
Chapter 4 Treasure Trove

"Shouldn't there be a fire dragon guarding it?"

  Professor McGonagall asked, looking at the darkness ahead of them and speaking a little strangely.

  According to what she knew, those really valuable vaults in the Ancient Spirit Court would have fire dragons guarding them in front of them. And the Gunter family's heritage, even if you think with your toes, you know that it must not be some ordinary vault, right? What's more crucial is that ... the location here is just too far forward, and the Ancient Spirit Pavilion's sliding carriage is quite a poor experience to ride, which everyone knows.

  But every time they come to get their money, everyone still inevitably has to take such a walk. But this time, the ride didn't even last half a minute. The ride seemed superfluous. It felt like a deliberate attempt to make people ignore the place. If it hadn't happened this time, then Professor McGonagall would never have thought that there would be a vault in this location.

  The goblin turned its head to look at Professor McGonagall, the look wasn't quite menacing, but it wasn't exactly friendly either.

  "There is no need, none of these vaults here need our protection. If it wasn't a member of this family who tried to open the doors to the treasure trove, then there is no way they would have made it out of the trove alive."

  The goblin replied casually, there really wasn't much he could say after all.

  Naturally Professor McGonagall sensed that something was wrong. The treasury of the Ancient Spirit Court was actually at the mercy of the people who stored the treasures, there must be an unknown deal behind it.

  Luke didn't really care, there was absolutely nothing wrong with his bloodline, and he honestly didn't have a clue about the amount of money here himself.

  Hell knows how much money had been taken out of it in previous generations and how much had been left to him.

  Think of all the fine furniture and elegant artwork in his own chalet. Luke was slightly pessimistic, but hopefully there was still enough money left for him to buy some basic supplies. As for the means to earn money, he would naturally not be without it.

  Step by step, the three of them, each with their own thoughts, made their way deeper into the cave.

  A little later, after turning an unknown number of corners, a light suddenly appeared in front of them, and their eyes, which had adapted to the darkness, felt a stinging sensation for a moment, only vaguely seeing a flash of the gate, but soon the light adaptation ended, and they finally saw the full view of the treasure trove gate in front of them.

  It appeared to be six or seven metres high, with magnificent and dignified carvings of the heads of many of the famous ancestors of House Gaunt, including Slytherin, but for some reason all of these heads had their eyes closed. In the middle of the door is a conspicuous keyhole. Surrounding the keyhole was a serpent with a tail carved out of emerald.

  Truth be told, both Luke and Professor McGonagall were taken aback at the sight of the door. The door of the treasure trove was worth a lot of money in terms of material alone. Luke instantly felt quite confident about the deposit in the treasure trove.

  The goblin stopped in his tracks and said to Luke, "Please use the key in your hand to open the door."

  After saying that, he simply turned around and left without any half-hearted hesitation. For one thing, it was a promise they had made back then, that they would not go near the vault while it was open until it was theirs. For two, as far as he could remember, the Gunter family's treasury should not have been opened for centuries. After all, the Gaunt family was very rich, and even after the numerous sums of money in the treasury, there was still lots and lots and lots of money.

  Unlike the outside world, the goblins knew about the Gunter family's split right from the start. As for the reason, they didn't know and didn't care. All they knew was that if this heir of the Gaunt family didn't come before them, then this huge sum of money, which was supposed to be theirs soon, would have belonged to them.

  So he really didn't want to be irritated by this.

  Professor McGonagall watched as the goblin left and Luke walked to the door with his keys and hurriedly spoke up and asked, "Luke, do you need me to step back for a moment?"

  Luke looked back at Professor McGonagall, saw the sincerity on the professor's face, and then shook his head decisively, "There's no need Professor.

I trust you."

  Then without waiting for a response from the professor, he quickly inserted the key into the lock hole and turned it.

  As it turned, the eyes of the ancestors' heads slowly opened, revealing the large emeralds beneath their eyelids. In the next instant, all the 'eyes' were fixed on Luke, who was standing in front of the door below, and cast a grim green glow.

  Professor McGonagall subconsciously took two steps back at the first sight of the green light, her instincts telling her that if she were to cling to the light, she would not end up well.

  But the next moment, she stopped her retreat and even took a step forward, close to the edge of the green glow, and kept her eyes on Luke, watching him for any signs of a change. His right hand had grasped his wand, as if ready to step in to Luke's aid.

  After all, this thing hadn't been opened in I don't know how many years. Who knew it was still not working well.

  Luke just felt like he was back home at this point. The cold green light on the outside gave him a very warm feeling when it shone on him, like the gentle touch and earnest instructions of those kind elders, full of concern.

