
Human in the First Firmament / Marvel

The first firmament... A perfect Universe created by Him who is above all... The first firmament by itself has a consciousness... a consciousness that sought to create life and worlds in it... creating the Celestials... The Aspirants and the multicolored rebels... But what not many people know... is that A Human being was born in this world so complex... on one of the uninhabited planets created by a celestial. In a universe full of opportunities, but of infinite dangers... Alma will forge his way through the various wars of power... This story doesn't belong to me. I only translate.

Ana_Vazquez_0521 · Movies
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3 Chs

Chapter 02

Sitting on a rock cooled by Alma he watched the energy taking shape between his hands not for nothing his energy was cosmic though little its effects were still enormous, capable of doing almost anything.

- "I wonder... why there are characters in Marvel that never used it is an energy so versatile and powerful, although there are one or two entities that use it properly the others only use it as an energy to throw in the face of their opponent."

With this energy, you could alter reality itself well currently and with the amount of reserves he couldn't, the first firmament is much more stable than the following universes and multiverse.

Altering something in the current universe costs an insane amount of power but leaving that aside what would he do now?

Leaving the planet as it was, was an absolute no, literally it was a planet of pure rock and lava it may not be able to create life but at least cooling the planet and giving it water shouldn't be too much of a problem.

But before that, he had to do one thing, if he didn't want whatever he created to fly away, he needed an atmosphere.

- "What was the composition of the earth's atmosphere anyway?"

He really couldn't remember at the moment, he wished he had paid attention to his high school classes.

Wrinkling his eyebrows, he decided to start with what he did know first.

- "Well, first it was the oxygen, wasn't it? What's the amount needed? If I put too much it will all burn up again, if I put too little it won't make much difference."

After some thought, he raised his hand and from his hands, a magical pulse was released following his desire and will the cosmic power created oxygen on the planet then nitrogen a large amount followed by argon, carbon dioxide, and water vapor, breathing deeply.

He noticed differences he had to change to feel more comfortable, he still felt the difference with the air of earth, but he had no idea what it was, so he just left it like that.

As for creating life he can't do that and even if he could, he doesn't want to mess with Death who will have already been born, although his power must still be nowhere near his level in the comics for being a multiversal entity he must still have power that for someone like him, it is not easy to mess with.

And although creating life was not against Death itself, it is better to be safe than sorry in terms of overcoming his loneliness.

He got help from his antisocial otaku side and his cosmic energy, which to his luck in trying to erase or seal his emotions worked.

Without emotions, there was no problem of loneliness yes his life would be flat, but it was better than not having a life to use with his emotions sealed away it doesn't take away all his emotions just that he can never really be very happy nor very sad or very angry his emotions will be so weak you can barely tell they are emotions, but he was ok with that.

Closing his eyes, Alma felt the cosmic energy move into his soul and take away or seal away his emotions.

As he opened his eyes again, they were less bright and more cold and devoid of emotion.

- "Well, what now?"

Looking up at the slightly darker blue sky and the red sun shining down on the whole world, Alma wondered what to do next.

Meditating and building up his reserves was a good idea, but before that, he had to think about whether to do it outdoors or create some place where he could be while meditating.

As an otaku of Chinese novels or at least a well-informed reader of these genres, he knew that cultivating in a comfortable place could enhance the effects.

And he wondered if he could make a formation, currently runes do not exist and their meaning is not engraved in the firmament.

- "I wonder if I can create the first runes?"

Technically, runes were ancient words or languages engraved in the firmament creating certain effects an example would be the word fire itself has no power but by signing it in the firmament and its meaning by writing the word and using some energy, you could form fire from the word or letter if you wanted to.

And if you then use the word Infinity and fire at the same time, you could create a flame that would burn infinitely for eternity.

But the question is how to do that. Just write the words and then use cosmic energy, or only some special people can do this?

Cosmic energy would have to help him communicate with the first firmament and engrave these runes, or at least his otaku thinking told him it could work this way.

Thinking for a while, he finally sighed and decided to give it a try, in any case he had nothing better to do.

A book appeared in his hands and he used the cosmic energy to make a book the size of a continent the size of the palm of his hand without losing its original size.

On the cover, he wrote something simple.

[Magic Words in Spanish]

Yes, an average title, but he never said he was good at giving titles and what he spoke was Spanish he knew English, but it wasn't his mother tongue, so why choose it?

Opening the first page, he started to write word by word the Spanish language and its meanings.

This was not something easy that could be done in a day, but without emotions and being entertained by what he was doing, in the end he didn't notice the pass of time.

As they say, for an ant its life is long, but for a human, it is just a blink of an eye, for humans their lives are long, but for the gods, they are blinks of an eye, and for the cosmic beings' life has no limit.

Actually, his life was unlimited thanks to the cosmic energy, so his time lost a lot of meaning, and as the only living being on this planet and solar system it didn't matter how much time he wasted, no one was waiting for him.

So the days passed, and before he knew it he spent 365 days a full year, where he never stopped writing word by word in the book that didn't seem that big even though it contained almost all the existing words in the Spanish language.

400,000 words were written in this book, enough to say that it is the most complete book of Spanish that has ever existed.

Closing the cover carefully, Alma looked with a small smile at his work, he accomplished something incredible he doesn't know how much time he spent, but he knows it was a lot and yet it was worth it.

- "Now the most important part is if it works I will be the creator of the first runes of the universe, if it doesn't work I lost nothing."

Taking a deep breath, he moved the cosmic energy of his body into the book, constantly moving his will and thought to what he wanted to achieve.

The world vibrated and space rippled, and the firmament itself could feel the change but didn't take much notice and accepted it.

Causing the book in Alma's hands to glow with an incredible amount of golden light, and the words within took form and meaning on a cosmic level.

From this day onwards, anyone using the words within this book could ascend to the cosmic power within the book and thereby create effects that would alter reality itself.

By the time everything calmed down, and the book was back in his hands, Alma could feel the connection to the book and how it would grow in power along with it.

For now, the runes had limited power as their creator had limited power, but as Alma became more and more powerful the effects of the runes would increase with his power.

Rising from the ground, Alma decided to test the power of the runes.