
I Was Reincarnated With Gacha Skills In Another World

When game designer Ryo Tanaka died saving a young child, he awoke as Lucas in a fantasy world with an unexpected surprise. Equipped with a unique Gacha System that only he possesses, Lucas can randomly obtain completely useless powers, items, or skills. Joining eccentric adventurers and exploring a world filled with monsters, conspiracies, and chaotic guilds, Lucas must rely on his wit and a bit of gacha luck to survive. But can he uncover the truth behind his reincarnation, or will he be trapped in this unpredictable game forever?

Yuhi99 · Fantasy
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39 Chs

The Dark Ritual

Deep inside the dark old mine, Lucas, Finn, and Evelyn tried to move carefully after destroying the first ritual circle. The circle seemed to be part of something bigger, and although they had thwarted part of the cult's plan, they knew that a greater threat still existed deep within the mine.Lucas raised his hand, signaling for them to stop for a moment. He listened carefully."There's another sound ahead. Like chanting, more spells," he whispered.Evelyn nodded, trying to listen carefully."It's deeper in this mine. Maybe their main ritual center is there."Finn glanced at Lucas."What's the plan now, buddy? We can't attack them all at once if they have a lot of people there."Lucas thought for a moment."We need to disrupt their ritual again. If we can destroy another core of this ritual, maybe we can cancel everything."They moved further into the mine, through darker and narrower corridors. The light of their torches illuminated the damp and peeling walls of the mine. The sound of the chant became clearer, and now it sounded like the simultaneous chanting of many people.They arrived in a much larger room, with stone pillars supporting the high ceiling of the mine. In the middle of the room, there was a much larger ritual circle, surrounded by dozens of black-robed cult members. Purple light flickered from the circle, and dark energy seemed to gather above it like a poisonous cloud.In the middle of the circle, some of the missing people from Veiron village seemed to be tied to wooden poles, their faces looking tired and frightened. They were surrounded by ancient symbols that glowed and burned with purple fire. One of the cult members wearing a different and more majestic robe seemed to be leading this ritual."The missing people!" Evelyn whispered in shock. "They're here! We have to save them."Lucas nodded."That's their leader. If we can defeat him or destroy the core of that circle, we can stop this ritual and save them."Finn took a deep breath, raising his knife, ready."Let's make a big mess! I can distract them."Lucas and Evelyn nodded, ready to act according to plan. Finn, with quick and agile movements, sneaked to the left side of the room and threw his first knife. The knife hit one of the wooden pillars supporting the outer part of the ritual circle, creating a loud noise and a small explosion that immediately attracted the attention of several cult members."There's someone there!" shouted one of the cultists, who seemed to be a captain. Several members immediately ran towards Finn's direction.Evelyn did not waste the opportunity. She raised her magic staff and shouted."Frost Burst!"A wave of ice spread across the floor, causing several cult members to slip and fall, losing their balance.Lucas saw this opportunity and ran forward towards the ritual circle, his sword ready to strike. The cult leader noticed their presence and commanded in a cold voice."Stop them! Don't let them get close!"The cultists charged towards Lucas, but Finn quickly moved among them, disrupting their movements with quick and agile attacks. Meanwhile, Evelyn used wind spells to push back the approaching enemies. They worked very well as a team, but the number of enemies was still very large.Lucas finally reached the ritual circle and raised his sword high."Now!" he shouted, swinging his sword with all his might towards the core of the circle.But suddenly, a purple energy shield appeared, blocking his sword attack.The cult leader laughed coldly."You think you can stop us that easily? You don't know who you're dealing with."Lucas pushed back, trying to break the energy shield, but it was too strong."Evelyn, I need help!" he shouted.Evelyn chanted another spell quickly, directing her staff towards the energy shield."Arcane Burst!"A blue energy blast hit the shield, weakening some of its power. However, it was not enough to break it.Finn, who was in the middle of the chaos, saw another opportunity. He crawled behind a stone pillar and shouted,"Lucas, use this!" while throwing a small oil bottle towards him.Lucas caught the bottle and immediately threw it towards the ritual circle."Evelyn, now!" he shouted.Evelyn nodded and cast a fire spell."Fireball!"A fireball shot from her staff, hitting the oil bottle and causing a large fire explosion above the ritual circle. The energy shield cracked, and the purple light around it vibrated unsteadily."What are you doing?! Impossible!" the cult leader shouted, his voice filled with anger and fear.With the last of his strength, Lucas swung his sword again, breaking through the cracked