
I was Reincarnated as Krillin? Oh boy.

Super huge fan of Dragonball dies and goes to a new world and chooses to be Krillin. ...Yep no worries about choosing to be a main support character here! he does his best to keep balance in this world but something is amiss as the enemies seem to scale with the changes and matches the growth of the main characters from their own growth... something isn't right. and it's up the reincarnated chosen to find out what is wrong.

Silverfang · 漫画同人
68 Chs

Worlds 4-8

Welp my excitement died in the next world.

It was underwater and people were living in undersea colonies. I couldn't learn much here and decided to just skip it as I found my friends all living their best lives here. A more peaceful world.

The fifth world was similar. A towering tree world that had huts and villages with more tribal society in it.

Once more not bad but I sensed out and found none of my friends past 10k in power. A lower risk and lower threat universe again.

I shrug and was happy to find two worlds where they were able to enjoy the peace. After all of every alternate world was under a huge threat like the original timeline. I'm pretty sure the Kais would grow bored of timeline hopping and not see a point to it. Or even give up hope like Zamasu would.

I jump to world 6 and find a pleasant surprise.

This world apparently has developed more than my original timeline. This one has more flying cars, but these guys use energy instead of of fuel. There are even more people who are flying. They all have orange or blue gis. Some even have purple gis. And there are races of every kind. You see humans, Namekians, aquarians, Saiyan's, and even the odd anthro humanoid here and there.

I simply go, "Huh... Time to see what there is to be seen I suppose!"

I fly around and find a library thankfully in this universe it's still Zenni. So I pay for a one day pass and look up the lore of this place.

Apparently in this universe Goku and Vegeta after defeating Cell with Gohan and Piccolos help has opened up martial arts schools to help the earth protect itself from future threats.

The police and military gained new abilities as they all went through a mandatory two year long course by recommendation of Mr. Satan (He still took credit for killing Cell. But made sure he made it look like everyone else were his secret disciples who surpassed his lessons.) Now the people of earth are a minimum of 200 power level once you were in high school.

And with Frieza defeated his remaining forces came to bow down before Vegeta.

He reworked them into a development and exploration force with combatants who defend the explorer squads when needed.

They all did their best to bring technology and development to these worlds. And Earth was their pioneer world for this practice.

It went well. Especially when your wife is the one who helps translates the tech and puts it out there for others to use.

I step up and stretch after learning that during the fight with Cell I moved somewhere this 18 and made a name for myself as a leader in the military forces.

I think about where to go in this world and I realize there really isn't anywhere I could go that wouldn't cause a ruckus.

So I did the next best thing. I decided to explore as a non attention grabbing individual.

I made sure to grab a jacket, hat, and sunglasses to look like an average Joe.

I then began to walk around the place. Checking out malls, auto stores, tech stores, and even peeking at some of the gyms that were under my friends names. Yamcha opened up a sports bar grill chain with a floor for sparring matches while people can place bets on the outcome while enjoying their food and drinks.

Pretty good business model.

I looked around more and found many turtle style schools making me grin.

Now Roshi will be remembered for generations to come if his immortality should give out at any point.

I kept exploring and learned to enjoy this world. I even messaged the supreme Kai of this world to learn a bit from him about how Beerus behaves here.

Apparently with the cross cultural exchange of food and recipes, Beerus and Whis come to this planet nearly daily to train with Goku and Vegeta and to sample the different cuisines.

I chuckle at that and ask if he has some spare time to go over some training.

He thinks it over as he senses the amulet I got in that other world. And he agrees.

I go through a tense and insane training amount that pushes me beyond my previous limit of Frieza second form.

Now I could go toe to toe with Frieza if he was in his maxed power form. A solid 8 million in divine ki. I knew I had a lot more growing to do but Shin said I was making great progress. And my training inspired him to go back to his own basics and intermediate training to make sure his foundation was stronger than before.

I bid him farewell and go to the next world.

The seventh world I was shocked to see was a world where earth was in a apocalyptic state. Friezas forces had apparently won when they invaded in resurrection F.

But not in the way I would think.

They came with their full force instead of the main core army. They used branches and spare battalions to bolster their numbers.

