
I was Reincarnated as Krillin? Oh boy.

Super huge fan of Dragonball dies and goes to a new world and chooses to be Krillin. ...Yep no worries about choosing to be a main support character here! he does his best to keep balance in this world but something is amiss as the enemies seem to scale with the changes and matches the growth of the main characters from their own growth... something isn't right. and it's up the reincarnated chosen to find out what is wrong.

Silverfang · 漫画同人
68 Chs

Super Cell!

Cell and I clash hard as he grins at me and my efforts to match him. I am barely above him at 660 million thanks to Kaio Ken. And he can feel it.

But he can also feel how my aura is fluctuating in our quick clash of fists snd kicks. He senses that my current power is on borrowed time. And he just needs to hold out.

I flash step back using a quick burst of times 4 to check on my friends.

"Kumo! How long?!"

He looks at 21 and her aura and goes, "Give us 5 minutes and she should be good as new!"

I quirk and eyebrow as I powered down from Kaio Ken to give myself a breather. Cell crosses his arms and waits. Taunting us with his superiority.

Kumo nods and says, "I can heal her to most of her full power. Maybe back up to 80% of it? Not sure if I can push it further unless you can give us more time."

I grimace and nod while saying, "Then you'll have 5 minutes! Get her on her feet and our allies back in it! I'll need every able body to fight against this bastard!"

Kumo nods and redoubles his efforts in healing her.

18 steps up to me and kisses my cheek and says, "Good luck Krillin."

I nods with a confident smirk at her only to blush and go rigid, (George Takei: Oooh Myyyy! King Kai: Wrong Number Damn It!!)

As she trails her hand around my chest during the kiss. And even longer son my firm chest as she pulls her hand away by slowly removing it.

I go hard tomato as she purposefully brushes across my exposed nipple. Making me stammer a bit while she giggles.

Gohan and Gine both gag at seeing something their parents do to each other during training sometimes.

I shake my head before I refocus on Cell.

He smirks and goes, "You done saying your goodbyes? Cause I want to destroy you and your new girlfriend! Prepare to die Krillin!"

I Kaioken again at level one and charge at him with renewed vigor coursing through my veins form that kiss and caress.

Motivation is amazing when used right!

Cell smirks at this as he goes full power.

I punch at him with his head dodging to the side to avoid it. And he shocks me by grabbing my arm and flipping me over his shoulder then kicking back at me.

I flip a bit as I shoot behind him. Then stop and right myself ready for a follow up.

But to my shock he is charging at the recovering 21 and our group.

Our allies all gather to ready themselves to fight him off.

I charge up to level 3 Kaio Ken and shoot right at him.

He smirks as I realize with a gasp he wanted me to use up my energy. I go to tackle him with a ki blast charged between my out stretched punching hands.

He raises his barrier just in time for me to hit it and leave only a crack. I grit my teeth and try to push through. All I manage to do in the end is push him using his barrier as a bumper away from my friends.

I yell out as I charge to times 4 and shoot a Kamehameha beam right into the cracked barrier.

It doesn't hold. But he was one step ahead of me as he used his speed to avoid the beam as soon as it broke the barrier.

I felt a hard kick to my side that exploded from the ki he charged into it.

I crash into a mountain and erge quickly despite my aching body screaming at me to rest. I knew I had to push myself to the limit to keep him occupied until 21 was back on her feet.

I rose up quickly only to gasp in shock as I see a Kamehameha, courtesy of Cell, flying at me.

I raise my hands with my destructo disc technique in both hands angled together to make a wedge. The beam is cut around me as I grit my teeth and endure.

I then charge up to Kaio Ken times three again and shoot off both discs.

They fly through the beam. But once they reach the end they hit nothing but air.

I gasp as I sense Cell right behind me.

I turn quickly to face him but my level one Kaio Ken technique fades as soon as I turn. I go to activate it again only to be back handed by the powerful Bioroid.

I go flying through a few boulders.

But I manage to extract myself and face him once again.

Cell is already flying right at me as I go, "Fine! Take this! Kaio!"

Cell comes closer, "Ken!"

He rears back a ki powered punch, "Times!"

He shoots it forward in a big bag attack motion from Vegeta.


Now Cell looks scared.

I roar out as my power briefly hits 4.4 billion.

I shoot at him and hit him from all directions. He starts sounding like a sparring partner for a boxing champ. "Ughbughu guhfubguhtubfhub!!!"

The punches and kicks rain on him as I keep it up. However 10 seconds in I feel my bones creak and my muscles begin to tear up.

I grity now beginning to bleeding teeth and mouth as I don't let up.

Cell is getting so many dents and cracks across his body. I even rebreak his wings that I destroyed in our last round.

I then break off as he has to stand still for a minute to begin to regenerate his now broken body.

I yell out, "This is the end! Kaio Ken times 20!! Megahameha!!!!!"

I shoot out the large beam and it does shoot out towards Cell. I grin confident this would finish him.

However I suddenly feel my heart thumb hard in a painful manner.

I stumble to my knees as I go to my hands and gasp out loud in pain. My beam is cut off and loses power as it becomes more of an orb.

Cell sees this and manages to cost his body in ki and kick it up into the sky.

He grins down at me as I am now on my back as my body refuses to move.

I pushed it too hard in my hyper form.

He lands next to me as my vision is covered in black spots. I feel my body working hard to keep me breathing. Cell chuckles and goes, "Well that was a close one! Thank goodness you were so worried about your friends and beating me that you didn't pace yourself! Now to end it all! After all no matter how strong you are? You are still human! While I am the perfect being!"

I then grin at him and get one last jab in at him, "Except for your attitude. And your mixture of DNA hubris."

He stops his grin and goes serious faced, "You just had to bring that up? Didn't you?"

I grin wider as I got a mental blow to him, "Ha! So you admit it!"

He sighs in an annoyed manner and charges up a Gallick gun, "Welp do me a favor would you? When you get to the afterlife. Tell them to make room. Many planets are about to join them!"

He finishes the charge up and is about to fire when he is suddenly blasted away from me by 7 different colored beams.

He screams in shock and slight pain as many beams all over 130 million slam into him.

I see our Saiyan team fly by and Piccolo brings up the rear in his stage two Neo Namekian form. I grin as we made it just in time.

Suddenly Kumo, 21 and 18 are all by my side. 18 carefully props my head up in her lap. While 21 and Kumo work together to heal me.

Apparently it would take a bit as they send my fractures, torn ligaments, bleeding organs, and shredded muscles. Kumo even asks, "How are you functioning right now? You should be in a coma from all this damage!!"

I grin up at them and say, "Well when my motivation is to protect my family, friends, and two beautiful women? I have a lot to prove."

21 and 18 both blush at that and go back to fussing over rme as the warmth of healing costs my body as I crash hard for a power nap. I leave it in the hands of my friends to fight off Cell until Goku and Chi chi come back.

Soon Gohan and Gine II fly by too in order to aid in the fight against Cell, while Tagron and 17 land by us to be our guards as they heal me.

I smile into my nap as I know my friends can handle this.