
I Can Steal Attributes In The Apocalypse!

Bai Shen was a normal 18-years-old who suddenly realized that he was more special than other people. Not only did he predict the apocalypse that was about to hit Earth, but he also made the necessary preparations for it. By using his broken Talent to steal attributes left and right, he didn't have to worry about anything else. "Zombies? I can easily crush them!" "Mutants? I was pretty hungry..." "Hah! Even other races wish to get a piece of this daddy! Let them come, I'll steal their attributes too, and then I'll accompany my beautiful girls." Different, but also simple-minded, Bai Shen was confident in his own abilities; a few obstacles won't stop his ascension. Watch as Bai Shen slowly steal-... Slowly rises above everyone else! ----- Author here: The story would be a bit slow in the beginning, but then the pace would take off. I hope everyone could be patient enough and give this novel a chance. 250 POWER STONES - 1 Bonus Chapter 500 PS - 2 Bonus Chapters One Magic Castle - 3 Bonus Chapters Discord: https://discord.com/invite/GEcYNt69r Hope you enjoy reading it!

WenLin · 奇幻
39 Chs

First Hunt

Bai Shen and the others were surprised to see Aunt Xiu holding herself back; instead, she asked for advice from a young man.

After telling Aunt Xiu and Fatty Jiang their plans, Bai Shen proceeded to ask about their talents, also sharing his own in return.

Turned out that Aunt Xiu had an offensive talent called Rage.

The middle-aged woman herself admitted that it may be because she often arrived home and locked herself in her room before throwing a tantrum, sometimes for hours...

"It's all because of those damned businessmen! They are trying to take advantage of me because I'm a woman!"

"They should all go to hell!"

Gritting her teeth, Aunt Xiu started to get a bit angry, thus proving her point.

As for Fatty Jiang, he surprisingly received a defensive talent, Earth's Protection, which allows the user to coat in a small membrane of energy, with a low chance of deflecting back attacks to the enemy.

After learning everything that was important, the two also got to choose their equipment of choice.

What came as a great shock to them, Aunt Xiu chose a spear, and Fatty Jiang chose a pair of iron gauntlets and a one-handed shield.

Since everyone received their Kevlar vests that were supposed to act like protection against not only zombies but also humans, the team composed of five was ready.

"Remember, don't let yourself get bitten by zombies; this would spread a virus inside your bodies that would transform you into one of them!"

"Wait a bit! We're going out to hunt those things?"

Since Fatty Jiang already explained to her everything that Bai Shen said the night before, Aunt Xiu had some basic knowledge, but she didn't understand why they should go out and risk their lives.

"Aunt Xiu... The government has probably collapsed by now. A part of them becoming zombies or other things. There's no law stopping anyone from doing what they want now."

"Imagine if a group of dozens of men would one day knock at our door; they're all leveled up and strong, while we're no different from normal humans."

"What do you think would happen to you three beautiful women? Of course, after they would kill me and Jiang."

After saying his piece, Bai Shen saw that some paleness returned to Aunt Xiu's face. She was a smart woman, so she directly understood the meaning behind Bai Shen's words.

'My fate... No, our fate, would probably be worse than slaves. And when they will get bored of our bodies, we'll be thrown out to die.'

Gripping her hold on the spear, Aunt Xiu imperceptibly nodded at Bai Shen.

Thus, the team of five people began their first hunt in the New Era.

Before they could even exit the mansion, the five people heard a knock from behind the door.

"M-Miss Xiu! Please open the door; I'm afraid for my life!" The shout of a man could be heard.

"That's my driver, Lin Yang. We should let him in." Aunt Xiu tried to go toward the door and let the man in.

"Wait a bit." Saying so, Bai Shen took hold of his sword and went to the door instead.

Not saying anything else, he slowly opened the door and saw a man who was holding his hand; blood poured down from his arm.

"T-Thank you young-" Before he could finish his sentence, Bai Shen stabbed him with his sword.

"Y-You...!" Not believing the situation he was in, the man unsuccessfully tried to grab the sword, but Bai Shen didn't let him do that.

After taking his sword back, Bai Shen stabbed him again; the man fell down to the floor, without a single breath left in him.

Ding! 5 XP received!

"Bai Shen! What are you doing? Why did you kill Lin Yang?!"

Aunt Xiu's furious roar was heard.

"Aunt Xiu, take a look at his arm; he was infected. After coming in, he would've fully transformed into a zombie and attack us all."

"Don't blame me for killing him. That's what we should do if we don't want to lose our lives."

Bai Shen's cold voice surprised everyone; since the apocalypse began, he seemed to have changed a bit.

Kneeling down, Bai Shen touched the man and chanted, 'Steal.'

Ding! +0.7 Strength. +0.5 Physique. +0.1 Agility.

Ding! 5 XP received!

Name: Bai Shen (18)

Level: 1 [10/100]

Talent: Steal, Prediction


Strength: 17.3

Agility: 16.3

Physique: 15.5

Charisma: 9.5

Luck: 1.1



Surprised at the huge increase in his attributes, Bai Shen felt happy that he also received some extra experience!

'So using Steal also gives me experience? That's just a bonus! Steal is amazing.' Nodding to himself, Bai Shen slowly turned to the others; by now, even Aunt Xiu was silent; she knew that Bai Shen did it for their sake.

"Okay then, let's go outside and begin our hunting."

Hearing what Bai Shen said, the others nodded and followed him outside.

The first thing they saw stunned them; there was smoke coming from everywhere, the top of the buildings, accidents provoked by cars that collided; it was exactly how one would imagine the apocalypse.

On the streets, some people were still running, and some ran after them, but at a slower pace... "Zombies!"

As Fatty Jiang exclaimed, Bai Shen directly dashed forward using his over 16 Agility.

Since a normal human had around 10 Attributes, excluding Charm and Luck, 16 Agility was extremely fast, probably enough to compete for the World Records.

"Let's go and help Bai Shen!" As Lin Ruoxi said that, she brandished her sword and also leapt into action.

Fatty Jiang and Aunt Xiu flanked her, while Li Meixue scouted the area before hiding behind a car and positioning her bow.

Since everyone was in position, Bai Shen didn't have to worry about their life and began his killing spree!

Quickly grabbing a zombie from behind, he softly muttered, "Steal."

Ding! +0.7 Strength. +0.5 Physique. +0.1 Agility.

Ding! 5 XP received!

Using his sword, Bai Shen quickly struck the zombie's head, severing it with a fast motion.

Ding! 5 XP received!

Level: 1 [20/100]


Strength: 18

Agility: 16.4

Physique: 16

'This is good, I reckon we're all going to level up soon at this rate.' Thought Bai Shen after seeing that Aunt Xiu and Li Meixue managed to solo a zombie, while Fatty Jiang and Lin Ruoxi worked together to kill another.

'This is our true start! I won't allow myself or my close ones to fall in this New Era.' Blazing eyes filled with passion, Bai Shen set his eyes on another zombie before dashing towards it...

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