shield. The sword pierced the core of the ritual circle, causing a huge explosion that shook the entire mine.The remaining cultists screamed in panic."Fall back! The ritual failed!"The purple energy gathered above the circle began to dissipate, and the people tied to the wooden poles seemed to regain consciousness. Lucas immediately ran towards them, followed by Finn and Evelyn."Are you alright?" Lucas asked as he untied one of them.An old man, who seemed to be one of the villagers from Veiron, nodded weakly."Thank you... you saved us..."However, before they could calm down, the angry cult leader chanted a final spell with full intensity."I will not lose to you! Feel despair!" Dark energy began to gather in his hands, forming a large ball.Lucas and Evelyn immediately prepared themselves, while Finn ran forward, trying to approach the cult leader. However, the attack was too fast. The large energy ball shot towards them at high speed.Lucas responded quickly, jumping in front of the still-bound villagers and raising his sword, trying to block the attack. There was a loud collision, and Lucas was pushed back a few steps, but he managed to deflect most of the attack.Evelyn launched a counterattack quickly."Lightning Spear!"A lightning bolt shot towards the cult leader and pierced his defense, causing him to stumble back with a cry of pain.Finn approached and quickly hit the cult leader on the back of the head, knocking him unconscious."You talk too much, buddy," Finn said with a satisfied smile.With the cult leader defeated and the cult members fleeing, Lucas, Finn, and Evelyn immediately evacuated the missing people from Veiron village. They brought them out of the mine and made sure they were safe.Outside the mine, as the sun began to rise, the atmosphere felt calmer. The rescued villagers looked relieved, although still weak and confused."We don't know how we can thank you," one of them said with teary eyes. "You have saved us all."Lucas smiled slightly, feeling the weight on his chest lift a little. "We're glad we could help. But we have to be careful. There's still a lot to face."Finn patted Lucas on the shoulder. "Good job, buddy. This adventure is getting more and more interesting!"Evelyn nodded."We need to go back to Ardenia and report this to the mayor. They need to know that this threat is not completely gone. This cult might come back, and we need to make sure the city is ready."Lucas agreed."Yes, we have to report what happened and make sure they are more vigilant. For now, let's get these villagers back safely."They helped the newly rescued people walk back towards the city, making sure every step they took was safe and protected. As they approached the gates of Ardenia, they were greeted with shock and joy by the worried residents who had heard about the disappearance of the people from Veiron village."Look! They're back! They managed to save them!" shouted one of the residents, seeing their group from afar.Shouts of joy and applause came from the people gathered around them. The mayor, Eldric, rushed towards them with a relieved and grateful expression."You did it! You actually found them," Eldric said sincerely. "We are so grateful. You have saved many lives and brought hope back to this city."Lucas, Finn, and Evelyn exchanged glances with a small smile on their faces, feeling relieved that they had successfully completed this important mission. Although they knew that the threat from the cult was not completely over, they had managed to stop their evil plans for the time being and save those who were lost.Finn, in his typical style, exclaimed."This is one adventure we won't forget! But I think we deserve some good food after this, huh?"Evelyn smiled and shook her head."You and your stomach always have priority, Finn. But I agree, we all deserve a good rest."Lucas chuckled."Come on, let's finish our report first, then we can talk about food."After they reported what had happened to Eldric and made sure the city's security was tightened, Lucas received a notification from the System Window in his mind, which only he could see:[Main Quest Completed: Find the Missing Villagers!]Description: Find the missing villagers from Veiron Village and bring them back safely.Reward: 200 Gacha Points + Rare Item (with random drop rate).Status: Completed.Lucas smiled slightly as he saw the notification, feeling satisfied that he had completed this important quest. Without drawing Finn and Evelyn's attention, he saved the notification and thought about using the newly acquired gacha points later, when he had time to be alone.After receiving a reward from the mayor, they finally got some time to rest. They sat in one of the taverns in Ardenia, enjoying a warm meal and the atmosphere of the city slowly returning to normal."I feel like this is just the beginning," Lucas said, looking out the window. "There are many things we have to face in the future."Finn nodded in agreement."Yup, our adventure has just begun, buddy. And I'm sure there are many more surprises waiting for us ahead."Evelyn raised her glass."To the adventures that lie ahead and the many mysteries we will face."Lucas and Finn raised their glasses, joining in the same spirit."To the next adventure!" they exclaimed.