
Human in the First Firmament / Marvel

The first firmament... A perfect Universe created by Him who is above all... The first firmament by itself has a consciousness... a consciousness that sought to create life and worlds in it... creating the Celestials... The Aspirants and the multicolored rebels... But what not many people know... is that A Human being was born in this world so complex... on one of the uninhabited planets created by a celestial. In a universe full of opportunities, but of infinite dangers... Alma will forge his way through the various wars of power... This story doesn't belong to me. I only translate.

Ana_Vazquez_0521 · 电影同人
3 Chs

Chapter 01

Before anything existed... Infinity and Emptiness were born, two extremely powerful entities, and then from them, from infinity and in the void, was born the one who is above all.

A being with enough power to shame any cosmic and multidimensional entity. The void was created as his avatar Knull a being who was born before the one who is above all and witnessed the first firmament being created.

In this empty world, the first life was created, and Knull did not like it at all.

The first firmament was a huge universe, an entity with such power to do whatever it pleased and not fall below Infinity eternity and Emptiness. But the first firmament was and felt lonely its creator 'He who is above all' does not usually intervene in anything he does so he created something to cover that loneliness a mistake that in the future he would regret, that day the celestials were born.

The first race in the universe and they were beings of enormous power capable of creating stars with a single thought, and they did that they filled the First Firmament with light with life, filling the entire universe with stars and new worlds.

But without anyone noticing something in a certain red dwarf star created by a celestial. On one of the planets that formed the system a life... weak, extremely weak unlike the celestials and cosmic level beings, appeared.

No one knows or will know why this living being, came so far back in time to the point of surpassing even the timelines, but here he was a human, his body was fat his face had acne his skin was oily his hair was a normal brown and his eyes a dark black there was nothing remarkable about this human, except for one thing, he did not die, he did not die on a rocky planet with the ambient temperatures to melt even the hardest metals, he did not die on a planet that had no atmosphere and no air for him to breathe.

Opening his eyes, we could appreciate the confusion of this human in front of a sun he did not know and a sky with a different color than the light blue he was so used to.

- "Where am I?" - His voice was hoarse, maybe because he stayed so long playing that he forgot to sleep and drink water, but you could still notice his great confusion.

Getting up from the ground, the human looked around him even more confused, a world on fire was the best he could think of to describe the sight before his eyes.

And how not to be surprised, yes, although it was coming that the world was burning he was well and something happened with a flash of his body he knew his situation and he had to say that he couldn't believe that his body could sweat so much cold sweat.

- "Really... I'm not dreaming am I... how can it be... as I got to the first Marvel firmament... at least they would have thrown me in a time a little closer to the canon."

What fan doesn't know how fucked up this era was, the two sides of Celestials were fighting to the death. The first firmament would be destroyed in no time and everything that existed in it at least until the multiverse was born.

Wanting to cry Alma for the first time in his life, he didn't want to be Isekai or at least not in this time and on a dead planet.

Crying for a while in the face of his impending death, Alma calmed down about an hour later and thought about his situation.

Why wasn't he dying in the first place? He was a normal human in a normal situation, he wouldn't have been able to hold on for half a minute on a planet like this.

He could also breathe even when there's no air in the environment, so since this isn't about him, something external is helping him... but what?

Let's remember... the first firmament in Marvel was the first universe and a perfect one... literally, a universe where the laws were perfect and the energy in the universe was infinite. No matter what kind of energy you think, it exists in abundance in the first firmament.

- "Wait... energy... could it be that my body is adsorbing them on its own... helping me not to die?"

His body was born in a universe where this kind of supernatural energy did not exist so he had no defenses against external energies, maybe those energies were getting inside him easily because he had no defenses. At least, it was the most sensible explanation that his otaku side could come up with, after having used all of his available isekai knowledge.

But there was a problem if this was it, in The fantasy stories there was a disease for bodies like this Mana or energy poisoning. That means that his body has no defenses or control over the energy that enters his body literally, that energy destroys him from within.

As far as he knew, there were only two solutions to this, the first was to learn how to use the energy within himself, and the second was to have a rare herb on duty that could control the energy or purge it from the body if needed. The second one was impossible, this planet was dead but in the first one, something could be done. He has read too many Chinese cultivation novels and fantasy novels to have an idea of how to try to sense the energy.

As for why something from a fantasy world would work, well it's in a primitive fantasy universe, so it doesn't make much difference.

With an idea in mind, Alma did what every reincarnate does first, sit on the floor cross-legged and pray to feel a strange energy inside his body.

Personally, he thought it would take forever but maybe thanks to the abundance of energy in the whole universe he felt it as soon as he closed his eyes he could feel how the energy particles entered his body and how they moved through every corner of his flesh body.

- "This was easier than I thought it would be."

Alma was surprised to feel it so fast, but after realizing what time he was in he took it as normal, his senses must have been saturated by the cosmic energy in the environment.

Concentrating again, he tried to move the energy. At first, it didn't move and, well, it took a long time to move it so much that he doesn't know how many times the red sun went up and down.

The good thing is that he does not need to eat or drink, by the looks of it this was very helpful.

On the day Number unknown... as the sun was rising over the horizon, something happened, with a loud cracking sound the wind swept over the entire planet the cosmic energy danced through Alma's figure increasing his strength and dexterity to superhuman levels his senses exploded to the point that he could hear feel and smell something on the other side of the planet if he wanted to.

The fat of his body was pulverized, leaving the best version of his body sculpted like the gods themselves, with brown hair even lighter and eyes now of a honey color.

He was the first human in this universe to reach the Omega Level, but although powerful actually in front of celestials his power was that of an ant and his cosmic energy reserves were minuscule. But who cares about that, if he was lucky no celestial would come to this planet as long as he stayed away from celestials there was no problem living until the day of the end of the first firmament.





This story doesn't belong to me. I only translate.

Credits to the respective author. Author: NicolasLezcano6

Discord: https://discord.gg/pmkqwvrkGm


Positions are paid.

Translator: Translate Spanish, Portuguese, and French. To English.

Proofreader: Those in charge of reviewing and correcting the translation (grammar, punctuation, etc.).