 5 (Gacha Skill - 50 Points).The wheel stopped at Tier E this time."Ding."Congratulations! You have obtained a New Skill: "Light Step (Tier E)"Description: A movement skill that increases walking speed for 3 seconds. MP required: 5.Lucas snorted. "This isn't very useful, but maybe there will be a time for it later."Round 6 (Gacha Item - 50 Points).On the last round, the wheel stopped at Tier A."Ding."Congratulations! You have obtained a New Item: "Mana Crystal (Tier A)"Description. A magical crystal that restores a large amount of MP when used."This will be very useful when we run out of mana in the middle of a battle," said Lucas as he stored the item in his inventory.After using all his points, Lucas looked at the menu in the System Window to open the Random Box Item Rare that he got from completing the main quest. He knew that this box had a chance to get a very powerful item or something ordinary. Holding his breath, he chose to open the box.| System Window || [Opening Random Box...] || [Drop Rate: Random Rare Item] |The wheel spun with bright colors and slowed down until it stopped at a golden box."Ding."Congratulations! You have obtained "Celestial Shield (Tier A)"!Description: A magical shield that can block any one attack every 10 minutes. Can be used with other weapons.Lucas could hardly believe his luck."This is amazing! With this, I can avoid big attacks from strong enemies. This will be very useful."He stored the shield in his inventory, along with the other items and skills he had just obtained."This is a big upgrade. I have to make sure to use it wisely."After finishing all the gacha sessions and opening the Random Box, Lucas left the quiet alley and returned to the bustling market, ready to gather information about the cult. With the addition of new skills and items, he felt more prepared to face the challenges in Eldoria.On the other hand, Finn and Evelyn were also busy with their respective missions. Finn managed to get information from an informant in a bar about the black market activities under the city, while Evelyn found some ancient manuscripts in the library that described forbidden rituals that might be related to."The Fall."They met back at The Silver Chalice Inn after a few hours to discuss what they had found. Lucas, with a confident smile, knew that they were now better prepared to face whatever came in Eldoria."It seems we have some interesting clues," said Evelyn. "But we have to be careful. This cult seems to be more powerful and more organized than we thought."Lucas nodded."We'll move slowly and make sure we're ready to face them. With everything we have now, we have a better chance."