So they invaded with 10,000 men instead of a basic thousand. It overwhelmed the Z fighters and had them run all over the world before Vegeta and Goku could come stop them. And even then they fought Frieza together and he went full power in this world. Overwhelming them in his golden form before his power began to decline from.not mastering it.

I sensed out and found them hiding in a hidden bunker near capsule Corp.

However as soon as I began to fly there I was spotted by some of Friezas troops.

They stopped me and tried to end my life

But a quick burst of divine ki... And they were dust.

I fly fast and hard to reach my friends.

I found them.

They were in rough shape but I knew what to do. They were shocked at first since they thought I was dead until I explained that I was from a different timeline. Given future Trunks... Yeah they understood immediately.

They asked what I could do to help them and I grinned as I used my ace in the hole favor to call.

I contacted Shin through my connection to him with the amulet and asked if we could have a power up of the secret power from old supreme Kai for Vegeta and Goku to give their blue forms a decisive boost.

The others were shocked when I told them the method they used against Buu.

But Goku facepalmed at how he didn't think of that. Vegeta tore him a new one for forgetting that piece of power gaining they could have used weeks ago.

I asked why Beerus didn't intervene and they said he wanted them to evolve and goes to earn more training with him.

I sighed and figured that would be his response.

So one trip. And a solid 6 hours (3 hours for the ritual for each Saiyan) later. Booth Saiyan's had new powers and levels they had reached and were ready to free earth from Frieza.

They went back but I stayed with shin to learn about more divine ki uses from the older Kai who had a wealth of knowledge to give me.

I learned about God ki bind. Kaioken level 10 for synergy with divine ki. And he even manipulated my mortal body a bit with some Kai energy. He made me a partial godling! I was now about to last 20 minutes in level 10 Kaioken using Divine ki!

I was excited by the new DNA in my body and thanked him for the boost to my abilities it gave me.

The lessons took a few days but it was worth it as Gokus in Vegeta managed to finally defeat Frieza and his remaining soldiers after a solid month of facing the mobs they finally gained enough training through them to fight Frieza himself.

They managed to defeat him.

I pump my fist in excitement as I nod to myself. K owing this world was on its way to recovery I bid farewell to the elder Kai and head off to the next world.

I enter the next one but as soon as I look around I know something isn't right.

Many places seemed filled with crimson colored trees. And the land was desolate and destroyed in many places. I got to look around more only for my danger sense to scream to dodge.

I fly to my right fast and barely dodge Dabura himself. Missing the iconic Majin m on his head.

His cape flutters as his hand is buzzing with the energy blade iconic to many villains in this universe. Only in this case it was a brilliant crimson.

I grit my teeth and charge up my mortal ki and my hyper form to battle him. His battle power was a shocking 400 million!

I go to hyper mode but I feel lethargic and drained suddenly.

I feel my own power and I was barely at 40 million! The heck?!

I turn as I hear a melodious giggle behind me. I turn to see Daburas sister floating midair with her staff glowing. She giggles again and goes, "My, my, my! I thought you killed this one during our betrayal of Babidi and the resealing of Buu brother!"

I gulp nervously at that while Daburas chuckles and says, "Yes I remember shattering his statue and the statue of the woman who came for revenge of him. She was much stronger than him. Able to keep me entertained for a good half hour before I grew bored of her pitiful power. Then I ended her."

He looks to me hoping I'll get angry but I don't fall for it. I'm pissed that he killed this worlds version of me and my wife. But I keep my cool. I go immediately to hyper 2 and do a Kaioken on top with five times.

It made me go to a basic 200 million but it would do.

They both go wide eyed as a mere mortal was now half of Daburas strength. Towa chuckles and goes, "Well well well. You can break through my enfeeblement spell that affects all non divine and non demonic beings hmmm?"

I think back to the blessing of a tenth of me now being a godling. No way was I admitting to that helping me in front of these two.

I simply grin and ready to fight.

However Towa surprises me with a new spell.

She goes, "Demonic bind!"

Suddenly I am covered in energy chains that are as heavy as the 500X gravity. And with my reduced power I plummet like a rock. I crash hard and fade in and out of consciousness as Daburas grabs me with an evil but curious glint. I hear him say, "You'll make and interesting guest in my castle little mortal. I hope you don't disappoint."

I fade with a groan. Hoping that I'll have an opening to escape or at the very least learn something from this situation.