  'It's a pity it's green ...'

  Luke couldn't help but mutter in his heart after all.

  The green light did not last long, disappearing completely after a few moments. The doors slowly opened to reveal what was inside.

  "Hiss ----" x 2

  Luke and Professor McGonagall let out a backwards gasp in unison as they saw the scene inside the treasure vault.

  Luke remembered his own face of shock and envy when he saw Harry's little gold mountain in the movie back then. It felt like Harry was a rich boy at the time!

  Of course, he later learned that the Potter family had a monopoly on the shampoo business in the wizarding world, so he didn't know how many generations rich he was.

  But now, looking at the golden mountain that was more than six meters tall and more than a dozen people hugged in front of him, Luke finally understood what it meant to be an old-fashioned aristocrat.

  This was only the first glimpse, more treasures would have to be inventoried when they entered the treasury.

  Luke suddenly got a little weak in the knees, and in that instant, he understood how Wang Duoyu had felt back then.

  But fortunately, the poise the system had cultivated in him kept him from losing his temper after all.

  Professor McGonagall was not a person who had not seen money before. On the contrary, as Vice-Principal, a large part of the work Professor McGonagall had to handle was the logistics of Hogwarts.

  The food and drink for hundreds of children, the salaries of the professors and so on, these were all areas where money was used.

  But the scene before her was still a shock. Professor McGonagall at this moment suddenly feel really poor ah ... more critical is that it is known that in a treasure trove among the money, generally is the most worthless things, the biggest role of this thing is to confuse the small thieves who do not know the goods of.

  A sack full of money is not necessarily as valuable as a small ornament that you can slip into your pocket.

  The treasure trove in front of her amazed her with the money alone, and the value of the treasures in it, she did not quite dare to think.

  The two men froze for a moment in unison. Then it was Luke who came back to his senses first and said to Professor McGonagall, "Professor, would you like to come in and have a look?"

  Professor McGonagall subconsciously wanted to refuse, after all, it did not look like a place for an outsider like her to enter.

  But before she could finish her sentence, Luke then spoke, "I'm serious, Professor, if I didn't have you to lead me today, then I wouldn't even be able to touch the door of this treasure trove."

  He was also telling the truth, after all, the person who had brought him here today could be said to have literally brought him into the world of wizards, and this kindness really did weigh heavily on Luke's mind.

  "It was my duty to bring you here, and it's not like I'm the one who has to do this."

  Naturally Professor McGonagall still wanted to push back, after getting over the initial shock Professor McGonagall regained her composure, after all things like money and treasures didn't mean much to the current Professor McGonagall. If she wanted money and enjoyment then all she had to do was leave Hogwarts and take up a post elsewhere and the money would come pouring in.

  A top shapeshifting master, status and insight aside, that battle prowess alone would be enough for everyone to come forward and make friends.

  "But it's you today isn't it? It's our destiny."

  Luke smiled and extended the invitation again, "At the very least, please come in and see. Please escort me too, after all, I am equally clueless about this treasure trove, lest I come across something with danger."

  The fact that the words have come to this point, UU read the book www. uukanshu.com Professor McGonagall also knows that he can no longer push back, so he nodded and followed Luke into the treasure trove together.

  When they walked into the treasure vault, the treasures therein once again shook the eyes of the two. Whether it was the expensive gems, the precious magic materials, or the rows of magic manuals, their value could not be measured by those money.

  Luke glanced around the treasure trove, then was a little disinterested.

  There was no problem with the magic manuals, precious and profound. But there wasn't much benefit to him in touching it now. A man who had just learned junior high school physics had to gnaw on quantum physics, the hardships of which were easy to think about. Not to mention that this was magical knowledge, and knowing it too soon might even harm him.

  There is no problem with the magical materials: the heart and nerves of a fire dragon; the hair and horns of a unicorn; the tail feathers, beak and claws of a phoenix. There were even some parts of Eastern divine beasts and numerous precious herbs. But with his 3 points of Potions talent, I'm afraid these materials would only be able to bribe Snape to scold him less.

  And the unicorn's fur? Hagrid has all the blankets there ...

  What would be more valuable would be those magic props, but he couldn't make a habit of relying on them too much now.

  As for gems and antiquities, in the end it was just more money. Luke reckoned he wouldn't be able to spend it all until he died, after all, the level of consumption in the wizard world was not exactly high. Nor were there any luxury items that were too exaggerated.

  When all this money belonged to him, Luke instantly felt tasteless.

  He glanced at Professor McGonagall and found that she was reading a magic manual carefully. Every now and then she would nod her head or frown, obviously having an insight.

  Luke smiled faintly.

  Ah! What a fragrance!